wow great update,way to drop my fps


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
im running a amd 3400+ with 1 gig of ram and a x800 xt pe

before i could run this game with x4 and x16 and get nice fps ranging between 60 fps to 100

now haha wow 30 fps constant nearly,terrible,i dunno what the hell this update has done but jesus,makes my x800 run like a 96 graphic card,valve sort this out.
Does it look different now though? Can someone post some screenies?
FPS drop

Yea, I have a AMD 2800+ @2.2ghz,1gig pc3500, running 218fsb with an x800pro flashed to x800xt @ 520/560. My frames used to be between 70-100 sometimes dropping to 50-60. Now I've seen them go down to 30. Maybe Valve changed their mind and decided Nvidia was going to be the card of choice for Hl2.

fuzzy_aus said:
Does it look different now though? Can someone post some screenies?

Yea it looks worse because I decided to turn down my settings.
For me, everytime I restard CS:S the video settings get reset and go back to 6x AA so maybe thats what the deal is for you make sure to go into those settings everytime before you play and change them back to how they were.
I have not noticed a FPS drop, I think the update is great, the new bullet decals look alot more realistic, even more so on the metal (cars, barrels etc)
i didn't noticed a fps drop either (x800pro) but it feels less smooth even at higher fps
AMD XP 2000+
640mb DDR ram
9600XT and I too have seen a fps drop since the patch.
I've noticed its a little less smooth then it was before. And personally i thought the previous decals were better then the new ones. I'd like it if they would implement both of them. That would solve everything
i got a 9800pro ,and i noticed a fps INCREASE! U HEARD ME RIGHT!!!! but it seems a bit skippyer
I have not noticied any FPS drop, I run everything on high settings, with 4xAF and no AA @ 1024x768 with a 9800 pro and A64 3200+ w/1gig RAM. Gameplay is just as smooth but the fixes I welcome with open arms, I guess Valve needs to fix the FPS problem you guys are getting but they wouldn't let it go downhill like that, have faith in them! GJ Valve (no sarcasm)!
it boosted mine and i love the new hit detection now woooot!

Amd 2200+
Radeon 9800 pro
1gig pc2700

And I noticed a 20-30fps to 40-60 fps gain.
Dropped down 9 FPS indoors.

I like the new hand texture - not amazing - but still looks better than the older shittier one. The decals on barrels and wood crates are greatly improved. The bump-mapping seemed more pronounced in some areas. Hitboxes rock even more now - shot my friend very near the leg - but not exactly on it, and it really did miss.

Overall - a good update.
lol, nothing happened with the fps, your comps just suck lol I actually notcied a performance boost :) So, I guess I am smart and take care of my comp :) I've had no problems with my 9800p and new patch :) suckers

oh and i get no stutters :D guess valve loves the 9800p again LOL
Thank god I'm not the only one.

Got Athlon 2800+, 1GB PC2700, x800 pro. Used to get 70-100fps before the update, now I get ~30fps, but it drops down to 20 when more then 3 or 4 players show up on screen. Didn't happen before :(

1024x768, playing at 6xAA 16xAF and 4xAA 8xAF doesn't make any difference on mine. The fps stays the same.
The FPS did drop to just about nothing.
Before at 1024x768 with max settings 0xAA 4xAF
I would get 30-40 fps.

Now I get 20-30, and always slows down to 10 in action.

Even at 640x480 with lowest detail settings.

Amd Athlon XP 1800+
512mb pc2100 ram from crucial
asus a7v266-e
radeon 9800 pro 128mb

The stress test doesn't seem to be useful for CS:S
becouse I got 60 fps running that thing in the past.
i have found out the problem,i have now got it running even better than before :) constant 80-100 fps
I got a boost from 45 to 60, so I dunno why you all got drops.
uziholda said:
i have found out the problem,i have now got it running even better than before :) constant 80-100 fps

lemme guess, everything to low quality :p :LOL:
uziholda said:
i have found out the problem,i have now got it running even better than before :) constant 80-100 fps
so... WHAT IS IT!? :p

Sorry but I'd like a bit of my performance back :)
basically,before i ran on x4 and x16 with my x800 xt for some reason i dunno why,i reinstalled the 4.8`s and then put it on x6 and x16 now im getting 120 fps constant and it drops to 50 fps at lowest in all firefights,and im running on 1600x1200 ress

the framerate drop was due to the fact that i was running on 1024 res and the x800 works better at higher res,try reinstalling your ati drivers see if it works..if not then bomb valve headquarters,thats what i was gonna do if i did not fix it (just kidding dont really bomb them lol)
Wow yes! I dropped almost 30 FPS since the last update!!!!
I had a slight drop overall, but FPs still doesnt drop in action or anything.

Your giving negative feedback, you need to chill out, send them a bug report and let them know nicely whats wrong.
ya i used to get 40-60 FPS now i get 20-40 FPS how stupid. :)
I have a nvidia card and my fps went up 10 right off - woot! I needed it...
