Wretched Abandon - Moon and Earth Weapons


Jun 26, 2004
Reaction score
Here is a list and description of the weapons that will be avaliable to the Moon and Earth factions of Wretched Abandon. The Mars weapons will be posted later.

Moon Weapons.

Name: Eden Moon Combat Knife (EM-CK).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Slash.
Second Mode: Stab.
Ammunition: None.
Description: A large knife carved for excellent cutting, this is issued to almost all Moon soldiers for close quarter battles or for a last resort.

Name: Eden Moon Standard Sidearm (EM-SS).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Semi-automatic fire.
Second Mode: Pistol whip.
Ammunition: Standard tipped pistol rounds.
Description: The EM-SS is a standard issue sidearm often given to military units of the Moon. It is an automatic pistol that fires standard ammunition. As a secondary weapon it is usually not as useful as a unit’s primary weapon and is only used when necessary.

Name: Eden Moon Combat Assault Rifle (EM-CAR).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Automatic fire.
Second Mode: Grenade launch.
Ammunition: Standard tipped automatic rounds and impact explosive grenades.
Description: The EM-CAR is the issued assault rifle to the Assault units of the Moon military. It is generally an all purpose assault weapon, capable of delivering a fast rate of fire and steady accuracy. For heavy situations the EMCAR has a grenade launcher built into it which fires explosives grenades that explode on impact.

Name: Eden Moon Ranged Combat Rifle (EM-RCR).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Fire single shot.
Second Mode: Use scope.
Ammunition: Standard energy core.
Description: The EM-RCR is designed for picking off enemies from a distance. It uses an energy core ammunition system, launching a small thin bolt of energy quickly and accurately towards its target. This bolt can bypass most amour types but is completely ineffective against energy shields. EMP grenades will short circuit the weapon.

Name: Eden Moon Flame Propelling Weapon (EM-FPW).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Constant stream of flame.
Second Mode: Stream of flammable napalm.
Ammunition: Gas.
Description: The EM-FPW is a nightmare on the battlefield. Its first firing mod sends out an intense heat wave of flame capable of igniting anything it touches. The secondary mode spits out napalm which sticks to most surfaces. This napalm can be then lit with the first firing mode for a temporary fire.

Name: Eden Moon Prototype Energy Cannon (EM-PEC).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Slug fire.
Second Mode: Energy exposure.
Ammunition: Large Energy core.
Description: A prototype weapon, the EM-PEC is a devastating weapon. Using an advanced energy core it is used to hurl slugs of energy towards enemies, causing massive amounts of damage. Due to the high energy and radiation capabilities of the weapon, the secondary function allows it to leak energy from the core, causing a large area effect damage of radiation around the weapon.

Name: Eden Moon Sub-Machinegun (EM-SMG).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Automatic fire.
Second Mode: Burst fire.
Ammunition: Standard tipped pistol rounds.
Description: The EM-SMG is a simple weapon, not designed to see heavy combat. It is essentially an EM-SS in that it uses the same ammunition. It is however capable of delivering an automatic fire rate at he cost of bullet velocity. A generally inaccurate weapon that is helped steadied with burst fire.

Name: Eden Moon Custom Energy Sidearm (EM-CES).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Semi-automatic fire.
Second Mode: Select level of energy round.
Ammunition: Miniature energy core.
Description: The EM-CES is a custom pistol issued only to those of the highest military ranking, such as Commanders. The weapon uses a miniature energy core which allows it to fire high caliber energy bolts. The custom feature of this weapon is the ability to select different levels of energy to be used in shot. Selecting higher levels of energy use uses more energy from the core and decreased the rate of fire, but increased the damage dealt.

Name: Eden Moon Incendiary Grenade (EM-IG).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Over arm throw.
Second Mode: Under arm throw.
Ammunition: Incendiary grenades.
Description: These grenades are time fused. Once the fuse has burnt and the time is up the grenades explode, sending sticky burning napalm everywhere. The napalm burns temporarily before cooling down.

Earth Weapons.

Name: Energy Scalpel.
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Slash.
Second Mode: Stab.
Ammunition: None.
Description: This small scalpel is a marvel of technology and medical use. Using a micro self sustaining energy core it produces a small blade of pure energy. This energy is capable of cutting clean and effortlessly through flesh. EMP grenades will short circuit it.

Name: Slaughter Knife.
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Slash.
Second Mode: Stab.
Ammunition: None.
Description: The Slaughter Knife is a well crafted machete capable of hacking up any living creature. The stylish look of the blade helps strike fear into the enemy.

Name: Energy Sword.
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Slash.
Second Mode: Turn off.
Ammunition: None.
Description: The larger and nastier cousin of the Energy Scalpel, the Energy Sword is a full length sword with a self sustaining energy core. Much like the scalpel it is used for slicing quickly and easily through living tissue, dealing tremendous and often fatal damage. To make surprise attacks easier the Energy Sword can be quickly turned on and off. EMP grenades will short circuit the weapon, rendering it useless. However, because of the length of the blade and the amount of energy used by the core, when the weapon is short circuited it remains useless for much longer than weapons like the Energy Scalpel.

Name: Citizen Issue Handgun (CIH).
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Semi-Automatic fire.
Second Mode: Pistol whip.
Ammunition: Standard tipped pistol rounds.
Description: The Earth world is violent and dangerous, making it essential for all people to carry a weapon for protection. The CIH became the most common and reliable weapon for citizens to get their hands on. A semi-automatic pistol, the CIH delivers throws out standard pistol rounds at a good rate of fire.

Name: Light Weight Urban Sub-Machinegun (LWU-SMG).
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Automatic fire.
Second Mode: Burst fire.
Ammunition: Standard tipped pistol rounds.
Description: The LWU-SMG is a common but deadly weapon found in the urban world of Earth. The weapon uses light pistol rounds but delivers them at an incredibly fast rate. One of the key features of the LWU-SMG is its reloading system. The weapon comes with loaders that strap onto the users wrists with a spare clip. The user simply needs to remove an empty clip, bend the barrel towards his or her wrist, flick his wrists and a new clip will be quickly loaded in to the weapon ready for use.

Name: 12 Gauge Energy Shell Shotgun (12G-ESS).
Faction: Moon.
First Mode: Single shot.
Second Mode: Double shot.
Ammunition: Energy based shotgun shells.
Description: As technology advanced it was believed the common shotgun would become extinct. Instead of this the shotgun was advanced to use energy capabilities. Loaded into the 12G-ESS are shells containing a small amount of compressed energy. When the weapon is fired the shells spit out many small bolt of energy, exactly how a shotgun fires shotgun shells. EMP grenades cause the weapon to short circuit.

Name: Heavy Industrial Machinegun (HIM).
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Automatic fire.
Second Mode: Use short range scope.
Ammunition: Heavy machinegun ammunition chains.
Description: The HIM was not built to be handled or picked up by a normal human, which explains why the only class using it is the Pack Mech. The HIM is an extremely powerful machine gun with heavy kickback, usually equipped to vehicles and some small aircraft. The ammo chains used by the weapon are huge, loaded with long and dangerous heavy machinegun ammunition, capable of tearing through most objects. The machineguns have been equipped with a short range scope to spot distant enemies.

Name: EX Class Grenade Launcher (EXC-GL).
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Fire explosive grenade.
Second Mode: Fire smoke grenade.
Ammunition: Impact explosive grenades and timed smoke grenades.
Description: Most advanced Grenade Launchers are large and therefore capable of holding many grenade types. The EXC-GL was designed to carry two grenade types only, thus reducing its size, making it more portable. The EXC can propel a considerable distance both impact explosive grenades and, for when blinding the enemy is important, timed smoke grenades.

Name: Industrial Explosive Grenade (IEXG).
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Over arm throw.
Second Mode: Under arm throw.
Ammunition: Explosive grenades.
Description: The IEXG is a simple explosive grenade that is fused timed.

Name: Industrial EMP Grenade (IEMG).
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Over arm throw.
Second Mode: Under arm throw.
Ammunition: EMP grenades.
Description: Fused EMP grenades. An EMP grenade does no damage but is capable of short circuiting electronic and energy based weaponry and equipment.

Name: Industrial Incendiary Grenade (IING).
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Over arm throw.
Second Mode: Under arm throw.
Ammunition: Incendiary grenades.
Description: When a time fused Incendiary grenade goes off it explodes, sending out sticky burning napalm.

Name: High Impact Energy Explosive (HIEE).
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Time set detonate.
Second Mode: Instant detonate.
Ammunition: High impact energy explosives.
Description: The HIEE is a dangerous explosive that uses energy as its core damage. The HIEE is a favorite among terrorists. Often strapped to the bodies of terrorists, these explosives can either have a timer set on them or be detonated instantly. The explosion itself is a disastrous ball of energy that obliterates anything inside.

Name: Toxic Syringe.
Faction: Earth.
First Mode: Inject.
Second Mode: Throw.
Ammunition: Syringe full of toxic chemicals.
Description: Created simply to destroy lives, this is a syringe full of an extremely dangerous chemical. The syringe can be injected into an enemy resulting in almost instant fatality. The syringe can also be thrown. Once it strikes an object the syringe will break, letting off a cloud of deadly chemical gas. Whilst brief, anyone who comes in contact will the cloud will become extremely sick.
CREMATOR666 said:
So many to read :x. A picture say a thousand words, y'know :|

High detail pictures of most weapons will be shown at the end of the week.