I've been messing around with my settings and I'm not sure if i should be dissapointed. I dont have any of the patches installed in far cry (dial up still). And, my monitor is just getting me by until my new one comes in this week. The refresh rates are extremely low i believe. Although everything is still playable (besides the yellow textures when on high and u-high), it seems choppy and laggy alot. It's annoying as shit. I only run 1024x768-1280x1024 it seems to do this on all of these. Maybe a little less on the lower ones. I've lowered AA to 1 lowered AF to med. i dont get it. Everything is on high, ultra high water though. The config detects my system as ultra high but does detect settings as medium and low...... it may just be me i dont know. Dont get me wrong it will burn sometimes but damn, i wouldnt be writing this if it wasnt pretty annoying...