X800 XT - I'm inpatient - Best Buy isn't making it easier



Ok so here's the deal...

I pre-ordered a ATI Radeon x800 xt card on the 1st of this month from Best Buy online. I was just about to go run to a store and pick up a 9800 pro or someth'n and have it like 3 weeks ago because I'm inpatient, but I figured why get that when double the power is out right?
Well I looked at my order status on Monday (6/14) and it showed that it was going to arrive Tuesday or Wednesday of this week (because i got overnight shipping (because i'm inpatient))... Then I looked at the status on Tuesday and it was backordered. What kind of evil people are about to lie like that?!! Thanks for not telling me it's backordered until the day I'm supposed to have it... grrr.

So I call Best Buy customer service... I ask them why it is all of the sudden it's backordered after i pre-ordered it. (it was my understanding that i had reserved a product that they were sure to have) He says that it was an error on their part and apologizes. I ask them when I will receive the video card. He says that they have no idea. I ask why they even have pre-order and set an arrival date when they don't have any units in. He says it was an error on their part and apologizes. Ok, at this point the frustration is welling up inside me, so i ask him if he had any x800 xt cards sent out at all (figuring that maybe i was just late in ordering and they just ran out of stock). He says that they haven't shipped any of those cards yet.

I give up... I looked on other forums that had people talking to customer service centers of other companies about their pro-ordered x800 xts and they said they weren't shipping til the 27th or so. I'm too freak'n impatient for this kind of treatment... oh yeah, and they don't give any rebates for their website lies, only apologies... and those don't help me get faster framerates.

This was more of a vent for my frustration because of my impatience... I don't know if anyone has an answer for me about my problem... all i'm asking is that everyone who reads this, mumble something indecent about best buy under their breath... maybe that will give them bad 'chi' or some crap.

Oh I looked in the paper for a 25 semi truck pile up near ATI's headquarters but didn't see any, so why is it tak'n so freak'n long to get my card?!!
Im impatient like you, but i wont pre-order a single thing because of my problem...i would rather wait till i KNOW they are in stock and ill order it for next day delivery even if it costs me an extra £25 ...

One of the best things about where i live though is the 2 online shops i use in UK are quite cheap and BOTH of them have warehouses in the next town to mine lol...like 15 minutes drive so i get my orders at 8:00am in the morning the next day everytime upto now...it ****ing owns man i tell thee, proper bo'
The Terminator said:
suck it up princess.

Haha. Woot woot, who put the noodles in my soup?

Impatient people need to learn how to be patient.
Hey hey...

Thx for the encouragement, Terminator. What kind of video card do you have, eh? Is it made out of Saskatchewanian wood? Ya can't blame me for being impatient about something... you're impatient for Half-Life 2 like everyone else on these forums. That's the reason this site exists. We are all so impatient for HL2's release that we come here to get every scrap of info we can about the details of the game and how close it is to release.

So i guess if either of you ever come to this site again, you just contradicted yourselves cause you're impatient too, good job! You just lost that little battle.

I don't even want to bother with this other kid who says impatient people need to learn how to be patient... yeah then i guess alcoholics should learn to be sober and smokers should learn how to quit... let's learn to make the world a better place why don't we?... *snore*

ehh, thx guys this ranting and raving actually works for releas'n the frustration symptoms... ahhh. well i'll get the card sometime i just hate the fact that they said i would get it one day, then the next day i won't get it for another few weeks. It's kinda like almost getting off work, then they ask you to stay late. It just aggrivates the hell out of anyone.
I have a 9600. and why dont u just buy a x800 pro, u only lose like 5 fps max. God. Just shut up.
DropnonE said:
I don't even want to bother with this other kid who says impatient people need to learn how to be patient... yeah then i guess alcoholics should learn to be sober and smokers should learn how to quit... let's learn to make the world a better place why don't we?... *snore*

Yes, they should. Also yes, we should.

Actually not everyone here is impatient for Half-Life 2. I don't come here for the game, hell you won't find one post of mine in the HL2 forum. I come here to talk to the people in the General Forums because I like them. I've waited patiently for HL2 for a long time. Just because it didn't come out in September I didn't go out and buy some other game because I want to play something right now. I'll just wait until it comes out and if it doesn't oh well.

As for the card, you can either wait it out or buy something else. Seeing as you're impatient I'm guessing you want your card now. I'd suggest an Nvidia 5200 Fx, I'm sure Best Buy has plenty of those in stock for you. Seeing as you're super duper ultra omega to the third degree impatient you better get on ordering that card now.
Ordering now...

Naw, I'll have to wait for the X800 XT because it's going to be worth the horrible suffering I have to go through. This is why I don't usually buy stuff online. Shipping sucks. I went through Best Buy because they have the cards from ATI with the free copy of HL2, and I get a rebate for a Tivo type card which I wanted anyway, plus some t-shirt... I can always make that last one a Mother's day gift next year. Ya know, around the time that i'll probably get my card finally sent to me. So it will be worth it once i get the card.

Yeah and there is more than a 5 fps gap between the performance on games between the x800 series cards. I'm not that dim. If it was only that I probably would get the pro.
Check the stats here
I play my games on 1600x1200 and for this setting with all the bells and whistles turned on, there is the most noticable performance gap where the xt really shows it's power. Once I get this card I'll want to play games with all the extra effects maxed out. In Far Cry, there is about a 23% increase with the xt card with 1600x1200 and AA and AF set high.
U know what's propper BO? I got my 256mb X800 XT Platinum Edition for under £200. No VAT, No shipping.

Steck tat en yur peep an smook et.
We don't need to hear it unless you can help us out and tell us where and how ya got it... Thx though.

Oh by the way, how do you like the card... talk it up a little and give a small review.
I'm a slut for that kind of stuff.
Unless you didn't receive it yet, which is probably the case.
the ATI headquarters is not too far from where I live, yet they still take forever to ship things ...some of the retailers in the area havent received any yet even though they put in the order when they were announced
CptStern said:
the ATI headquarters is not too far from where I live, yet they still take forever to ship things ...some of the retailers in the area havent received any yet even though they put in the order when they were announced

Uh since when where Radeon cards made and shipped from ATI HQ. The other companies ie Power Color, Gigabyte are the ones that do that.

/edit and if your a desperate person never buy online.
/edit i'm finding that hard lesson out more and more every day. Boo on online buying.
Kyo said:
Uh since when where Radeon cards made and shipped from ATI HQ. The other companies ie Power Color, Gigabyte are the ones that do that.

/edit and if your a desperate person never buy online.

where else would they make them? ATI is based in my city
Forget Best Buy. Comp USA gets the x800 XT on 6/27 where I live. They also install it for free. So, I'm going to Mammoth Mountain for a national motocross race, and when I get back next week, it'll be there waiting for me. I have my money ready. I saved and saved allowance money for a long time and built it up to $648.00. Weee, I'm happy. :)
i stopped pre ordering things a couple of years back for just this reason, even after you lay down your cash, you are still vunerable to the shipping pipeline troubles.
what i have done is to find local reatailer-dept. head, preferably a BIGBOX guy, and tell him the situation, chances are he wants one too! So when the first one hits his store, he calls me up and I paddle over. If the store is big enough with enough pull ie.. volume, distributors take care of the big boys first, we all know that.
it pays to have and INSIDE contact trust me.
Lol, poor sap, should have been with NewEgg.com. They don't carry the XT yet though.
Alright, I had a order at Best-Buy for a X800 Pro for about 3 or 4 weeks, same situation as you, I finally decided to cancel it and order from Compusa. Day later found out Compusa shipped my video card. Best Buy is the worst for video cards.
CptStern said:
where else would they make them? ATI is based in my city

Cards are'nt shipped from ATI HQ to your local pc hardware shop. They might be made there but they get sent to other company's... i.e Sapphire/Powercolor.