WoW European beta test

Never played an mmorpg in my life. I did sign up for this on tho. Maybe I get picked as the sceptic one.
Dang, sounds cool.. Never signed up though, I'll just listen to others opinions :)
yep, signed up. hope i get picked

*fingers legs arms and everything else crossed*
Can't be arsed, I hardly ever get picked anyway.
mortiz said:
Can't be arsed, I hardly ever get picked anyway.

Yeah same here, I almost never win the lottery..
What happens if you can't remember if you've already applied, and the application says it disqualifies multiple applications... DAMNIT.

*applies anyway*
I signed up for the US beta, never got a reply so I'm hoping I get picked for this one. I coerced three friends into signing up for me, just in case you know :)
Of course I signed up! I need a new MMORPG in my life, UO has gotten boring after 4 years...
Signed up two days ago, and hope to be chosen. :)
Crap what if you signed up for the US Beta and you sign up for this one, does that count as multiple sign ups?
This is the European beta test. Undoubtedly, all American applicants will be disqualified.
signed up on monday.

i was thinking about making a thread... but that would have mean that everyone signed up and i would have had less chances of getting in...

man i am selfish :P

but it IS an mmorpg beta... so im sure you can forive me :p

plus i have been going on about how kewl it is for ages...