

Aug 27, 2004
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I bought a pair of OCZ Performance Rev.3 and I put them in I reset CMOS and everything worked fine. All of the sudden the computer starts to restart but I don't get any BSOD. So I download OCZ MemTest and run in on each stick individually and one stick had no errors, the other stick had 8,000 errors on test #7 and 2000 on test #2. So I get an RMA number and I send it then I call them to ask about it and they say its working fine with their systems. They told me theres somethign wrong with my motherboard or cpu memory-controller. Is there something wrong with my mobo/cpu or is it definietly the ram? I tried loosiening the timings and changing the voltage but didn't help. Right now I have one stick of OCZ performance rev.3 in my computer and its working fine so whats the problem?
did you test the same stick giving you errors in a different slot?
Yea I tried it in the last slot counting from the cpu so that it would run in single channel but then all it would do is restart unexpectadly.
Did you try the 'faulty' memory module in another PC with the memTest software, this would narrow it down to either the module being knackered or something wrong with your mobo, which would be unfortunate since is it a really good mobo, and they are quite expensive :S. If you find that there isn't a problem with the module in another computer, then I would recommend updating the bios, if you still have no luck, then you should try and get your money back and buy different ram that is on the list of compatible modules on teh Asus website.
