

Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, so basically the story is that I've been performing really badly in BF2 these past few days (sub 20 points 90% of the time), and I end up with the most deaths in almost every game I play, so I decided to lower my view distance from 100% to 80% to push the framerate up a little, and all I can I can say is WOW, there seems to be a huge difference now, after I changed my settings I scored 53 and 56 points respectively in the next two matches, came in 6th and 4th (just two points short of a bronze :() in a 40-player server, and I finally managed a >1.0 kd ratio. I still had the second most number of deaths though >.>
you rush out too much to meet the enemy. Stay back and wait for them to come to you'll die a lot less
CptStern said:
you rush out too much to meet the enemy. Stay back and wait for them to come to you'll die a lot less
But I'm the impatient type ;)
CptStern said:
you rush out too much to meet the enemy. Stay back and wait for them to come to you'll die a lot less

How much time do you actually get to play BF2 Stern? Thought you lived here all day!? :P

That is good advice, especially when s/l near a flag, hang back, so when your squad dies, they respawn on you and try to cap it again.