Writing le Metal Song


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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Yarr me mateys, I is having trouble writing some heavy metal. My influences is, obviously, Metallica. Been playing for nearly a year and can play Master Of Puppets :D (And many other songs)

Any scales or any other type of theory I should know before I write metal?
Depends what kind of metal song you're trying to write, I'd try starting with the F minor petatonic or the E blues scale and see how you get on.
Show me those scales in tab please.
PsychoFreak said:
Show me those scales in tab please.

E-                                                      1    4
B-                                          1    4
G-                                1   3
D-                     1   3
A-          1  3
E-  1  4

E Blues
lol thanks. But whaa? I thought Metallica used the E Blues scale to write the intro to Enter Sandman. Damn I know so little theory :(

So I could use these as roots to chords, and obviosuly hammer-ons, pull-offs...soloing etc
PsychoFreak said:
lol thanks. But whaa? I thought Metallica used the E Blues scale to write the intro to Enter Sandman. Damn I know so little theory :(

So I could use these as roots to chords, and obviosuly hammer-ons, pull-offs...soloing etc
Yeah man I mean im far from an expert myself, but just experiment abit, throw a few notes together, plam mute, bend like a bitch and just see what happens :D
Not much happens when you watch it, use your ears :P

I want my damn Strat! I must wait for christmas to do some proper heavy riffs...but ah well let's try with me crappy 50 quid Nylon Acoustic (embarrased)
Here's something I've slapped together in like 30 seconds, play it at a tempo of around 210ish or whatever sounds best.

Not exactly Heavy is it eh?
Not when your playing on a nylon acoustic, no.

Try it with overdrive on a 50 watt vox valvetronix eh?
1 - 0 to you =(

I'll try your riff in Powertab lol


Keep 'em coming.
An awesome example of the use of the E blues scale is Black Sabbath's - Into the Void

tab here
Yeh, very inspiring stuff :D

What guitar you got btw?

Any song you know that has F Minor Pentatonic?
PsychoFreak said:
Yeh, very inspiring stuff :D

What guitar you got btw?

Any song you know that has F Minor Pentatonic?
I have 2;

- Squire Showmaster, was my very first guitar, have it tuned to standard E

My main bitch is an Epiphone Gibson SG model (As if I could afford a proper SG lol) I have that tuned all the way to C, as I love to play alot of stuff by Queens of the stoneage and it just sounds a hell of alot more dirty.
SG = teh sechs

I hear the Metal Zone is one of the best distortion pedals?
Play as loud and fast as possible and scream about gore, blood and death. Add in a few "die mother****er" and you're done.
lol not all metal music is about death :S