Wow... Uwe Boll out did himself....


Jul 6, 2010
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Hey folks, Harry here with something ungodly disturbing. For years people have been accusing Uwe Boll of financing movies from Nazi Gold. Now it looks like Uwe Boll has decided to fully embrace his harshest critics by making what looks like a hardcore telling of AUSCHWITZ. I'm not real sure what a film like this, made by a filmmaker that doesn't know the meaning of the word "EMOTIONAL" or "SUBTLETY" are... This could very well end up being one of the single most tasteless films in history. Just this teaser below - you're likely to have a gut reaction to this trailer... and Uwe as an officer leaning on the door to the gas chamber... shivers. Truly disturbed.

Now people are gonna think it's a video game.
oh god, irally dont know what to say. We already knew the man was a w***er but this just shows he has no common decency either :(
You know, my gut reaction to this news was pretty much "What the **** now", which is typical of my slight encounters with this man's work. But after giving it a few minutes of thought, I'm thinking... Hey, this could work. Maybe? I can't be alone in thinking this could somehow end up being an appropriate fit in the most bizarre way people.

Also, what's with the "decency" thing. Uwe Boll is a terrible director, but I don't see what's wrong with making a film about Auschwitz.
You know, my gut reaction to this news was pretty much "What the **** now", which is typical of my slight encounters with this man's work. But after giving it a few minutes of thought, I'm thinking... Hey, this could work. Maybe? I can't be alone in thinking this could somehow end up being an appropriate fit in the most bizarre way people.

Also, what's with the "decency" thing. Uwe Boll is a terrible director, but I don't see what's wrong about making a film of Auschwitz.

There could certainly be some kind of point in making a movie about Auschwitz, and possibly even in making it very graphic (though... for why?) but is Uwe Boll the man to pull it off?
Maybe his cluster**** direction is exactly what a film like this needs.
personally, i don't need to see the horrifying and terrible things done in auschwitz (or any camp) to know they were terrible and horrifying. on top of that, i don't need to see it done by someone such as uwe boll.

hell, that one episode of band of brothers was bad enough to sit through, even though that was done well.
I saw this posted elsewhere, and some comments were saying it was fake.. I accepted that answer straight away because it has to be... surely..
much of all cinematic depictions of concentration camps had been censored, toned down.. which speaks volumes for how horrific the actual events are.

Since Boll doesn't have some prestigious reputation to live up to, maybe he'll dare to present it as horrifically graphic as the concentration camps actually were. In plain sight.

Or it'll be badly done, a low-budget shlock, to the point of not being able to take it seriously at all. We'll see.
good thing I don't watch Uwe Boll movies! also this guy deserves a swift kick to the groin by a semi truck
Did you guys even watch the trailer? He just rounded up all the fat people he could, told them to pretend they were choking to death, and then threw in a child-shaped loaf of dough into an oven. And he elected to play the part of the Nazi who locked them in that room.

You can't possibly think this will turn out well. I mean, even if you think a lack of taste is appropriate for a movie about Auschwitz, its still going to suck because Uwe Boll can't get a decent performance out of anybody. The only think that "saved" his previous movies were the budget he had for them, which this movie clearly lacks.
My reaction to teaser: "what in the mother ****"

**** it, just let him do whatever he wants. He's too retarded to be told otherwise.
This guy will try anything to kill his "career". Let's hope he succeeds this time.
thats another think,the fact of he being portraying the nazi

does he will turn good guy at the end of what? cuz I think thats the most worriying part,he being the nazi