Wow I just won a trip


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
I entered a locol travel agency trip giveaway and won.

I can go anywhere in europe/england/whatever small hick country.

So the trip is only good for one time in the next 12 months.

I get airplane tickets hotel cost and $1500 to spend. :)

So where should I go?

France is out of the question!
I am thinking about england becasuse there are so many people on the forums that are from england.
Also my grandpa was in WW2 and I had thought about seeing the places he was in but that would mean france. :( (He went through D-Day)

So if I choose england do some of you guys want to meet? and hang out or something? (I mean I still have 12 months to deside)

I figure that when i pick where i am going to it will be 3 months or so before i get the tickets and get every thing aranged over here. (work and that crap)
Come to my town! Oh live in the north, which according to people in the south, is a crap hole.
France is nice, im going on holiday there. Although, like much of Europe they have a funny attitude towards American tourists.
came to manchester :D. and fenric, i think you'll find its the south thats the crap hole ;P full of big headed, arrogant people. and it smells :P. no offense to anyone !!!!
Well I wouldnt be a "tourist" Id be doing my own thing. Screw tours of big john the 3333rd privet outhouse.

I mean Id wonder around on my own and not mess with other americans or whoever on those big tour buses.
Come to Finland, during the summer it's really cool here (not the weather :P it's kinda like england, only less rain). No tourist buses here, lots of bars, nice atmosphere + the island region is really cool.
O yeah I dont drink or smoke pot. So there goes half of europe. JK
lucky bastard!!! congrats

go to the coast of spain or Ibiza in august. Here's just one women from all over the world
O and thanks for calling me a Lucky B

Hmmm well ill be taking my GF and shes hot enough for me. :)
well done on winning. i bet you entered thinking, meh i'll never win ;)

if you want to come to europe, and include everyone, then the easiest place for everyone to get to is...well....france :/ there's loads of train links into and out of france. germany is a pretty cool place to go to as well. or try switzerland, catch a bit of skiing.

plenty of options.
switzerland, germany,(germany because of my grandpa) where two other places I wouldnt mind checking out.
thenerdguy said:
O and thanks for calling me a Lucky B

Hmmm well ill be taking my GF and shes hot enough for me. :)

k ...your GF will love shopping in spain. plus all the really nice beaches great food and wine

btw my "Lucky B" comment was due to an overwhelming feeling of jealousy
Yeah paintballing among the people would be cool.

Heh, it seems so far the north of England is the place to be...since it has more 'votes' :D
don't go oop north! they still use leaves to wipe their arses. at least we're civilised down here :P
ive never noticed that no.
and for the record, the lower-GreatBritain-Massive is much cooler than upper england!
but anyways, personally, if i were you, i would go to the alps in either France ( i know, its France, but they do have good ski slopes), Switzerland, or italy and go skiing. But that is only because im addicted to skiing :naughty:

anyways, if not that, then u can come visit your motherland, England :p
Dear god, what is this with everyone hating france?
I don't hate France...Because you are from Finland you wouldn't understand. Its not so much a hate, but just a thing thats engrained into our culture. The English have always had a funny sort of love hate (without the love :D) relationship with France. Few people here actually hate the French....we just like to make fun of them. Many English people love France and its culture, but that doesnt mean we like them....ahem...yes.

Heh, willber...Lower Great Britain massive says it all :)...

Snowboarding is much cooler than skiing....can you guess which one i love doing? :)
So it's probably the same thing as the swedes and finns making jokes about the norwegians? or the constant competition in sports between finland and sweden?

BTW here's a good one:

How do you make a norwegian go mad?
you put him in a round room and tell him to go stand in a corner.
well im not into skiing or snow boarding.

I am into paint ball and air soft. :)

Most americans dont hate the french, but we dont like them. :)

Ok im looking at that map and it doesnt look to bad. We would land in london and its what 200 miles to you guys from london? sorry just gussing at the distance.

Unless we can have some kind of meeting somewhere, or something. :)
Something around that...For an American, traveling the length of Britain probably doesn't seem that bad....Of course, that is because you haven't actually used the public transport system ;)
Hey ive rode on a horse for over 500 miles before.I think i can take your public trans system just fine. :)
SHIPPI said:
I'm east of York, right on the coast.

A meeting would be really cool...but I don't know how willing my parents would be to let me go... :(
yeah, same :(

my parents [dad] are always asking who im takling to in msn and things, so im not too sure how happy they'de be if i said i was going to town with some 'random' people i met on the internet :rolleyes:
Come to kent :P, theres Badger,me and Zerimski here. But us kent people arnt to friendly/ just plain weird (looking at badger).
Tony, Zerimski has moved ;(

Actually, we should do a meet. I shall plan :)
Its a shame because if it wasn't for the peado stories in the news, parents would probably be more willing to let their children go to meet people...Although, im not sure whether that would be a good thing or bad thing. Who knows, someone on this very forum could be a weirdo in disguise....My guess is FarrowLeSparrow....Ive seen the way he looks at me in the mirror.
I've met Zerimski the forum admin, and this september I'll be meeting PiMuRho, Munro, PistolOnly, HotSoup, onions and simmo

Whoa, lucky guy!

Get to sweden and i'll introduce you to some hot swedish singles
CrazyHarij said:
Whoa, lucky guy!

Get to sweden and i'll introduce you to some hot swedish singles

can i come too? :bounce:
CrazyHarij said:
Whoa, lucky guy!

Get to sweden and i'll introduce you to some hot swedish singles
I may well be in Sweden this summer, on my way to Poland :D