X-Box and RPGs.


Oct 18, 2003
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I just bought an X-Box Thursday and am just wondering if there are any Role-playing games out that are really good for it. Also is the Final-Fantasy series ever going to be on X-Box??? The reason why I bought the X-Box is that a friend of mine is gonna leave his parents house and move in with me and he already has a PS2. So far I've bought Madden 2004 and Dead or Alive 3 and am impressed with both games. Thank-you in advance.
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
Knight Of The Old Republic.
Phantasy Star Online.
There are others, I just can't think of any off the top of my head.
Fable comes out in June.
Star Wars Galaxies is coming out for it sometime this year.
KotOR is a Star Wars game based on some shit 4000 years before the rise of "T3H Eeempire"
CokeLite said:
Also is the Final-Fantasy series ever going to be on X-Box???

Last I heard, no. Athough that was some time ago. The X-Box sales in Japan are too low to gain the intrest of Square-Enix, in fact, the only reason why the Gamecube has a Final Fantasy game is because Nintendo paid for it (and they got ripped off IMO). Not to mention Square-Enix is doing just fine with PS2.

Why care about Final Fantasy anyway? The last really great one was VII (IMO), and now the original creators aren't even doing them anymore (XII). They completely sold out (movies, merchandise, animes, spin-offs, retarded game sequels, retarded movie sequels, ect.), they're not even trying to make great RPGs anymore (sub-par RPGs, yes), they're just trying to sell you shit.
I've been playing KOTOR for over two weeks now...it's amazing!
The Morrowind GoTY version is out on Xbox I think, all expansions and the original... Good for literally thousands of hours of gameplay :)

Its a really crappy game to own on the Xbox though, since mods enhance the game 100 times over (cant even begin to describe the difference, after NWN its the biggest modded RPG around).
dawdler said:
The Morrowind GoTY version is out on Xbox I think, all expansions and the original... Good for literally thousands of hours of gameplay :)

Its a really crappy game to own on the Xbox though, since mods enhance the game 100 times over (cant even begin to describe the difference, after NWN its the biggest modded RPG around).
Yep Yep :) You should warn people though Morrowind mods WILL fill up the HDD cause you just need to get as many as possible because their so good :E
CheapAssStrat said:
Last I heard, no. Athough that was some time ago. The X-Box sales in Japan are too low to gain the intrest of Square-Enix, in fact, the only reason why the Gamecube has a Final Fantasy game is because Nintendo paid for it (and they got ripped off IMO). Not to mention Square-Enix is doing just fine with PS2.

Why care about Final Fantasy anyway? The last really great one was VII (IMO), and now the original creators aren't even doing them anymore (XII). They completely sold out (movies, merchandise, animes, spin-offs, retarded game sequels, retarded movie sequels, ect.), they're not even trying to make great RPGs anymore (sub-par RPGs, yes), they're just trying to sell you shit.

Why do people, when they suddenly don't like the direction a game designer want's to take, labels them as sell outs? Does everything really have to suit your tastes or something? No offense, but I find it a bit childish. I'm not trying to suggest that they're not trying to make money out of it (for god's sake they're a company, of course they are), I just hate that term. It assumes that they just don't care about their fanbase anymore (if they did, they'd retire, they're probably all extremely wealthy). I, for one, have loved all the Final Fantasy games from VII onwards (besides IX, which I never actually bought for some reason), enjoyed the Final Fantasy movie, think that Advent Children looks really cool, and couldn't give a rat's arse if they sold merchandise. There's Half-Life merchanidse, does that make Valve "sell-outs"? The only thing I don't like is that they had to make a proper sequel to FFX because they didn't finish the story.

Gah. Again, no offense, but this sort of thing just puts me in a really ranty mood. :)
You get an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher in this example), aim it at the X-Box and shoot. Once the big black box has disintegrated, sell off the RPG and buy a PS2. Thx.
Fable will quite possibly be the best RPG ever made if it plays how it looks in the videos... man I cannot wait for that game.

IMO... morrowind was kinda boring...story just really didnt exist. It never really roped me in. I have the PC version and I haven't bothered with mods or anything...but I might someday when I'm really really bored.

If you wanna see Fable in action...go HERE .

The fighting system is supposed to be like Devil May Cry (PS2 game... don't try the sequel..they f*cked it up) and it can be 4 player multiplayer. Just read up on some info about the game's features and I'm sure you'll be at least a little bit excited :)
Jade Empire seems pretty cool, and it's an Xbox exclusive.

Damn consols, getting all the fun:(
Ah well, I've still got KOTOR...My love...my prescious...*strokes box*
KagePrototype said:
Why do people, when they suddenly don't like the direction a game designer want's to take, labels them as sell outs? Does everything really have to suit your tastes or something? No offense, but I find it a bit childish.
None taken. But does having songs by pop stars their games make them better? That's all I'm really saying.
KagePrototype said:
It assumes that they just don't care about their fanbase anymore (if they did, they'd retire, they're probably all extremely wealthy).
Did you read the part in my last post about the original creators not doing FFXII? I know this doesn't really mean anything, I just thought it was funny you wrote that.
KagePrototype said:
There's Half-Life merchanidse, does that make Valve "sell-outs"?
No, their games are still good. If they were to split the HL team so they could make twice as many games that aren't half as good as their predecessors (like Square did with FF) than yes, they would be sell-outs. But that's my opinion.
KagePrototype said:
The only thing I don't like is that they had to make a proper sequel to FFX because they didn't finish the story.
The story was finished... They made a sequel because rehashing resources is a cheap way to make a "new" game. At least, that's how I see it... I honestly don't believe they did it because a few people didn't like the ending.
KagePrototype said:
Gah. Again, no offense, but this sort of thing just puts me in a really ranty mood. :)
Again, none taken. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. :cheers:

Umm, oh yeah... X-Box RPGs... err Fable... yeah that's the ticket.