X800XT PE Cancelled???

If this is true, then nVidia has just scored a MAJOR coup that might help them out financially!


I think it might be true, I ordered an x800 xt from pcconnections.com it was back ordered for a two weeks, Then I got a call from pcconnections telling me that ATI had discontinued shipping that card to them so yeah I don’t know what the deal is with ATI :(
so whats hte news? its gone or what?

i wanna say i realy dont care cuss i can buy the 6900ultra same performance.

but then again ATI cards to run better in hl2 soo....

whats hte news? its gone or what?
You mean this link.
We shall see. We don't have the 6800 Ultra's in any quantity either so...

6800GT or X800Pro will remain the choices as it has been and shall remain for some time until the highend chips get better yields.

Whoever has a X800XT PE, you are one lucky gamer.
With a bit of luck I should have my X800XT that I ordered arrive this weekend. I don't think anyone has an X800XT-PE yet do they? I mean I don't believe that they'd cancel them. Although, the PCI Express system won't be the standard for quite a while I think.
Kazuki_Fuse said:
With a bit of luck I should have my X800XT that I ordered arrive this weekend. I don't think anyone has an X800XT-PE yet do they? I mean I don't believe that they'd cancel them. Although, the PCI Express system won't be the standard for quite a while I think.

The X800 XT PE is the AGP version.
The X800 XT is the PCI-E version.
XT Platinums are a different story - they're very hard to get but still in better shape then X800XTs. The real quantities will come, believe or not, in September.

what? who gives a **** if hte xt is canceled as long as the pe isnt.

so whats all this fuss about?
Thank god I don't try to buy all the newest card, but rather have a lag period of a year whenever I buy my vidoecards. Too stressfull.
Guinny has a XT PE I thought...
There were a number of XT PE's shipped right when they first came out, like from Compusa's website. Then they got backordered and just leaked out as they came to those orders.
I just ordered mine from quebec. Lucky french people. They said I will recieve it monday. :thumbs: They had the powercolor x800xtpe, asus x800xtpe, saphire x800xtpe and the ati x800xtpe. Im so happy. :bounce: I have been waiting for over a month now to finally finish building my new computer.
From what I've read is that ATI has had a very hard time hitting the speeds and voltages on the cores that they need for the PEs. I perosnally doubt that they will abandon the cards, but I wouldn't be suprised to see them, like INQ says, release a card that is lower clocked, consisting of the cards that couldn't hit the XT speeds.

- The X800XT PE is not canceled. The X800XT PE is different than the X800XT. The X800XT PE is an AGP only card. The X800XT is a PCI Express only card and has a slightly lower clockspeed than the X800XT PE.

- Anybody expecting to buy a X800XT PE, X800XT, 6800 Ultra, or 6800 Ultra Extreme is crazy. The yields for these parts are extremely low. Then throw in problems with obtaining 1.6 ns GDDR 3 ram and you have very few ultra high end graphics cards available for sale.
what does yields mean, iwas planning on buying a x800xt pe. is this bad?
Anybody expecting to buy a X800XT PE, X800XT, 6800 Ultra, or 6800 Ultra Extreme is crazy
I have found many cards in stock at many websites. It how much your willing to pay. Some are oem and they are about $650 canadian but I would never buy OEM. Or you can have a retail for about $700-850. You just have to know were to look and what websites are trustworthy as far as actually shipping the product to you on time........
gegam said:
what does yields mean, iwas planning on buying a x800xt pe. is this bad?

A yield is how much you will get when you try to produce something. Let say I make 5 widgets, but at the end of production only 3 are saleable, that means I have a 60% yield. The yield number is important because there is a yield percent that is needed to make your money back. So if I am producing less than my targeted yeild amount, I am loosing money.

blackeye said:
I have found many cards in stock at many websites. It how much your willing to pay. Some are oem and they are about $650 canadian but I would never buy OEM. Or you can have a retail for about $700-850. You just have to know were to look and what websites are trustworthy as far as actually shipping the product to you on time........

If there was proper supply of these cards, the card prices would reflect the MSRP price suggested by ATI and Nvidia. These high end cards maybe available, but only after scaring away loads and loads of customers who are only willing to pay the MSRP.
Shuzer said:
The X800 XT PE is the AGP version.
The X800 XT is the PCI-E version.

Not over here it isn't. The XT is the agp version, and the PCI-E is the Platinum one.
I have for almost a week now the Sapphire X800XT PE. I ordered 3 weeks ago a X800 of Asus but I got a call back from the shop that the Asus X800 will take a long while. So someone came telling me that another shop got a few sapphire's left so I purchased the Sapphire :)
Kazuki_Fuse said:
Not over here it isn't. The XT is the agp version, and the PCI-E is the Platinum one.


I have right now the AGP XT PE version and there are some cards for the AGP with XT non-PE labeled.

It just depends on the region I guess :cool:
Ive sent a mail to Alienware asking them if they know anything about this (cos Ive got a x800 XT PE on my ordered system) Id assume they would have a pretty good idea whats going on because what ever you think of them they always have the best stuff early on.
ShadowBlade said:
Ive sent a mail to Alienware asking them if they know anything about this (cos Ive got a x800 XT PE on my ordered system) Id assume they would have a pretty good idea whats going on because what ever you think of them they always have the best stuff early on.

I had the same issue with my alienware however they had several xt pe in stock and that was just bout a week ago i think.
Yea if Id ordered 2 weeks ago I could of had the system within 10 days.. if I cant have a wuvly x800 XT PE just cos I was a week or two slow ill be a bit naffed off :>
Aparantly there is supposed to be a large amount of shipments to retailiers on augaust 14th from asus, and saphire.
Its realy going to suck if Im forced to change my order to a 6800 GT...
ATi says no X800s cancelled

Hey I just skimmed this thread so I'm not sure if anyone posted this yet. Apologies if so.
ATI has not discontinued the RADEON X800 XT Platinum Edition as erroneously reported on some web sites. We continue to ship RADEON X800 products to customers worldwide, including the RADEON X800 XT Platinum Edition, RADEON X800 XT, RADEON X800 PRO and RADEON X800 SE.
That's a quote from HardOCP which was quoting this DriverHeaven news item, which heard straight from Patti Mikula of ATi.
ShadowBlade said:
Its realy going to suck if Im forced to change my order to a 6800 GT...

No worrys i think youll get one with your AW for sure there out of stock right now but supposed to be getting a shipment in at the end of the month from what they told me.
Man for those who were lucky enough to get the PE when it came out you must be feeling really good right now. But wouldn't it be too bad if someone's PE just broke down for no reason and he had to settle for a normal XT cause the PE's aren't made now? Has anybody noticed that the prices for 6800GT's have gone up? Newegg had them for $399 but now even the Evga one is $424.
No worrys i think youll get one with your AW for sure there out of stock right now but supposed to be getting a shipment in at the end of the month from what they told me.

Yea that would tie in with when Im ment to be getting my system. *fingers crossed* :p
Icarusintel said:
Where can you find X800 XT PCIE cards? I keep looking for them

It's pretty impossible to find high end PCIE cards, and pretty impossible to find any version of the x800xtpe. If you have PCIE, only options now are midrange pretty much.