

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Well what can i say, after a long morning of trying to get it registerd, lugging my pc down to the lan center, setting it up! was it worth it?! HELL YES! this game is ****ing amazing! its everything i was expecting it to be and more. I have played it for an hour and i have already done so many amusing things with physics :D braking bottles over peoples heads and using explosive barrels as shields and chucking them at combine just before they blow up!

VALVe you rule :) you done a fantasic job of this game!
Thanks for a fantasic gaming experance :) it has sooo been worth the wait!
Amen. The game just blew me away. Been playing for 5 hours straight. It's now 07:30 am. zzzzz....
Man, I only got to peek at it - just until I got outside. I haven't even fired a shot in anger yet. I don't even have the mighty crowbar. :(

Work sucks.
Its 8:26 on the east coast, and I should be getting to school, unfortunately, I have to wait until the weekend to play, mostly because of mid terms.

I seriously can't wait to play this game, and I just checked the gamespot site for more videos.
I second that, i played for half hour b4 i had to go to work, and in that 30mins it was better than Doom3 + Far cry, cant w8 till i get to the playground parky thing, ima go nuts!!! on my lunch break atm , on a laptop, enjoy ure playing every 1!
HAhaha, pld stormy, me an jono were wondering how you would get it setup, nice to know your enjoying it as much as i am :D

anyhow, needs more HL2 :afro:
Just took a break from playing got to go pick up the CE from gamestop. :)
I'm picking it up in an hour (7:30am here) on my way to school, unfortunatly I won't be able to play until 6pm :( Good to hear its kicking butts though
Indeed, even though this game was way hyped - I am in awe. :thumbs:
Yeah it's totally amazing, I'm not that far in yet but so far It's great!

I just hope all those people who are having problems playing it get it working soon!!

The only reason I've stopped is for a break, I don't want to complete it too quick because then I'll be sad that there's no looking forward to Half-Life 2 any more!
The game is awesome. I still can't believe how good the textures, animation, facial expressions (I even felt sorry for the woman by the turnstile right at the beginning!) and sound (when it's not stuttering and locking up the game for a few seconds) is. I love it. Shame I'm at work. Although I could play it if I wanted to (being the IT manager has it's perks you know!) this rig has a crappy (for games) Matrox Parhelia (sp?) 256mb card which is only DX8 support and doesn't have a lot of the gaming functions that the nVidia/ATI cards have. When I played it at home when I was on lunch...OMG. Great job VALVe. Buries every other FPS out there and I HAVEN'T GOT ANY WEAPONS YET! :cheers:
The music is great :) always comes in at just the right moment and really gets me going :D
Really sucks :( good luck with fixing that.
:) i was gunna say, mine was fine coz i got it from the shops :) but if it is spacking out just keep restarting it, its probly just because so many people are trying to use it in one go!