Wow, now that took alot of free time

Some people are just stupidly talented.

Nice Find, by the way. Always good having you around :D
Holy crap!!

Now they must of cheated somehow! Elastic wires I tell ya! :P
JiMmEh said:
Holy crap!!

Now they must of cheated somehow! Elastic wires I tell ya! :P

Or just using old jedi powers :rolling:
Oh wow...

Thats pretty damn impresive I have to say...

/me saves to computer

/me has way too many cool videos on his computer....
of course they edited out all the missed ones :p
Woah. I can't do that even if I'm standing next to the damn thing :( and a few mates had exactly the SAME idea at our gym....though it didn;t go a smoothly as this
JiMmEh said:
Holy crap!!

Now they must of cheated somehow! Elastic wires I tell ya! :P
Aimbot, perhaps? I also suggest a revolver hack, did you see the way he could see behind him like that? When VAC 2 comes out he's gonna be cryin', I tells ya!
nbk said:
WTF I wish I could do that.

What? Edit videos really well?

For all we know they are physics geeks would calculated each shot to the smallest detail :p
I got good at NS CO, these guys got good at throwing a ball into a net. Practice makes anything happen :)
LittleB said:
I got good at NS CO, these guys got good at throwing a ball into a net. Practice makes anything happen :)
Haxx makes it happen faster.

Roll on VAC2 :smoking:

EDIT: Did anyone get their steam ID's?
dekstar said:
Haxx makes it happen faster.

Roll on VAC2 :smoking:

EDIT: Did anyone get their steam ID's?

I think using cheats actually lowers your skill.
That is impressive, and yes it probably took a lot of time to get it right hehe.
I don't know why people are so impressed by some of those. Heh. Sure, they're impressive to look at, and perhaps the actual feat of doing some of the longer ranged ones, but its all about balisitc arcs. Just like with pool, you can make many 'very' complicated shots in nearly every single time if you get the method of it correct. Its all about angles for pool, and in this case... ballistics.
Raziaar said:
I don't know why people are so impressed by some of those. Heh. Sure, they're impressive to look at, and perhaps the actual feat of doing some of the longer ranged ones, but its all about balisitc arcs. Just like with pool, you can make many 'very' complicated shots in nearly every single time if you get the method of it correct. Its all about angles for pool, and in this case... ballistics.

It still takes skill to hit that exact spot on the wall from the ranges they make it..

Plus theres just the rediculously long shots they make.

There is definatly skill there. :)
It almost looks like the ball is tied to a string or something and perfectly floats to the hoop and drops in.
pfft thats nothing. Toss a goal out of a plane at 20,000 feet, freefall after it and shoot 60 shots in a row all without a parachute - then I'll be impressed.
Wow, the best shot I ever made was from 15 feet away these guys are amazing
Just for everyones information, the fish eye lens gives the illusion of the shots being more amazing than they really are.

Even though they are still amazing anyway.