WoW: The burning crusade website goes live

The socketed items sounds like Diablo 2 and will probably work like in Diablo 2, unless it has something to do with the new jewelcrafting profession. The new level cap of 70 sounds great, since all those lvl 60 characters want more to do than high level raids.
I hope Blizzard reveals the new Alliance race soon.
CptStern said:
really? havent run into it ..or any sword that size

Oh yessum, there are some really big whopping swords for the real top tier of players that're beating the top level raid content. They look fantastic, and they really stand out.
heh ...I havent been on a raid fact I've never pvp'ed

I'm probably one of the few players out there that plays exclusively solo ...I just dont have a lot of time to play and peeps dont like me dropping out of a party while doing a dungeon
This kicks ass! It's going to be funny...all new chars will be blood elves or that dreaded new alliance race.

The only raid group I've ever been in was in Arathi Basin
I tried Wow for 10's pretty good
I've just soiled myself

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here's the background story behind the blood elves:

The entire race, once known as the High Elves, was nearly wiped out when their homeland was crushed by the Undead (as depicted in Warcraft III. The High Elves were dependant on the "Sunwell" for their magical energies, and after Arthas used it to resurrect the Lich Kel'Thuzad, it was consumed. What remained of the Elven population was a wreck: like junkies without a hookup, the best among them were like zombies and the worst went insane. With no magical energies to draw from, they grew desperate.

Then a hero rose from among their ranks, named Kael'thas Sunstrider (Kael for short). Kael taught his people how to tap into their own ambient magical energies, and how to suck the mana from creatures around them for sustenence. Like magical vampires, the High Elves -- renamed the Blood Elves in honor of their fallen dead -- learned to survive.

But the thirst for more magic is always within them, like a demon. This unquenchable thirst is a big part of the Blood Elf mythos: even as a level one character, you're introduced to it. Those who learn to control its power will thrive, whereas those who don't are headed for misery. "The Winnowed" are what the Blood Elves call those who have become hopelessly addicted to magic and insane. "Control your thirst for magic," Arcanist Helion explained to us at the start of a quest at Sunstrider Isle. "It is a thirst unending."

So, how is this reflected in gameplay? All Blood Elves have a racial ability to suck magical energy from magic-using creatures. This "Mana Tap" ability will drain mana from a target creature, and that energy will be stored in your body. You can stack several mana taps together. A second racial ability helps you channel that energy: "Arcane Torrent" expels the energy from a tap into some sort of class-specific bonus. As a Warlock, when I used the Arcade Torrent, I silenced all nearby creatures for several seconds and regained a huge amount of mana. Warriors could use it to generate rage, and Rogues would generate energy.

Thus, Blood Elves play the game in a whole different way. Often you'll detour past some magical creatures in order to suck them dry. Then, you'll carry that energy around like a giant battery, expending it in the heat of combat when you need it the most. As for the negative drawbacks to this power... well, we'll have to wait and see.

The Blood Elves were once a part of the Alliance, but their experiments with dark magics -- "Power at any cost!" -- have made enemies of their former friends. Desperate for more power, the Blood Elves have leaned on the resources of the Horde to continue their studies. As for Kael'thas Sunstrider himself, he's disappeared into a shattered world called the Outland to continue his studies. It's the goal of the Blood Elven people to join him in the Outland and fulfill their destiny, hoping to become flush with the powerful magics he's found there.
CptStern said:
The Blood Elves were once a part of the Alliance, but their experiments with dark magics -- "Power at any cost!" -- have made enemies of their former friends.

makes it sound like the blood elves were the bad guys, bloody racist alliance
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand | Polearm
20000-30000 Damage | Speed: 30.10
(836.56 damage per second)
Durability 120/120
Use1: Targets a nearby alliance racist arsehole and attachs them to the stake.
Use2: Sets the Stake alight, burning the silly racist into the ground.

I play Alliance btw :p
CptStern said:
heh ...I havent been on a raid fact I've never pvp'ed

I'm probably one of the few players out there that plays exclusively solo ...I just dont have a lot of time to play and peeps dont like me dropping out of a party while doing a dungeon
Whats the point of playing an MMO then, I mean if you want solo try kotor or plane scape torment.
Grey Fox said:
Whats the point of playing an MMO then, I mean if you want solo try kotor or plane scape torment.

Some people have jobs and cannot spend their life playing video games for 8 hours a day just to get "ph4t lewt". Stern enjoys the game but doesn't have the time for 4 hour raids, do you understand now?
OOoh, sounds cool.

Man, i wish i had a job.

City of Villians FTW, though.
why do they make it seem like the alliance is against dark magic, when there are warlocks on the alliance? Maybe im not familar with the lore.

Anyways this will definatly be awsome. I just hope the lvling to 70 wont be too much of a pain in the ass, because i dont like trying to get to the next level. It turns into a grind almost. I live for the PVP. Arathi Basin/Warsong Gultch FTW!!
B.Calhoun said:
why do they make it seem like the alliance is against dark magic, when there are warlocks on the alliance? Maybe im not familar with the lore.

Human Warlocks are an extremely shady bunch, hiding out in basements and such in the magic quarter; they survive by not drawing attention to themselves. And Gnomes are just being gnomes. :p
Gnomes need to be squished.

Anyhow, looks nice. Pity I can't play WoW anymore now I'm in Uni Halls. Oh well, it's only 1 (Academic) year without online games, I think I can do that.
Eejit said:
Gnomes need to be squished.

Anyhow, looks nice. Pity I can't play WoW anymore now I'm in Uni Halls. Oh well, it's only 1 (Academic) year without online games, I think I can do that.

aye, i'm in the same situation. Luckily this expansion seems to be coming out around summer 06, so we won't miss out :P until then i can always take my PC back home for christmas and play for a month instead of doing proper work
aww, they didn't reveal the alliance race at blizzcon... evil :(