Wtf... Ears..


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I saw a commercial on TV about some kind of medication to clear the ringing in your ears, and then I realised I have ringing in my ears, and I've had ringing in my ears for my entire life.. I always thought it was normal to have a little ring in your ears.. I think it's called tinitis or something like that... This means I've never clearly heard anything in my entire life... Should I go to the doctor about this and see if I can get it cleared up? Or since I'm used to it, does it even matter?

Yes, Always.. Ever since I can remember, anyways....

When I'm doing something and not thinking about it, I can't hear it, although it's still there so I imagine that it's taking sound quality away from everything... When I'm trying to hear it, it's kind of loud...

That emo dude that always wants to feel bad for him.

We love you dogg.
Dog-- said:
:( I actually had a question....

Well, I have a ringing in my ear too. If there isn't any sound, then my ears start to go "meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" really realyl softly, then it gets louder, and louder, and louder.

And I usually put on some whitenoise before it makes me insane.
Yea, but the TV said that sound isn't supposed to be there, maybe you have it too, ever think of that?
If you hear it when you are in a quiet environment, that's normal. Nerve noise always happen. But when it happen in normal situation, you should really consult your doctor.
I have a ringing in my ears but it's just my very loud computer. Pretty sure it's the PSU fan.
Hm, BUT,
depending on how I tilt my head I can hear ringing from inside my ear.

I have a jaw injury that make smy jaw pop VERY loudly and I must have damage my inner ear.

Does your jaw pop?
Yeah it happens to me too. I thought about it being a problem but then I'm like...nah.
I think it's just some other electrical source making the noise, sometimes its the tv, sometimes I dunno...
Oh Jesus, thank god. When I read the thread and Dog said hearing that noise was abnormal, I got all freaked out, but then John says it is normal if you hear it just when it's really quiet. And that's the only time I do hear it.

vegeta897 said:
Oh Jesus, thank god. When I read the thread and Dog said hearing that noise was abnormal, I got all freaked out, but then John says it is normal if you hear it just when it's really quiet. And that's the only time I do hear it.

If the room is quiet enough, you should be able to hear your pulse... o_o

Dude can you hear your pulse?
_Z_Ryuken said:
If the room is quiet enough, you should be able to hear your pulse

I don't see what is so weird about it. I mean it's basically the only moving thing in your body when idle, besides the slow movement of your lungs, and blood in your entire body is being pushed suddenly, at every beat.
Uh.. Well that depends on how loud we are talking here :p

And I don't mean, the volume of our voices, I mean, how loud is "not quiet"?
Ah, you got me.

Not quiet is probably not loud, but it could be. What would you call something that's not loud and not quiet?
I don't think there is a single word, at least not that I know of.
Except with "comfortable" you aren't really describing the volume itself, but rather how the volume makes you feel. This is the tough part. Plus it would be preferable that the word is exclusive to volume itself, not just a word that could mean average anything.
I had ringing sounds in my ears once, but that was when I'd fired a gun.

I got used to the sound, and it doesn't ring anymore. But, when I get too tired, I sometimes get ringing sounds. If you're experiencing constant inging sounds for no apparent reason, you should see a doctor.
vegeta897 said:
Except with "comfortable" you aren't really describing the volume itself, but rather how the volume makes you feel. This is the tough part. Plus it would be preferable that the word is exclusive to volume itself, not just a word that could mean average anything.
Ok hows about "tolerably audible"?
Try to say that 3 times fast.

I guess according to your specs a better one would be "sufficiently audible".
15357 said:
I ...get too tired... for no apparent reason, you should see a doctor.
No, YOU should see a doctor. :frown:
Yes, but as I said, that's two words. Anything can be expressed in multiple words, so it would be pointless to ask if there was a word for something if you are allowed to use more than one word.
Now my ears are ringing very, very loudly. Its driving me insane.
Fliko said:
Now my ears are ringing very, very loudly. Its driving me insane.
Just listen to some music, or go outside, set up a comfortable lawn chair, grab a glass of ice tea, and enjoy the sounds of nature and if you are lucky, gaze into the moon.
However if you are not lucky, gazing into the moon could turn you into werewolf at which point iced tea would not be suffucient.
My ears ring too, if I'm really quiet and just try to hear it. Otherwise I can't really hear it at all - I think it's normal.
vegeta897 said:
Just listen to some music, or go outside, set up a comfortable lawn chair, grab a glass of ice tea, and enjoy the sounds of nature and if you are lucky, gaze into the moon.

Thst's not a way to solve the problem D:
Go and see a doctor before anything get worse!
If someone is talking, and if I try and listen to it, I can hear it. I don't have to put all my mental power into concentrating to hear it, I don't have to try hard to hear it while someone is talking.

BTW, I can hear electronical equipment.. depending to how far I am and if I want to hear it.. for example I can hear my TV when I'm about 20 feet away, not the TV sounds, but loud ringing.. same with computer.. alarm clocks, ect.. But for things like alarms clocks I have to be REALLY trying to hear it..
I had a hearing test some weeks ago and the doct0rb told me ringing in the ears are normal, you just have to not think about it.

Silly Dogg--.
A case of medical tinnitus is caused by slight damage to the inner ear, usually caused by overly loud noises, or an infection in the ear, or general nerve damage in the brain.

If you constantly hear ringing, and I mean like if its noticeable above everything else, you should consult a doctor.

Otherwise its pretty normal to have ringing in your ears every now and then, especially if its very quiet.
every now and then i get ringing, but it never lasts long.