WoW = Spyware


Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
glad I don't play WoW :p

I originally read it on but haw interesting
Ya its been known for months now. I play WoW and honestly I prefer that over the added potential for cheaters. It was also through further investigations that it was found to be not as bad as that poster makes it seem. Several people were being tricked into thinking that little sniffer was looking at things it really wasn't.
Ye, didn't you know that Blizzard obviasly care about what websites people and visit and the people they talk to. You have just uncovered there plan to take over the world :O how amazing.

EDIT: World of Warcraft is an amazing game, they have special teams who go around a shut down and even procicute many cheating websites and emulated servers. This is a service many games companys do not provide. Infact, look for yourself. Serch for World of Warcraft emulation and I can garantee that nearly 1/2 of the websites have been shut down and now have licence law suit messages on them.
WoW > you

And I don't have anything to hide.

IMO I don't think privacy is a natural right - It is something to be protected but not assumed.
IMO I don't think privacy is a natural right - It is something to be protected but not assumed.
Not by the American Government.
People are way too anal about these kinds of things.
Whats Bliz going to do with this info? Nothing adverse at all.
On the one hand, I strongly disagree with this simply on principle.

On the other hand, Blizzard are great and I trust them not to give all the info to ethiopian mafia syndicates.
Windows = Spyware, You're all ****ed now. Ahaha...*sobs and walks away*
Blizzard is using this to detect hacks. It just makes a hash of the window's title and compares it to known hashes of cheating programs. The info is only sent to Blizzard's servers if the hash checks positive with a known hacking program (client side check). Nothing to worry about :)
OmegaX said:
I'm glad i don't play my WoW on Blizzard servers.

And I hope you're having fun on those empty, glitchy, pointless servers :)
Ya, if you're looking for free MMORPG servers go for a bit older game that has nearly bug-free private servers. Like Ragnarok or Lineage 2 ;)
This was posted on the WoW forums. I really don't know if its true or not but it certainly doesn't make the author of that article look good.
I just wanted to let you guys know that the Author of "Wow is Spyware" over at that EVERYONE has been linking recently, is a development team member on a certain program that is SPECIFICALLY designed to hack/cheat in World of Warcraft.

The article everyone is linking is here:

I am not going to name the hack program, nor am I going to link to it, as that is against the EULA, however, if a blue name gives me specific permission, I will name or link the software, along with a link to their forums where "Hoglund" is listed as a Development team member. This information was not hard to find, so I'm sure if anyone tried a little bit, they could find it.

A blue can also contact me at the email address listed on my account for a link to this webpage.

It becomes quite obvious that Hoglund wrote up that article, and made it sound much worse than it actually is in an attempt to make a riot so that Blizzard would be forced to remove their detection programs, thereby making HIS software easier to maintain. The detection software he is openly bashing is in place to prevent people like HIM from hacking the game we play.

This is a lesson to all of you, stop taking crap at face value, and listening to propeganda...

Note: There is a CHANCE that someone who is a developer for WOW hacking software happens to share an online handle with a person who wrote an article against bot detecting software, however, the coincidence would be pretty amazing...
Holy shit some of you are dense. It doesn't matter what they use it for or if the information is public or if you've got something to hide or not. NEVER relinquish your rights or allow huge companies to freely read information from you without your permission, regardless of how petty it may seem. Accordingly, get damn pissed when they do. Do you WANT to fall down a slippery slope? Think it'll be fun?
FictiousWill said:
Holy shit some of you are dense. It doesn't matter what they use it for or if the information is public or if you've got something to hide or not. NEVER relinquish your rights or allow huge companies to freely read information from you without your permission, regardless of how petty it may seem. Accordingly, get damn pissed when they do. Do you WANT to fall down a slippery slope? Think it'll be fun?
It is with our permission though, thats why you have to sign that EULA. I for one would prefer they know that I am not running any cheat programs though rather than allow other jackasses out there to ruin a game that I am paying for.

Microsoft does this with basically every computer on the planet, its almost a necessity with computers.
The Mullinator said:
It is with our permission though, thats why you have to sign that EULA. I for one would prefer they know that I am not running any cheat programs though rather than allow other jackasses out there to ruin a game that I am paying for.

Microsoft does this with basically every computer on the planet, its almost a necessity with computers.

Blizzard HAS done this before. Remember when they included some code into Starcraft that according to Blizzard's plans would have helped to get rid of pirates and they could have sued people using bad cd keys.
Instead, Blizzard itself got sued because it wasn't very comfortable to have your computer send out your identity data every time you play a game.

Alright, so my opinion is: I have never liked World of Warcraft and this definitely made me sure I will never buy such crap. Vote with your wallets! :P
I dont like the game anyway, not because the game isnt good or because it dumps spyware on your comp, But because its turned half my family into fantasy crazed zombies. It's evil I tell ya.

Imo if a game becomes so mind numbingly addictive that it encourages you to spend more than 4 hours a day for months and months, it can have derogative effect's, e.g no wonder our real world youth culture is so generally antisocial, games like WoW are fine... but they so leeching on people's desire to escape reality, which leads to neglecting real life stuff, which is why we still live in a shitty real world, basically nobody gives a shit, and would rather RP on a big fancy chat room.
But because its turned half my family into fantasy crazed zombies. It's evil I tell ya.

It's obviously a government conspiracy to make everyone easier to control.
IchI said:
Got to watch out for those guys, they took my dog.

They pwnd my mother ****ing cat before the lawyer could.