x800 pro performance help



hi all

I have been racking my brains and trying almost everything to figure out why im not getting the performance i should be getting out of my system, ive seen various benchmarks on the net, seeing fps of like 100-120 with my card, yet all im getting is around the 60 mark (not that its horrible, i just cant figure out why im not getting what i should be out of my setup).

heres my setup...

Gigabyte P4 Titan GA-8SQ800 (rev 1.0) FSB 566 8x AGP
P4 2.5ghz cpu (overclocked to 3.0 (either way my scores are in the region of 60fps)
2 sticks of 512 400 speed ddr (running in dual mode) (unsure of memory brand)
x800 pro (i had it running with the 16 pipes (xt-pe) 520-560 and it ran fine, but my fps were still in the region of 60 or so)
hard drives arent too new (7200) it doesnt appear to be the bottleneck though.

as for the tests im running, ive been mainly testing the various demos ive seen out their with everything set to high aa off af set to trilinear. the main test ive been testing eith is named AT-COAST_05.DEM

550 PSU

I hope ive listed as much as possible, ive messed about with different drivers (beta 4.12s and the 4.11s) tried with both of my soundcards (default mobo scard and a audigy2 NX (the usb one) vsync has always been disabled on the tests.

I'm going insane trying to figure what on earth is wrong here, whats bottlenecking me, i hope some of you guys could help me out, it would be highly appreciated.

Many thanks
Are you 100% sure that vsync is off? It's very obvious in Half Life 2, the game looks horrendous with vsync disabled.

The Direct 3D settings page in the display control panel overrides the in game setting, make sure that "Wait for Vertical Sync" is set to "Always Off" then reboot.