Wowsers! Vue is the most awesome text editor ever!


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Man... this program is awesome! Don't ask how I got it... but the stuff you can make with text really fast, is just amazing. It can take any font, and instantly make 3d models out of that font, and produce some awesome effects!

I made an R in it... and took two fonts. One, I bevelled the hell out of it and made some sort of weird crystal looking shape, using some sort of material I cant remember.

The other, I did the same, with a different font... and the third, was with the second font, but no bevelling, and using chrome material. Put the tree in to show how it reflects world objects off of it.

Took me seconds.... the effect is pretty cool! I mean, i've used 3d programs before, but this lets a 3d modelling moron like me take text, and it instantly makes the models for me for some surprising effects.

Anyone else use Vue to make things?



Pretty and all, but I don't see many practical uses for the whole sky and ground thing. And something about the pictures doesn't look right...
NO NO NO. Dude... I didnt make these images to show off the work. I just randomly put in the ground and crappy sky. I just wanted to show the neat thing you could do with the text, how it makes it instantly 3d in seconds, with thousands upon thousands of polygons.

If I were showcasing those and expecting critique, i'd be an idiot, cause they look awful. But... i'm not doing that :)

Vue is actually one of the most advanced programs to make realistic scenery... I just dont have the time or knowledge to do it yet. Not even sure i'm interested. I just liked the cool 3d text. heh.

EDIT; And if you're talking about the image quality... its because I saved them as low quality jpegs... and when I rendered them, I only used 'final' instead of the like, 4 higher options. There's like... sketch, preview, final, and then the others.... production, super, ultra... etc, whatever they are.

People have made images like this using it... this has billions of polygons.

So, you didn't post a link to the program because... It's not free? ;)
Yeah... Its not free.

Heh. It does so much more. Without worrying about the lighting and stuff, and quickly using the ecosystem thing, I made this incredibly rocky/cactusy desert.

Took me a minute or two.


And the only time took with this really... was the rendering time. LOL. I just loaded the jaguar, penguin, gun... into the image.
