WoW Closed Beta Ending...

I was about to make a thread on it... you beat me :)
* Letters starts to shake

Must... get... more... crack... no... crack... no... WoW... mmmmm...
email i just recieved said:

If you are receiving this email, you are one of the valued testers currently in World of Warcraft’s closed beta test. This message is to inform you that the beta servers will be coming down at 3:00 PM PDT on Friday, October 29 and will remain offline for a few days in preparation for another stress test. Your account and characters will be active for this stress test, but a new client download will be required. After the game servers come down on Friday the 29th, you will be able to log in to the community site and download the new client.

Once the beta-server preparations are complete, we will announce the start of the stress test, and the servers will come back online. When that happens, you will be able to log back in, download a quick patch, and then continue playing. Please keep an eye on for more information about the stress test in the days ahead!

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you’ve been putting in to make World of Warcraft a better game. You’ve done a great job, and without you, the classes would not be where they are today, places like the Barrens would not be as rich as they are today, and the changes implemented from your suggestions would never have taken place.

We hope you've been enjoying your exclusive look at World of Warcraft these past few weeks and months, and we hope you'll take some satisfaction in knowing that you’ve played a big part in shaping its destiny. We'll see you again online soon!


Blizzard Entertainment

^^^ i get to use my character in the stress test :D we can all get together again, and all you puny newcomers can be led by a REAl hero, a level 26 hero! with a big mace! and somer uber armour! LOOK FORWARD TO IT :D
Suicide, did they bring back the 2 handed axes to the druids?
Suicide42 said:
^^^ i get to use my character in the stress test :D we can all get together again, and all you puny newcomers can be led by a REAl hero, a level 26 hero! with a big mace! and somer uber armour! LOOK FORWARD TO IT :D

that means you have to craft us some Über items and armour :D
I hope they open up new servers so I don't have to play with the closed beta people's characters... I don't want to see level 60's and shit running around...

this is just a taster of the things that were going on!!! in my last desperate rush, i made a guild (so many people signed my charter lol :D) and rushed to westfall to try and se the giant, level 70 pumpkin. unfortunately the beta ended just as the gryphon landed, so i guess i may never see that pumpkin :(

anyway, cya in the stress test :D
your not bitter.... good for you! :)
and yeah, bundle me up some gold when we play :p
i have 20 gold in game. if gold is carried over to the stress test (which it must do) ill give evryone a gold peice. may not sound like much but it is when you start off :P and there will probally be like 5 or more poeple from, which only leaves my with 15 gold or less... and i need that money for expensive items at the auction :P

one of the funnest things in WOW is going the the n00b area, and just randomly giving a level 3 character 20 silver :P ive done it a couple of times now ;) someone did it to me when i was just an itty bitty level 1 paladin :) i payed her back double later though :P
I dont know why people are against beta testers keeping their chars...

also, post the client download link plz :)

/me gets 1 gold
/me buys kitten for 40s
-=jt=- said:
I dont know why people are against beta testers keeping their chars...

also, post the client download link plz :)

/me gets 1 gold
/me buys kitten for 40s

at the auction you can pick up a whole bunch of different pets... i got a parrot for 20s, and an owl for 30s. plus i saw a black dragon whelp for about 30 gold.... :O

and about the link, ill post it when its avaliable. beta testers were supposed to get it now, but i think their having some problems so we get it the same time as you :P