WoW to [finally] get weather effects!

WoW devoured my roomate's soul and made him drop out of college. :|
It's about damn time. As a PVP-RP player this is even more welcome since it just makes the world that much more interesting. Finally wandering around will seem much cooler.

I just hope the weather is more complicated than: "Snowfall every other hour here, rainfall at 12:00 here every day." it better be more dynamic and allow for things ranging from minor drizzle to full blown storms.
Erestheux said:
WoW devoured my roomate's soul and made him drop out of college. :|

I feel sorry for your willpowerless roommate not...

And jeez! It's too bad Bliz is retarded and has to embed a torrent into their own app, which runs like crap and dosent really work.

Christ just give us a .torrent or a direct download.