Wow, little for alot.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
So I went to EB Games today, intending to sell Oblivion, Hitman Blood Money, Deus Ex: Invisible War and Condemned all for PC, and Matrix: Path of Neo and King Kong for PS2, and Far Cry: Instincts: Predator for XBOX 360 expecting to get like $20 for all of them (the first three I listed for PC don't even come close to running on my computer, so they are useless to me), and was going to buy Blood Money for 360.

Now, last time (about a year ago) I'd sell a game at EB Games, I'd usually get dirt cheap prices, but not anymore. Just Oblivion got me $30, and Condemned got me $20. I was really surprised. Here I was expecting to sell all these games to only buy one 360 game, but I only sold 2 of them and ended up getting:

Hitman: Blood Money for $25
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory for $15
Half-Life 2: Episode 1 for $10 (new)

I didn't even have to spend any real money. It's freakin sweet, I'm going to sell more games more often there! It used to be shitty to sell games, now it's awesome! I kept all my other games, by the way, so I only no longer have Oblivion and Condemned, which are useless, as they don't even run on my PC anyways.

Just wanted to say how much prices change alot of the course of 1 year. Last year I'd sell all those for like $20, now I sold 2 of them for $50!

Off to FINALLY play Episode 1!

P.S. Chaos Theory is a million times better then Double Agent (which I do own). Just wanted to say that, too.
Yeah, Chaos Theory is great (although I haven't played Double Agent - damn SM 3.0 requirement!), co-op is cool too.
I got ?5 for 2 Xbox games (Driv3r and KOTOR) and GAME were selling a PRE-OWNED (!) Paper Mario 2 for ?25. It's two years old...bloody rip-off. Good game though. :D
I go to a store called Gamecrazy that gives me some pretty good credit whenever I return anything. I remember the first time going there and getting 20 bucks for Ninja Gaiden (It was about a year old by than, and I gave it to them without the book).
Used to ALWAYS trade in games down at the local Gamestation like when I was college often, not there anymore so never any other reason to head there.
I don't trade games as I always seem to get ripped off.
I never really sell games to shops, as you end up getting peanuts in return. I'd prefer to just keep my games, as often I get the odd urge to play something retro. Oblivion, for instance, is a game that you can return to later and play again in a completely different way, and enjoy for totally different reasons - so I'd never really sell it.

That said, when I go to uni I'm probably never going to play any of my old games again, so I've got no idea what I'm gonna go with them :P
holy crap, you have not played ep1!!
I shouldn't have either. When I finished Half-Life 2, and there was the explosion at the end, I didn't be like "OMG I WANT MORE!!! STUPID CLIFFHANGERS!" I was more like "eh, it was a damn fun game". I didn't even really wonder anything about the end of HL2 (odd, I know, especially for someone like me). Then I just beat EP1 today..




EP1 was a bajillion times better then HL2, even though it was shorter there was alot more character development, story development, more action.. just.. More everything. It even had a Ravenholm-like level (Lowlife). God damn. Now EP1 made me go "OMG I WANT MORE!!! STUPID CLIFFANGERS!" I f*cking can't wait for EP2. F*ck.. I really shouldn't have played it until I bought EP2 at it's release..

Oblivion, for instance, is a game that you can return to later and play again in a completely different way, and enjoy for totally different reasons - so I'd never really sell it.
I play Morrowind + Both expansions for PC, and I must say -


Now, that said, it didn't run well on my computer anyways, so it WAS kind of useless. ;)

Episode 1 costs ten dollars?
I wasn't even looking at PC games, I was looking at PS2/360 games, and while I was walking to the shelves that had PS2/360 games, I just look to my left and saw episode 1 - at eye level, right beside my head. Then I looked at the price tag, and thought "god damn, $10! Umm... YES!". Otherwise I probably wouldn't have bought it.
Actually, when I went there the guy was like "I don't even know if we'll be able to take these computer games, but your PS2 and 360 games we can take.". And then when he scanned Oblivion he told me it was the highest they ever bought a used PC game for. He actually gave me more then they'd sell it for (used PC Oblivion is $24.99, he gave me $30.. heh, I ripped THEM off, for once!). So, really, the only reason I got $50 for 2 games is out of pure luck.. They say alot of factors depend on how a game sells, like CD condition (it was perfect) and crap like that. Everything in the box was flawless, as I only played it one time. I don't know if the fact that that particular copy of Oblivion was when they first came out, so it was still rated teen, maybe that boosted the price?
If it's ten bucks then why do all the trolls complain about the price ffs? Jeez...
Theres a couple gamestops around me and they all have different policies on used PC games. The one nearest me accepts PC games and you get a decent amount back too, but I hardly ever seem to return PC games. I think its just I like having all those boxes on my shelf or something D:
Lol, so I retract my previous statement about EB being good for pre-owned games.

Went in today to exchange my PS2 controller (for about the fifth time), and while browsing spotted a game I'd been after for awhile - MGS3. Of course I've never seen it anywhere at a decent price, and this time was no exception. $95 - that's $5 less than full price for most PS2 games - not to mention it was pre-owned, wasn't the special edition (only "Snake Eater"), had a note on the front that specified it came without a manual, and on top of all that looked to be in pretty bad shape (although I couldn't speak for the discs).

Went to the next place (Harvey Norman), and there was MGS3: Subsistence - the 3 disc edition - sitting on the shelf, brand new for $100. I picked it up half because I wanted it and half out of spite. :P

Now if I could just get past this cutscene...
Wow.. They had MGS3 at my EB Games for $7 and Subsistance for $10... Your place must suck balls! I already own MGS3 (non-Subsistance), so I didn't buy them..
$100? Shit me. D:
Yeap. We get pretty bummed in the anus for game prices - not to mention release dates on all but the most major titles (although for a select few we get them earlier than anyone else, since we're the foremost timezone :)).
Can you buy them from online sites and save some money?
Can you buy them from online sites and save some money?
Some, but not much. Ordering from overseas might save a bit more in the long run, but that's only after postage, the additional wait, and getting around things like region codes. Plus no credit card = lose.

And uhh... couriers can never seem to find my address >_>