
Amazing.. I cannot wait for the Xbox360. Preordering mine possibly today or Friday.
Still waiting to hear about a game I am interested in...

I am frankly not that excited about the list of games that they have lined up for this event. Maybe King Kong or NFS, but it looks like mostly sports games of which I am just not a fan.
Icarusintel said:
hmmm... where's PD0 so I can tell whether or not it truly is shite

Well conference starts today (oct 4th), so we should see some screenshots/videos very very soon :D
Armored Core 4
Perfect Dark Zero
Gears of War
Project Gotham Racing 3
Halo 3
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Resident Evil 5
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Dead Rising

I know they arn't all release titles. But imo thats a pritty dam good set of games to have on a console.

Also the only one of them games without any sort of techo demo or showcase is Halo 3 and may be Resident Evil 5. But I was reading edge and they where talking about Resident Evil 5 been ingame. But I swear they must be wrong.
my only wish is that maddens grass didnt look like shit. it honestly hasnt changed since madden 1963 :p
Kmack said:
my only wish is that maddens grass didnt look like shit. it honestly hasnt changed since madden 1963 :p

You mean in the sense that it's still green? Yeah that is pretty annoying.
craig said:
You mean in the sense that it's still green? Yeah that is pretty annoying.
well, you'd think with the new processing power they could make it so it wasn't some flat, crappy texture, and maybe give it a bit of depth
Fifa got real grass and it looks pretty good imo. Except the characters doesn’t really look so impressive, especially after you seen NBA2K6.


Same with Tiger Woods PGA 06.


But the PC got real grass as well in Tiger Woods, but the characters looks much better (better lightning) on X360 imo.
IchI said:
Armored Core 4
Perfect Dark Zero
Gears of War
Project Gotham Racing 3
Halo 3
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Resident Evil 5
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Dead Rising

I know they arn't all release titles. But imo thats a pritty dam good set of games to have on a console.
Don't get me wrong, these are some awesome titles, but I don't think they are going to be shown at X05. If they are, though, it should give us some serious discussion material since launch is right around the corner!

Is there some other MS event before launch day? If not, why wouldn't they use this event to showcase what devs have been able to get done with the final dev kits? The selection for the show just seems really weak:sleep:.
is that tiger woods screenshot an actual ingame shot because it looks really weird. if it is, it looks like they spent more time on the grass and the clubhouse than they did on the actual player skins etc.
duffers20 said:
is that tiger woods screenshot an actual ingame shot because it looks really weird.

I think so, yes.
The current X05 Screenies look a bit lame to be honest (in original post). The NSF one (especiall the first picture) looks so blurred - look at the ground texture! I have seen better from the Xbox 360.

Need more evidence :D
TheSomeone said:
What the hell is XO5?
Its a Microsoft event held in Europe every year lately where they can show off to the press and industry types what they have got going. This year its really about the 360, though it looks like the selection of games shown is pretty weak considering the titles slated for the console in the future.
VictimOfScience said:
Its a Microsoft event held in Europe every year lately where they can show off to the press and industry types what they have got going. This year its really about the 360, though it looks like the selection of games shown is pretty weak considering the titles slated for the console in the future.

Oh thanks :).

Looks like they didn't go easy on the BF2 bloom.
gametrailers.com has a bunch of x05 videos up, some being; gears of war gameplay, splinter cell 4 gameplay, project gotham racing 3 gameplay & perfect dark zero gameplay.
destrukt said:
gametrailers.com has a bunch of x05 videos up, some being; gears of war gameplay, splinter cell 4 gameplay, project gotham racing 3 gameplay & perfect dark zero gameplay.
holy shit! that splinter cell 4 teaser looked f*cking awesome, looks like they're gonna be introducing some radically new stuff, I'm certainly intrigued now

hmmm... PD0 looks slightly better, the AI still looks pants though, co-op looks well executed... i still hate Joanna's new look

Wow, Gears of War looks simply stunning, hope it's coming to the PC