Wrestling :)


Nov 16, 2003
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Just got back from watching WWE: Smackdown Summerbash tour in Manchester lastnight, absolutely fantastic show. I'll upload the pictures in a bit but the atmosphere, the electricity, almost everything was absolutely amazing. Went over yesterday dinner time with 5 mates and we all had a fantastic time. The best match of the night had to be either the Eddie vs Rey match or the main event with Angle, Bradshaw and Cena in with Stonecold being the special guest referee. :cheers:

The only bad thing was the prices of the merchandise, which were an absolute rip off, and it wasn't just the wwe merchandise but the drinks and food as well. £3 for a little tub of frozen yogurt, £1.20 for a large drink. The T-shirts were £20 each, a baseball hat was £20, sweatbands were £8 each. Absolute ripoff, the problem is though that they know people will pay those prices even though they complain at the same time.

And mods, please don't put this in the tv/film section as it wasn't on tv and it isn't a film, it was a non-televised event that has 0 likelihood of being on tv at all.
I got offered a ticket to this for free. I turned it down because I'm nearly 25, not 12. The last time I watched the WWF Bret Hart was the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be and he still is IMO. All these new 'Superstars' are steroid taking punks.
craig said:
I got offered a ticket to this for free. I turned it down because I'm nearly 25, not 12. The last time I watched the WWF Bret Hart was the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be and he still is IMO. All these new 'Superstars' are steroid taking punks.

There was steroids back then when Bret Hart was around and there is still steroids now. Whilst i agree that wrestling has gone down hill, it can still be fun to see a live show. And i am sure that the average wrestling fan is a lot older then 12.

The one thing i would love to go to though is an ecw pay per view.

edit: And mods, can you please control these threads please. I don't mind people talking about wrestling, but i don't want a bunch of idiots spamming it up and saying i'm a homosexual for enjoying wrestling. Like what happened to my Kylie thread. And H00dlum, it is posts like yours that make the more mature members and the regulars here get up and leave. So piss off.
I think my friends brother went there. He's 12. He said something about the Big Show being the height of the doors?
Wrestling...mainly WWE is just pure crap.

You do know it's all fake right?
After being told it was fake I was determined to show it wasn't. When I was proven wrong I never watched it again. :o
SimonomiS said:
I think my friends brother went there. He's 12. He said something about the Big Show being the height of the doors?

Lol, no matter where you were sat in the arena and how far away you were from the ring, everyone could tell Big Show was huge.
ah leave the guy alone ..what's it to you if he likes wrestling? ..it's not my idea of entertainment but it doesnt mean I should stop other people for enjoying it
Tr0n said:
Wrestling...mainly WWE is just pure crap.

You do know it's all fake right?

You say that to the wrestlers who have died or seriously injured themselves pulling off wrestling moves to impress the fans and work 6 days a week traveling around the world to entertain everyone that it is all fake, then i might stand a chance of respecting you a bit. Wrestling is a show put on by some very, very talented entertainers and athletes.
Razor said:
There was steroids back then when Bret Hart was around and there is still steroids now. Whilst i agree that wrestling has gone down hill, it can still be fun to see a live show. And i am sure that the average wrestling fan is a lot older then 12.

The one thing i would love to go to though is an ecw pay per view.

edit: And mods, can you please control these threads please. I don't mind people talking about wrestling, but i don't want a bunch of idiots spamming it up and saying i'm a homosexual for enjoying wrestling. Like what happened to my Kylie thread. And H00dlum, it is posts like yours that make the more mature members and the regulars here get up and leave. So piss off.

Wrestling is basically a Soap Opera for men.

Yes they used to take roids back when the Hitman was the champ, but as far as I'm aware neither him nor Owen took them (I mean they didn't exactly have the best physiques after all).. but Bulldog did, but he's dead now.. so there you go.

Wrestling seriously used to be so much better.. Cheesy intro music... proper showmen... PROPER CHARACHTERS! Now they're all some lame hip-hop variant and all have pretty much the same Pseudo-Rock entrance music. Oh and they've seriously overdone the number of main events they have. IMO they should have kept it to Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Summer Slam and King of the Ring.. with Monday Night Raw being the only one they show in the week.
Razor said:
You say that to the wrestlers who have died or seriously injured themselves pulling off wrestling moves to impress the fans and work 6 days a week traveling around the world to entertain everyone that it is all fake, then i might stand a chance of respecting you a bit. Wrestling is a show put on by some very, very talented entertainers and athletes.
It's still a load of fake shit.

Respect me more? :D
craig said:
Wrestling is basically a Soap Opera for men.

Yes they used to take roids back when the Hitman was the champ, but as far as I'm aware neither him nor Owen took them (I mean they didn't exactly have the best physiques after all).. but Bulldog did, but he's dead now.. so there you go.

Wrestling seriously used to be so much better.. Cheesy intro music... proper showmen... PROPER CHARACHTERS! Now they're all some lame hip-hop variant and all have pretty much the same Pseudo-Rock entrance music. Oh and they've seriously overdone the number of main events they have. IMO they should have kept it to Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Summer Slam and King of the Ring.. with Monday Night Raw being the only one they show in the week.

Definately agree. It would be amazing to see Bret Hart, Hogan, Undertaker, Legion Of Doom wrestle. In recent times though, it has definately degraded but Angle is pretty amazing and so is the likes of people like Eddie and Rey, Benoit, HBK, Triple H, etc.
Razor said:
Definately agree. It would be amazing to see Bret Hart, Hogan, Undertaker, Legion Of Doom wrestler. In recent times though, it has definately degraded but Angle is pretty amazing and so is the likes of people like Eddie and Rey Benoit, HBK, Triple H, etc.

Yokozuna, Shaun Michaels, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, The ULTIMAAAAAATE Warrior, Sargeant Slaughter, Rick Flair (wooooo!)... ah the memories. (btw, the last main event I ever watched was when Owen too a nose dive to his death.. pretty shocking to see all the WWF wrestlers out of charachter for the first time ever.)
The Rock was the only reason I stayed watching WWF so long.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm the WCW champion, sucka"
"It dosn't matter if you're the WCW champion sucker!"
Aye Rock was cool... what always bothered me about the WWF was the fact that the wrestlers would change to the dark side faster than Anakin Skywalker sometimes. One week they were good, next they were bad and us fans were left thinking EH!
Respect to the Supa'Fly Jimmy Snuka

I used to watch back in the WWF days, when The Rock was around, now THAT was damn fun to watch, never been to a house show though, or even a televised event, I had the chance to go to WWE Judgement Day awhile back when it came through MN, but I passed it up.
I always liked the more violent stuff. I seem to recall Mankind with a 2 x 4 wrapped in barbed wire from somewhere.

And now I'm into Slipknot. :E

Plus, they got pwned by the World Wildlife Fund.
Is this what I thought it would be, Mister Randy Savage?
SimonomiS said:
I always liked the more violent stuff. I seem to recall Mankind with a 2 x 4 wrapped in barbed wire from somewhere.

And now I'm into Slipknot. :E

Plus, they got pwned by the World Wildlife Fund.

Yes, it is far too toned down now.

Bring back ecw.
craig said:
Yokozuna, Shaun Michaels, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, The ULTIMAAAAAATE Warrior, Sargeant Slaughter, Rick Flair (wooooo!)... ah the memories. (btw, the last main event I ever watched was when Owen too a nose dive to his death.. pretty shocking to see all the WWF wrestlers out of charachter for the first time ever.)
Yeahhhh, that was the glory days. Also, Tatanka the American Indian guy and the Legion of Doom tag team.

I watched WWF up until the pay-per-views with Mankind, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, the one where that coloured woman (jaqueline?) got her shirt ripped off, haha. I stopped watching soon after.
I think we should have a WWF old skool avatar week
My favourite WWF PPV was the Royal Rumble where Triple H and Mankind/Cactus Jack or whoever he was pretending to be had that kick ass street fight, it was also the one where Dudleyz vs Hardeyz mb someone else in an amazing table match.

Haven't watched it for about a year now, oh well nor great loss
Mine was Summerslam 1992 in London, England. Bret Heart Versus The British Bulldog... sheer genius.
The best match i have ever seen was the 1995 Royal Rumble, Michaels and Bulldog wrestling through the whole rumble. First 2 in and the last 2 out.
If it wasn't for the Royal Rumble I don't think I would have ever gotten into wrestling. It's one of the most consistently entertaining matches ever made.

Currently I'm a RAW fan, and have been watching regularly ever since the WCW invasion a while back. Smackdown! is just too painful for me to watch. It just lacks the intensity and interesting characters that RAW provides. Also RAW has Canadians*, some of the most interesting characters on the show. :E

I don't know what it is (maybe the humour), but for some reason I keep watching the show even though I can pretty much predict what is going to happen. I must be hooked.

*currently a Benoit is the only Canadian on Smackdown!, traded two weeks ago in the lottery
- Billy Kidman vs Paul London

- Big Show vs Carlito

- Cena f.u.ing Angle

- Stone Cold Steve Austin was special guest ref for the Angle vs JBL vs Cena match
Anyone remember the match with Shaun Michaels v Bret Hart for the championship where Hart was basically stuffed out of the title (for real) and was basically stunned and totally confused in the ring when he lost?

That was the day that wrestling became a dirty 'sport' for me.
craig said:
Anyone remember the match with Shaun Michaels v Bret Hart for the championship where Hart was basically stuffed out of the title (for real) and was basically stunned and totally confused in the ring when he lost?

That was the day that wrestling became a dirty 'sport' for me.

You mean the Montreal screw job, yes i remember that.

Bret Hart spat in Vince's face afterwards and supposedly wasn't too please with the ref or with Michael's afterwards. But that was definately an awful moment in wrestling history, a moment i hope is not repeated.