wtf plz help wtf is this


Apr 26, 2004
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i live in canada and my cellphone wireless service is Rogers. my problem is whenever i call a landline phone my FULL NAME appears on their call display as well as my number and i find this very very gay. i just want my number to appear, if anything. does anyone know how to fix this? or is someone a better internet FAQ searcher than me.....
Stop ringing sex lines just to abuse the women/men with high voices.
i live in canada and my cellphone wireless service is Rogers. my problem is whenever i call a landline phone my FULL NAME appears on their call display as well as my number and i find this very very gay. i just want my number to appear, if anything. does anyone know how to fix this? or is someone a better internet FAQ searcher than me.....

ask for a private number will cost extra. BTW that's what call display does: display who's calling
Thats the purpose of caller ID. Nothing wrong. If you are worried about people knowing your name... stop doing dumb shit.
its a cell phone tho. all of my friends and most cells, when they call landline phones, only the number shows up, thats it.
*67 works in the states, not sure about Canada though.
maybe it just does that for your service. But do what they said and ask your provider.
ask for a private number will cost extra. BTW that's what call display does: display who's calling

Unless technology has changed since last I had a callerid around, cell phones usually displayed the phone number, nothing like personal information or anything.
I'll wager its some feature in your phone that sends it to compatible landline handsets. If your fullname is stored in your phone, change it to "George Bush" and call a friend.. see if that 'fixes' this.
Or you called someone that had your name attached to your number on their phone, just like most normal people. When one of my mates calls, it comes up with their name and number on my phone. If I change their name to "dumbass", then when they call me, my phone shows me that "dumbass" is calling. Welcome to the modern age of technology. Home and cell phones do this.
I changed all my frens names to Shasta, NOW THATS INSULTING HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
One of my brother in law's friend's had a place in college with a bunch of friends and they labeled themselves "Tough Guys."

Whenever they called somewhere it said Tough Guys on the call display, and even their phone bill statement said Tough Guys on it.
I changed all my frens names to Shasta, NOW THATS INSULTING HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Yes, insulting to me, and the name "Shasta". And insulting to our intelligence, expecting us to believe that you have any "frens". Also, it's insulting to the english language, how you use it so badly and with such bad spelling. So yes, you are an insult. Good luck with that...
You can never take Azner seriously, Shasta. :p
Yeah, What Danimal Said...

IM only 12 i cant insult propely...
It ends up in a horrible twisted POS which i get myself in trouble and become reduced to a Shasta

Did i do well?
Yeah, What Danimal Said...

IM only 12 i cant insult propely...
It ends up in a horrible twisted POS which i get myself in trouble and become reduced to a Shasta

Did i do well?
You're 12. Enough said. I feel like I'm committing child abuse just by talking to you.

I have a kid almost your age, and I don't lose any sleep over any of his comments or opinions, so.....

As well as the fact that I wouldn't waste much time talking or listening to a 12 year-old kid in real life, so theres not much chance of me purposefully and knowingly doing it online.

Sorry. One day, you can grow up to be a real boy, and the big kids might play with you. Time is on your side. Good luck, kid.