WWI: Source June Update


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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The folks over at WWI: Source (one of which, incidentally, is yours truly) have posted their latest monthly update, detailing information on their closed alpha playtesting sessions, introducing a few new team members, and showing off a couple of in-game screenshots, as well as hinting at an open beta release over the horizon.

June has been a great month for the team, with a couple of new members, a ton of playtesting, and generally as much productivity as a mod team could hope for. We’ve progressed into Phase 2 of our internal alpha testing with a small team of playtesters, and had a blast doing so and watching the gameplay continously become more streamlined and fun. Here are a couple of screenshots from our playtesting sessions; the first two are from Ztormi’s map ww_somme and the others are from Wickit’s map ww_passchendaele.

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That’s almost all for this month, but before we go, here’s a blog post ivsound has written detailing the creation of one of the WWI: Source machinegun sounds, including a short in-game video. Check it out here.

Look interesting? Find out more at the main website or their ModDB profile.
Why is he running with his rifle in firing position.
Well I wasn't really concerned with the animation aspect, I was actually hoping that you can't have your rifle in aimed position while running. Maybe shooting from the hip if you want to let players shoot while running.

I mean how often do you need to shoot while running in trench warfare.

Just my cents.
You can shoot while moving, but without a reticle. With ironsights up you can still move but very slowly. Sprinting hides your weapon.
Is this like The Trenches for Source engine? Because that mod was ****ing ace and I will play anything remotely like it.
Yes, one of the TT mappers is on our team and it's pretty much our biggest inspiration (and most of our tiny community so far are ex-TT players). That's more or less the niche we're trying to fill, since TT no longer has any players.
Can you implement a realistic WW1 death method?

So if you so much as get a scratch, you get infected and die and can't play again for minimum 6 billion years until through some miraculous reaction in a gas cloud nebula your consciousness sparks to life for a millisecond?

coz dat b cool
It seems like whoever took those screenshots had all their graphic settings on low... If i didn't know any better i woulda thought this mod was on GoldSrc. maybe try to use newer source features like hdr and stuff.. Im sure its mainly the graphic settings though... Looks promising for sure...
Yeah, you guys need to tighten up those graphics. You can have more than 30 polygons these days.

How how long have you guys been in development? What app do you use to do your animations?
World War 1 is either the single most inappropriate setting for a FPS, or the single most appropriate. I can't decide. Because Multiplayer FPS is about being a godlike shooter, overwhelming the enemy with your amazing action-hero skills, but it's simultaneously about the relative inconsequence of living or dying, a big statistical push towards an objective by cannon fodder grunts who die and are quickly replaced.

But please, no poetry.
Desert Eagle (or "deagle")
M4A1 with mounted tactical sight
Laser gun
As a literature student, I demand a mini-game where you and your fellow veterans move to Switzerland and invent dadaism.
As a Literature Graduand, I demand an end to your intellectual hijinks, before I get depressed about my utter unemployability.
Who is this so called.. "yours truly"

Back on topic, WW1!! Fantastic!!! I hope it's good. Long ago in a galaxy far away there was a hl1 ww1 mod. It was unfortunately very boring because the weapons were so primitive combat was very 1-dimensional.