WoW Whore Has 36 Accounts, Raids by Himself


Aug 18, 2004
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In what is perhaps the most shining example of obsession and geekiness I have ever seen, a fella by the name of Bradster has 36 World of WarCraft accounts that he plays on 11 computers simultaneously. He mainly seems to be doing it because he doesn't like to rely on so many other people to get a raid going, which includes attacking the Alliance capital cities, and on that front I can totally see where he's coming from.


It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule. Not bad considering I?m looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft.


Simply amazing how much money he spends.
Wow. That's...

I'm glad I'm not like that.
Holy shit, that is the most incredible dedication to anything I've ever seen.
how he play whit all those characters at the same time?
does he control everyone whit and rest of the body?
Well, if there ever were a shining example of proof that God doesn't exist...this is it.

Also, I totally want a mission control type computer set up like that but you know, not crap looking, but playing WoW that much?.........someone needs his internet access revoked.
Well **** that takes a lot of dedication, knowledge and skill.
We should put this guy to work on curing aids.
That's really awesome. I'd like to see him in action.

**** you guys with the 'fail' shit. He obviously has a good job to make enough money to do that. If that's how he wants to spend it, so be it. He's happy, he's not harming anyone, what is fail about that?
I thought the 'two accounts' people in City of Heroes were pathetic. That is quite sad and a waste of money. How is that even enjoyable?
I love his setup. Hate to know how many hours of game play he does each day though.
Any semi organized guild with far fewer numbers could probably dominate him easily as he fumbles over moving all his guys.
wow, what a whore.

(see what I did thar?)
He has a mod that allows him to control all his characters motions and spells together, seeming they are all shaman he doesn't have to worry about configuring with hotkeys because they are all the same, pretty ingenius tbh, but thats a lot of money and time out the window, i guess if he can afford it and enjoys it who cares, thats the idea of playing games right? having fun? ^_^ plus he would decimate anyone in pvp, i mean 36 frost, earth and fire shocks and 144 totems nobody would stand a chance, he would absolutely decimate anyone who comes near him
Pathetic, nothing productive comes out of that sort of obsession or "hobby". Yeah, we all play our games and online crap, but what a waste of money and time, nothing productive.
Good exercise in computer knowledge? All my hobbies are "pointless" as well I suppose. There are far more expensive and equally "pointless" hobbies out there. Since the **** when did a hobby have to have a 'point' other than being fun and enjoyable?

I cannot believe he has that sort of money, he's probably a spoiled punk or he's now so poor he can't feed himself.
Yay assumptions :cheers:
Good exercise in computer knowledge? All my hobbies are "pointless" as well I suppose. There are far more expensive and equally "pointless" hobbies out there. Since the **** when did a hobby have to have a 'point' other than being fun and enjoyable?

Yay assumptions :cheers:

yea, liek i ply gitar and ill nver b as famus a jmi hendrix, so i should give up,yes?

(making fun of ZT)
Can't wait till the recession puts an end to pointless wastes of resources such as this.
And I thought my obsession was bad when I used to play WoW.
Poor example. Practicing guitar is way ****ing different than wasting money on 36 accounts and 11 computers for one ****ing game.

Just as the same, making craft/art/music/engineering etc is not a waste, it's something productive, it teaches you something, it builds upon a previous skill and helps you become better at it and apply it to greater things.
Like what? I enjoy making music but I know I'm not going to make money from it. Is it pointless then? I'm gaining skills but those skills only benefit the hobby itself. Which is just continued enjoyment of the hobby. AKA what matters.

Yeah, I enjoy playing TF2, Half-Life and other games, but my life is not completely consumed by it.
Who said his life was consumed by it? He has to have a source of income to support that hobby. And a good one at that. If you really think he's young enough to still be living off his parents, and if you think they'd pay for something like this, you're insane.

The point of life is enjoyment (in my opinion)
We work to make money to give us a good quality of life and to fund enjoyment.

Income: Work
Outcome: Play

All the rest is bullshit.

I seriously can't fathom how anyone can make fun of somebody who is enjoying their life, no matter how they're doing it. Other than jealousy.
The contrast between how lame that guy is and how awesome Krynn just was is incredible.
I seriously can't fathom how anyone can make fun of somebody who is enjoying their life, no matter how they're doing it. Other than jealousy.
Zombie is clearly jealouse because all he has is a level 42 night elf with no purples at all.
Heh, oh really? I can't remember the last time I did that.

I don't think I ever said I had a problem with people who do those things. People who drink irresponsibly and pose a threat to others of course is a problem. But If you're not harming yourself or others, go ahead. Even if it may be illegal. Hell, even if you are harming yourself, I think it's stupid but I wouldn't be bothered criticizing the person for it. I choose not to be involved in those things though.

Is that really all ya' got though? ;)

Though I must say bringing up drug usage is a brilliant point to support my argument. Drugs cost money and they have no 'point' according to your definition of the word when it comes to a hobby. Should we call those people stupid too? :)
The people who get generally angry about this sort of thing perplex me. If the guy wants to have 36 accounts and raid all by himself, why not? Like Vegeta is saying he's not causing any deliberate harm to anyone -- so if he has the time and money to do something like this, and it's something he genuinely wanted, more power to him.

He's already done more than the average git by providing us compulsive forum goers a brief moment of entertainment. But alas, people will find a way to be angry or complain about anything.