write a message to people in the future


Sep 7, 2004
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I thought this was interesting... Basically you write a message and it gets sent into space on a satellite which will return in the year 52000. Post your message if you want.

from the site:
Each one is invited to send a message that will transcend time and space to reach out to our distant descendants 50,000 years later.

A message for 50,000 years later? It is an invitation to perceive ourselves under a different light. By sharing each others' messages we can rediscover our diversity, our individual values as well as our common humanity.

Each one of us have 4 uncensored pages at our disposal: an identical space of equality and freedom of expression where we can voice our aspirations and our revolts, where we can reveal our deepest fears and our strongest beliefs, where we can relate our lives to our faraway great grandchildren, thus allowing them to witness our times.
Write a message to our terrible, reptilian overlords? Like hell. Maybe "Eat it", but that's all.
Dear possible Combine, Reptilian, or Aw Hell , even Alien Overlords, and Mostly our Future Descendants: "LUCKY BASTARDS! Why do YOU get to fight for YOUR freedom, while we are stuck here with only the internet you unthankful bastards! Jussssst kidding, good luck, fight the power, I love you my future family and uh, *cough* *the Dark Energy Reactor* cough* *future people* *cough*. And Combine or Alien shit scum? Eat shit and die you heartless bastards, we played HL2 WE KNOW YOUR WEAKNESS! UP YOURS!"

Sincerely, TollBooth Willie. P.S. The Peanut Butter Jelly Times bananas banging symbolizes power and wisdom. Let this be your Resistance symbol of freedom!

Sorry if that was too long or random. I tend to get carried away with messages.... Seriously we must fight the power.
I told them that if drugs weren't legalized by the time they read my message, they've seriously ****ed up.
Dear Santa Claus,

I'm a little boy, will soon be 3 years old. I want you to bring me a pedal car and a negro dancer and French harp. All sorts of fruits and candy and a few fire works. Please don't forget my little cousin, Natalie Meador. With love, Nolen (Buck) Godsey
I basically made fun of them, since i figure they won;t have sex anymore by then, or porn
Someone needs to send them the goatse in ASCII. Just in case they forget by then.
Nat Turner said:
Someone needs to send them the goatse in ASCII. Just in case they forget by then.
Dude! Give latitude and longitude points in the message, and bury a goatse pic in a air/water tight container there. In the future they will dig it up, open it and start worshipping it :eek: (or they may die of a heart attack, but hey, its worth a try)
How legit is this site? I checked it out quickly, couldn't find much in the way of info...
An epitaph:

"A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved"

"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward."

"Still and all, why bother? Here's my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone."

-or almost anything by Kurt Vonnegut
"Should you have invented a time machine I request that you travel to a point 1 year after myself writting this message to come and take me back to the year 52000. That is assuming the year 52000 is in fact an improvement over my current year.

Thank you for the time you may or may not wish to fiddle with."
Hell, I'mma make my own religion! Because everybody knows some crazy guy made a book, buried it, then someone dug it up and was like "OMFG CHECK IS DOODZ! JESUS IS OUR SAVIOR!"

*back when the book was made...*

*smoking weed* Think of a name for the son of the dood or made it all...
Billy...nah. James? Hmm, that sounds good *jots in the maybe pile...* Jesus...HEEYY THATS IT!"
"...wait...we didn't destroy ourselves yet :eek: ?!"
Life is nothing more than a figment of spacial imagination. We are all living on a dot. A single, nonwhimsical, unconsequential dot. Everybody you've ever known or hated, ever evil dictator, every conqueror, every body who ever harmed you, every murderer, every soldier, every politician, every famin, every natural disaster, and every single hour of time wasted on furthering our knowledge of the world and space, was born on a little planet, when taken 10 meters to the power of 23, is nothing more than a dot.

Life other than man, on other planets, is unknownst to your 3,000 dollar debt, to your shoplifting, to your years spent on thought. They do not know you, and do not care about the happenings on this single dot.

Time, knowledge, spacial imagination, are all figments of human thought. Thought that all resides on this one little dot. A dot that in short time, will cease to exist. We are in essence, pointless, yet we all feel. It is truly mysterious, how the human mind can force itself to live, for some greater cause, when it in itself knows, that it is just one of the billions on planet earth, a planet that is nothing but a dot.

Think about this. How many times have you spent hours crying over a broken heart? How many times have you spent weeks earning extra money, to buy that something that was special to you? How many times, have you contemplated killing yourself, yet didn't do it, because you knew that you wanted to live?

Really, what is this mysterious will to live that resides within most, if not all of us all. Most likely all, because suicide victims are all victims of their own attention deficite minds. If only they had held on a little longer, would they have realized the joys of living, and struggled through their plight, not killing themselfs.

Why do humans wish to live? I do not believe in some other outer being that controls us all, but in essence, is it not ludicrous to believe that there is something out their controlling our thoughts? The human mind is such an infantile structure, wanting to fit in, wanting to be happy, wanting to live. What is it that makes us want? It is not as simple an answer as "electrical impulses in nervous tissue". The answer MUST be more complicated. How can electrical pulses make themselves into thought? How to little jolts of electricity make you want? I believe that they can influence thought, and do not find it ludicrous to believe that they are thought, but how is it that they make feelings? How do electrical impulses become happiness, sadness, conceitedness, jealousy, all within their own confoundings?

A Thought Process.

EDIT: Oh, and if the creationist aren't all dead yet, then there is no hope.
My message would be,"They have some bomb ass mary J in Hawaii" ^
Reaktor4 said:
I thought this was interesting... Basically you write a message and it gets sent into space on a satellite which will return in the year 52000. Post your message if you want.

from the site:
Each one is invited to send a message that will transcend time and space to reach out to our distant descendants 50,000 years later.

A message for 50,000 years later? It is an invitation to perceive ourselves under a different light. By sharing each others' messages we can rediscover our diversity, our individual values as well as our common humanity.

Each one of us have 4 uncensored pages at our disposal: an identical space of equality and freedom of expression where we can voice our aspirations and our revolts, where we can reveal our deepest fears and our strongest beliefs, where we can relate our lives to our faraway great grandchildren, thus allowing them to witness our times.

That shall be my message to our reptillian overlords.
"haha, we ****ed your planet"
Rofl pi.

"Lol must suck 2 b u, hav any trees left lol?"
Someone needs to fill it with "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."