X2 vs. Nexus


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I'd like to spend the week between Christmas and Newyearsday in space. I'm free from work for an entire week, the gf's not, and I want to spend some time between the stars. Its been a while since I played a space sim. I have Homeworld 2 but that got boring pretty quick due to predictable AI (didn't play online a lot)... I liked Freelancer, esp. the sandbox aspects of it.

I've narrowed down my search to X2 The Threat and Nexus The Jupiter Incident. X2 seems to be much more extensive than Freelancer, but I'm afraid that the management might be a bit too micro for my taste. Nexus seems pretty cool too, but I might miss the freely flying around in space, pirating, mining or trading. So X2 vs Nexus, which one is it gonna be? Feedback from someone who has played both games, would be appreciated. Other suggestions are welcome too off course.

btw I have a
AMD 1800+ @ 1.53 GHz
Radeon 9600 Atlantis (w/ 256MB)

Oh yeah, and I have similar threads on the X2 forum and the Nexus forum.
x2 is very complex and can allow for extensive micro management, htough you don't have to delve that far into the game.

i began playing it, not really wanting to get that into it, so i didn't go far intro trading, and some of the ship management things.

i haven't gotten very far into the game, but the storyline is fairly generic so far. it doesn't look the best, and doesn't run very well even on 'good' machines but it is a good (long) game.

nexus is fun to play and also offers that extensive micro management, if you want. the gui is very good and the game is fairly easy to learn. the story line is kind of generic, a few 'different' things here and there [so far].

the game should run fairly well on your system.

anyway, if i had to decide right now, i'd say nexus because it's what i'm currently playing through, but x2 is still fun and i still play it a bit, because freelancer is a little basic [but still fun..].

x2 is quite open, while nexus being fairly linear [though you do get to make choices during the game, but i'm not sure how much/if they affect the story].

maybe get both ;) but yeh, ask some questions if you want.

edit: wow, that is a badly structured post, oops.
Thanks Destrukt. The funny thing is: I get basically the same answer on the Nexus and X2 forums. They both seem to be quite good games, there just quite different genres. Still, I love a open-ended game, being able to do what you like and go where you want, so I am tending slightly towards X2. I've heard that the battle mechanics are clunky and that you basically have to have a joystick in order to navigate your ship properly. What's your experience?
When I played it, I didn't use a joystick [though i have a microsoft sidewinder precision 2]. I simply used the keyboard and I found it easy to track and shoot a ship. Though, if you do have real problems using a keyboard, you can put it in autopilot and it will turn/shoot for you :)

So, like alot of flight sims [Space and Real] it's very possible with a keyboard/mouse setup but joystick junkies will say it's impossible without.

I mean, I played and finished Descent 2 and it's expansion 2 or 3 times on keyboard and when I got my joystick, I thought "it's impossible with a joystick!"
I *love* Nexus' core gameplay (the demos blew my brains out). Coolest space battles ever. I like it more than any other RTS out there. In fact, I love it more than all RTS combined.

That being said, I fear for the game's longevity. It's been released for over a month now (well, in Europe), and barely anyone plays it. Heck, it's hardly advertised anywhere, so no one knows of it. For this reason, I can't help but think the multiplayer aspects of the game will be undervalued and overlooked.

I mean, freaking crap, it has deathmatch, team deathmatch, coop, fortress assaults, escort missions, 'CTF'-like gamemodes. All it needs now is players. Hopefully the North American release will give the game more publicity and draw in a lot more players (and thus more only longevity).

I know nothing about X2, so will not comment on that.
Llyranor said:
I mean, freaking crap, it has deathmatch, team deathmatch, coop, fortress assaults, escort missions, 'CTF'-like gamemodes. All it needs now is players.

Have you played online? What was that like?
I bought X2 when it first came out. The trading isn't as tough as you'd think. You just scan an area to see who's selling something the cheapest, buy as much as you can carry, then find out who's buying it at the highest price then sell it to them. You can eventually own your own stations to bring in money, and buy huge ships.

Also, X2 can be edited so you can get custom galaxies from the forum, although I haven't checked it in a while.

The story mode isn't so great, mainly due to things like cutscenes being really crap more than anything else, but you don't have to do the story if you don't want to.
Shakermaker said:
Have you played online? What was that like?

i've played lan and it's incredibly fun.

nothing like 6 e-bomb's going off blinding you while you hear the computer screaming "incoming bombers" while you try to get your fighters out :)
Playing online is INCREDIBLY fun, but my experience only comes from the mp demo. There's nothing quite like joining a game with your buddy as your coordinate your assault on the enemy fleet. "Disable his ECM, I'll take down his shields." "Done!" "Breach the hull!" "Let's take down those destroyers backing up the frigate first!" "Activate the fortress shields before his torpedoes fire again!"

With the slow pace of the game, you have lots of time to plan out tactics amongst your team.

The game ITSELF is awesome. The mp component ITSELF *is* awesome, with all the gamemodes and all (plus map editor).

What's LACKING is that there aren't enough PLAYERS. Like I said, hopefully with the influx of North American players, more will be online.

You really have to try out the demos, albeit they have a high learning curve (the real game's 1st chapter is pretty much a beautiful told tutorial which will slowly teach you the ropes - very nicely done).
I finally succumbed and bought Nexus. I've only been playing for an hour or two but I can already say that I like this game WAY better than X2 which I bought a month ago. While X2 seems amateurish, Nexus has a very professional quality to it. It has amazing graphics, a good story, extensive but intuitive controls, and great audio. Nexus is a must buy for anyone that's into science fiction. X2 is only for the people that need a new Elite and find Freelancer too simple.
the last 2-3 levels are insanely hard, its like they won't let you finish ;)