WWII RTS games..

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Anyone know any good WWII RTS games? any of you heard good things about Axis and Allies?
Sudden Strike, Soldiers:heroes of world war II, Panzer(s)
I beta tested Axis and Allies... towards the end, when the balence was fixed, bugs gone, and we were just playing it was great fun.
Pressure said:
Red Alert

I think he was referring to actually real life World War II. Not 50s B movie alternative reality World War II.
Soldiers: Heroes of World War 2 is REALLY fun! Especially if you like strategy.

And the developers have recently added a multiplayer mode where you can fight eachother, along with a coop mode where you can play any single player mission with friends online. :)

Anyone know any WWII hex strategy games? I am dying for one...
Try Combat Mission (awesome) and Wartime Command (by the same guys who did Soldier...if it ever F**king comes out!
Copy-pasted from a post I've recently made in a thread where someone was asking about Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 vs Codename Panzers.
Okay, I got Soldiers for Xmas (well, a few days early, but anyway), so I'll post my comments while it's still fresh.

Earlier this year, a friend of mine had played Codename Panzers and told me it was meh. Basically a standard generic RTS set up in WW2. For me, the only appealing aspect of it was that apparently you could play the campaigns in coop. I never bothered to try the demo, as I was pretty sure from his comment (as I trust his impression on games) that I would never bother buying the game (I only buy EXCEPTIONAL games now, esp. since my gaming time is very limited nowadays).

Soldier's demo was hard for me. Very hard. Impossibly hard. I must have played it 20+ times on easy and never completely succeeded. The demo didn't really do much to help the player ease into the game or introduce the subtle interface and gameplay features that would have made the demo manageable.

Despite all this, the game reeked of potential. After just having played HL2, I thought no game in recent times would come close to matching HL2's use of physics, but Soldiers takes the cake. I love the way everything is destroyable in the environment. I love the way vehicles such as tanks are SO MUCH FUN thanks to this. It's not just a case of two tanks facing off, then shooting each other until one side reaches 0 hp and explodes. Damage is dealt with realistically, with armor being less on the back of the tank, and different weapons sometimes having no effect at all on some kinds of vehicles. IMO, this is the EPITOME of vehicular warfare. NEVER have I played a game where vehicles were so MUCH FUN (nothing beats ramming your tank through a house and bringing it to the ground, or crashing through a wall to carve a new way for your troops to go through). I would maneuver my vehicles behind building as the enemy tanks were trying to blow me into oblivion (and blowing up building was a very viable options, too, whether to take out snipers hiding in them or to remove cover for the enemy), only to flank them and blast them with a concealed tank behind them. Add to this the mindblowing explosions that you were rewarded with and this was gaming bliss for me.

And the explosions weren't all for show, either, nor was the destructible environment. Everything was part of the dynamic world the game takes place in. As vehicles blew up, parts of it would fly off in a realistic manner and land all over the place. If one of your units nearby happened to receive one of those in the face, boom. As the vehicle parts would land everywhere, they would provide new spots for you to take cover behind. Same applies to whenever you blew up a crater on the ground with your tank = new cover for your troops. I LOVE the cover system. You can assign your troops to crouch behind walls/sandbags, and they'll peak out and take potshots at the enemy when the opportunity arises. You can have them hide behind walls, and they'll lean out and shoot when they're not being fired at. It's brilliant. Very immersive, very FUN. It beats the 'units stand there and fire at each other' syndrome that many RTS are afflicted with. The standstill gunfights, or its 'sieges', were fantastic. In one of my most memorable moments in gaming history, I was sneaking up along a beach with 3 of my men. Of course, being a klutz, I got spotted, and the enemy machine gun units, placed behind sandbags, on towers, and in bunkers, were raining fire down on me. I quickly proceeded to position my units as to get behind cover. I had them crouch behind those steel rails that you always see whenever you see pictures of beaches during WW2. So, there we were, me and the enemy, both behind cover, taking shots at each other, none really having the advantage. This must have been for 5-10 minutes, something which you wouldn't see in any other RTS. This was completely immersive and FUN! I had my machine gunner hide in some grass and behind a large boulder and had him provide suppressive fire on the enemy, to give my sniper enough room to get in the decisive shots, all while my rifleman was also busy distracting the enemy. This was a defining moment in gaming history for me. I LOVE how cover is implemented in this system, and the ENEMY uses it too. When you shoot at them from afar, they'll hide behind cover FIRST and THEN shoot back, Simply brilliant.

Also, the option to DIRECTLY CONTROL your units is pure genius. You can control one of your units as it's taking cover behind a pillar, and decide WHEN he pops his head out to take a shot, and WHO exactly he's aiming at. Loads of fun. The best part comes from controlling vehicles, wrecking havoc all over, crashing into building, blowing up or gunning down all opposition. Soldiers is a perfect mix of action and tactical strategy.

I've finished the Russian + British campaigns (which makes it about 15 hrs now), I'm about halfway. Game has about 30 missions. So far, the most units I've had in a single mission is about 8 (I can't say for the later missions, as I'm not done with them). This isn't large-scale, and the most you should at once is 2-3 vehicles (or more, but I like to have my units get together in fewer vehicles to make them more efficient). That being said, it's usually you vs an entire enemy base. To me, this makes it only better. This isn't a game of attrition, it's not an issue of making new units as soon as your old ones die. No base-building crap here like in standard RTS. It's not an issue of building new vehicles on the fly, you have to EARN them, whether by taking out all the enemy units near the vehicles by surprise in a well-prepared ambush, or by sniping out the enemy gunner on top of the half-track, or by landing a molotov on top of an open-top vehicle to evacuate its inhabitants. It's a fine line between that and blowing an enemy vehicle beyond repair before it can do any damage to you. Speaking of which, I love how your units have individual inventories. You can loot EVERYTHING from enemy corpses; weapons, ammo, medkits, helmets, armor, etc. You can loot enemy vehicles as well. Heck, you can steal their fuel. Yes, limited ammo and fuel. Your units aren't unlimited ammo gods like in Panzers. There are also repair kits to fix vehicles if it's not beyond repair, so if you damage a vehicle enough (but making sure that it's not completely scrapped) to scare its inhabitants out of it, you can steal it later on after repairing it. I love how you can burn down trees or grass or wood with matches. And it spreads. Now that's just fun.

And it's also not an issue of simply assigning your units to attack a certain spot and then watch them do it. No, you have to get your hands dirty. Choose where to locate them, switch weapons, throw grenades, RPGs, molotovs, decide when it's a good time to reload weapons, choose when it's a good time to change positions or when to just plain RUN. With the amount of stuff you're in charge of, the game can be overwhelming even with only a handful of units to manage. Luckily, there's a slomo mode, where you slow down the game speed to a crawl (I've played large portions of the game at the slowest speed, and loving it). Watching enemy units fly to their death as you blow them to bits in slomo is pretty cool (yes, BLOW THEM TO BITS -->body parts flying off). You can also pause the game at any time.

The game I've found to be much easier than the demo, esp. since I now know HOW to PLAY it. The tutorial is very helpful, and the patch apparently made the difficulty levels much better, so that Easy is actually manageable (I've been playing on Easy and died many times, but the difficulty is nowhere near outrageous; can't wait to try out the harder diffs, that'd require better tactics).

As for multiplayer: COOP! COOP!!!! Yes, Panzers has it too, but I can see this game as having much more enjoyable coop with the type of gameplay (more tactical, taking cover, wrecking havoc with vehicles - as opposed to standard RTS stuff). And with the latest patch (yes, a freaking patch adds this much), there's now new gamemodes such as deathmatch, escort, assault, battle zones, king of the hill. That's a lot of variability. LAN play would be awesome indeed. Coop is up to 4 players, and the others I think is up to 8-16 players. Also, I checked, and you can have up to 100 command points in mp (1 command point can buy you the cheapest infantry unit, I think the most expensive one costs 6, vehicles cost no CP), and that's a significant amount. Playing a mp game consists simply of using Gamespy Arcade or All-Seeing Eye and joining on of the rooms from the lobby. Simply as that, and you're in game.

From the cover system, to physics, to destructible environments, to FUN vehicles, to direct control, to inventories, to coop, this game has it all. The best part is how everything comes together to make it all work out. Its sum is better than its parts. My pick for RTS of the year. By far. Nothing even comes close. Notice how often I've referred to fun in my post? That's because it is.


Read other player reviews. They don't just say it's a good game, they say it's GREAT. It may not be as mainstream as Codename Panzers, but that's a good thing, and it's infinitely more innovative.

My ONLY complaint would be lack of an official map/mission editor. With that, I could myself playing this game for 2+ years (map editor + coop = good). The best thing would be for an expansion to come out, and better yet with an editor. It would be a must-buy from me. Definitely a purchase I don't regret. In any case, there's an unofficial editor out there, something I will DEFINITELY look into once I finish the campaigns. And let's not forget the various mods out there.

And wow, to make a more objective comparison, I downloaded the Panzers demo JUST for this thread. There's really no comparison. Codename Panzers is basically a standard RTS which happens to be set in WW2, where Soldier is simply put a WW2 game. Haha, blowing up a truck with rifles, it took like 20 shots for a tank to destroy a house as its hp went down. And grenades seem like just guns with more firepower. Oooh, extra damage. It doesn't even kill enemy units. They don't fly into oblivion like a real grenade would make them do. The destructible environment has also spoiled me. 'Cover' also seems very simplistic and gimmicky. No comparison. Also, Soldier is squad-based as in, you control a squad, but you also control each single unit, each of its items, and you can have DIRECT CONTROL over them and their aim. As I said, you have to get your hands dirty. Whereas in Panzers, the units come in squads (which I guess is the squad-based you were referring to), which makes it much more impersonal. Soldiers seems a lot more realistic, and definitely not to the detriment of fun. Fun is always my number 1 priority when it comes to gaming, and Soldiers oozes of it. This is an instance where realism ENHANCES the fun.

The question is, then, do you want just a RTS game? Or do you want a WW2 game?

And as I've said, I've never played a game which has implemented vehicles as perfectly as in Soldiers. THIS is what tanks should play like, not just buffed-up units that require special counter-units to destroy and which have a set amount of hp and will blow up once that reaches 0. That's not a tank. I don't care if you allow me 50 of those, they still aren't tanks. Soldiers shows what tanks should be like.

Once I finish in sp, I will go through the campaigns at least 3 more times over the next few months in the 3 difficulty levels (in coop with my buddy). And I will for sure mess around with the unofficial map editor.

Check out the official site here: http://www.codemasters.com/soldiers/ and get the demo while you're at it.

Watch videos here:
If the 'gameplay 2 and 3' videos don't blow you away, shame on you
llyranor, you just made a sale for the developers of soldiers :) excellent post.

i had heard about it, and it seemed to just be another ww ii rts like panzers, and i was pleased with panzers so i didn't bother, but soldiers like a 'advanced' version of panzers: phase one.

the vehicle damage, is in phase one, but the cover system is nowhere near as good as you described, and hte direct control feature is quite interesting.

i have some questions.

you said you've only had 8 units max so far with 2-3 vehicles, so with the other 5 or infantry units, are they single men [like 3 rifle men, a bazooka and a sniper] or is it 5 groups of units [like, 5 rifle men to 1 group].

how is the ai ? you described how they take cover etc, but other than that, is it good ?

level design. is it good ? is it fun ? are there random things to grab, like old farm trackers etc.

is there support, such as aircraft [bombers, recon, supplies etc] or artillery strikes ?

have you tried any mods ? there are 3 links on the soldiers homepage of quite a few mods.

http://www.drysocks.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&cid=31 [has mods for the demo!]

ok, i watched gameplay 2 and 3. what was happening with that plane ?

last questions, how is the camera movement/control in the game ?

btw, in panzers, certain things did run out of ammo ;)
Blitzkrieg is fun, kinda basic tactics and gaming and stays fun as long as u dont overuse your artillery, well worth the money. It has a bugged MP though which makes a normal match impossible due to connection problems, reinforcements system sometimes not giving reinforcements to one side etc.

Codename Panzers is not realistic at all, just walk up to a machinegun with your flametrower units and win :angry: .
The missions were retarted as well, you had to capture someone but the house was blocked so you had to go to the other side of town to get some sort of crowbar :laugh:

Soldiers exept for some performance issues is by far the best of all wo2 strat games, especcialy the coop mission with voice communication. The missions are great and vary alot. You can even set forests on fire. The latest patch unlocked a whole new MP system where you buy units and fight other people etc, all works great. Only problme is that not many people play the game so its hard to get a decent game going :p

Axis and allies is again not realistic as well, it ends up in just massing units and replacing them when they die.

Thats my 2 cents :) p.s. all buy soldiers :P
destrukt said:
llyranor, you just made a sale for the developers of soldiers :) excellent post.

i had heard about it, and it seemed to just be another ww ii rts like panzers, and i was pleased with panzers so i didn't bother, but soldiers like a 'advanced' version of panzers: phase one.

the vehicle damage, is in phase one, but the cover system is nowhere near as good as you described, and hte direct control feature is quite interesting.

i have some questions.

you said you've only had 8 units max so far with 2-3 vehicles, so with the other 5 or infantry units, are they single men [like 3 rifle men, a bazooka and a sniper] or is it 5 groups of units [like, 5 rifle men to 1 group].

how is the ai ? you described how they take cover etc, but other than that, is it good ?

level design. is it good ? is it fun ? are there random things to grab, like old farm trackers etc.

is there support, such as aircraft [bombers, recon, supplies etc] or artillery strikes ?

have you tried any mods ? there are 3 links on the soldiers homepage of quite a few mods.

http://www.drysocks.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&cid=31 [has mods for the demo!]

ok, i watched gameplay 2 and 3. what was happening with that plane ?

last questions, how is the camera movement/control in the game ?

btw, in panzers, certain things did run out of ammo ;)

I'll try to answer your questions :)

1 The units are single men, in most SP situations you wont exeed 8 which is good because you need to direct control 1 unit alot if you want to win. Ussualy you got like 3 units so you put em all in a tank so you can drive,fire,reload at the same time.

The AI is quite good in some situations, they try flanking etc but sometimes you can walk up to them and give em a rifle smack from the side and the guy next to him wont notice :x Also they seem to posses a sixt sense sometimes when you walk behind a wall and they lob a grenade over :)

level design is nicely done, there is some random stuff like a barnhouse that you will never use but its not as if the level is filled with usable objects etc.

any support there is is tottaly scripted, the game is based around a few units so no long distance support. There are some artillery tanks that shoot across the whole map though.

dont know about any good mods so cant tell you anything about that.

The camera is fine when you get the hang of it :)

thats another 2 cents
1) Single units. In MP, I've had games where I had much more than 8 units, though.

2) I quite like the AI. It's not perfect, but it does its job very well. I didn't find HL2's AI any better. Taking cover, running away from nades, then nading you back. Vehicles will crash through houses and walls to get to you, effectively removing all cover you had against it, forcing you to run like crap :laugh: The many times I've been chased by vehicles is too many, and very intense. Then I'd have another of my concealed units lob a well-placed nade to immobilize the vehicle. Or throw a molotov if it's an open-top vehicle :) and take it for my own after I repair it. I've had the crap scared out of me once when an AT cannon started firing at me because an enemy unit had seen me and I was too slow to dispatch me. Luckily, it missed and hit the church beside me. Like I said, crap scared out of me :)

3) Level design is nice. They can take from about 30 min to 1-2 h to finish. Some of them I've had to restart 2-3 times in coop because we died :) The best thing is, WE NEVER GOT BORED despite having to restart the missions. It's that good. The levels are quite open, as in, you have set objectives, but how you go about doing them is up to you. It mostly amount to clearing out the area, but how you do it is up to your imagination. It's neat to set motocycles patrolling roads, or chicken and cows by the farmlands. I very much like the levels.

4) Like Stingey said, most support is scripted. In some missions you'll have allies by your side, whether tanks storming in a town or soldiers dropping down by parachute.

5) I haven't tried any mods yet, as I'm still going through the missions (in coop) with a buddy. I'll definitely try them later on, though.

6) I guess the plane crashed? :P

7) Camera control is similar to Panzers. Hold down middle mouse button and move it to rotate camera around. Very efficient.

8) Exactly. *Certain* things.

To all those in the threads, I'd be willing to form a group (which I've been slowly building up) to game with. Soldiers needs more players. I'd gladly be playing coop with you guys. Contact me via MSN at [email protected] if you want to hook up. Heck, maybe we could make a clan or something.