WTF? A Geforce 5950 for only $50? Too good to be true?

It's probably a mistake. If you buy it, you'll probably get an mx, then they'll fix and deny any error when you call them on it. Is it worth the hassle? Buy it and see if you get one.
That's what I thought. Let's see what other people say.
Click on "buy it". It turns out it really is a Geforce MX4000 64 MB DDR. Not exactly the 5950 that is being advertised ;)
I'm tempted to call and ask.. they only have 10 in stock, so who knows? Could be true..

I'd love to get an FX5950 Ultra for $50

Edit: crap, blahblahblah is right.. :( oh well lol
What is a GeForce 4 MX4000? I had a GeForce 4 MX440 Once, what's the difference?
That's my guess. Big Deal.
Only a particular site provides the FX card for 50 bucks.Others provide it for higher price.From that u could get that something is fishy.