WTF displacement problem


Jul 7, 2003
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Ok....I've got this big circular ramp kind of thing going around this room. I get all the edges lined up all perfect before I make the ramp into a displacement, then I make the displacement.... All is good..things look cool....but then... I save my map and open it later.
It figgn' does this!!!!
My edges get moved around after I open my map. I even have compiled the map before I'd opend it again and it was all cool. But just now I open it and it does this..... What can I do???? Why is it being retarted!!!?!?!?

edit= Also...the ramp I made into the displacement has all been virtex minipulated. This didn't seem to pose any problem at the time of working with it. And everything always came out perfect. Mabie it could have something to do with it though... ?
you cant vertex manipulate a displacement brush and not expect problems. You have to make all the brushes that touch displacements and then when you are done morphing it, click the sew button or have autosew checked while morphing it.
Thats not my problem. Like I said....everything had come out perfectly. And I'm not Vertex manipulating a displacement...I'm making a displacement out of a brush that I've used vertex on. Everything comes out fine....I just dosn't save it the way I had it. What its physicly doing is moving the edges of my brushes to places I didn't put them. So they don't match up and I can't sew anything to fix it. My problem is the fact that it dosn't keep this thing the way I had it when I save and open it later.
Displacements use the coordinates of the underlying brush face (before you convert into a displacement) as the boundaries for the triangle mesh. If the underlying face is invalid (as is easy to do using the vertex manip tool), then the displacement will also move when Hammer "corrects" the face on load.

Try this: make the brushes in the shape you want, but don't convert them to displacements yet. Save, then reload the map. See if those brushes have changed shape. If they have, you are making invalid brushes, and will need to fix them before you start turning any of them into displacements.
K, thanks. I figure if anything I'll just leave off the whole thing till the end and then do it and save it before it messes up agian. I'd rather have things the way I want it than the way hammer says it can handle. There really shouldn't be anything wrong with these brushes. I'm not making crazy shapes. And it worked well enough for me to get it right meh.
just a note for displacements: the side(s) of a brush you are making a displacement(s) on HAS to be a plane. The four points need to be in the same plane. If you dont know what that means, brush up on your geometry skills :thumbs: I had the same thing happen to a map i was making, it compiled alright but when i reopened it in hammer, everything was messed up. If you are having problems like that, its probably because your displacement maps arent legit. (see my tutorial for a vid demonstration on what im talking about: )