Xbitlabs.com benchmarks "anticipated game"

They constantly said "Half-life 2" throughout the entire review. You might want to try reading the articles you post next time.
uh, painfully obvious is an understatement. They discuss Half-Life 2 for 3 pages and then say "we are now going to benchmark this anticipated game." :LOL:
Originally posted by i8yourparents
They constantly said "Half-life 2" throughout the entire review. You might want to try reading the articles you post next time.

hey dummy...i read the entire article. apparently your reading comprehension skills are lacking.

they never say "we're benchmarking half-life 2" yes they talk about hl2, but they never specifically refer to the game they're benchmarking as hl2...only as "an anticipated game that uses heavy pixel shading" etc.

EDIT: what i'm fkn talking about

this page:

Now take a look at performance numbers of the game that uses Pixel Shaders and Vertex Shaders 2.0 heavily:

why not "take a look at performance from the leaked hl2 beta"?
they never say specifically what game they're testing.

hey dummy...i read the entire article. apparently your reading comprehension skills are lacking.

they never say "we're benchmarking half-life 2" yes they talk about hl2, but they never specifically refer to the game they're benchmarking as hl2...only as "an anticipated game that uses heavy pixel shading" etc.

"hey dummy" ... No comment

Also, before you go off attempting to flame me with you "hey dummy"-ness, you might want to bone up on your reading comprehension skills to take note of the fact that I never explicitly stated that they said "we're benchmarking half-life 2".

You also really need to grow up and realize that these forums are not super-serious, and people like me really don't care enough about anything posted here to start a flame-war. Notice how I didn't phrase my post in such a way to get you infuriated (which for some reason you seem to be right now).

While I could have said "OMFG||!111| n00bZ0r!111!1 j00 dIdN7 /2eeD teh atricle!11!! HeaLOLOLL pwNz0reD!!!1111!", I didn't, and you need to take heed to this message as to prevent you from any further childish namecalling. Do it again and I might defenestrate you. :p
I wonder if that website will run into trouble for posting a benchmark that's based on stolen software. The benchmark is not yet out.

still don't understand how the 5600 outperforms the 5900.

shows the quality of these benchmarks...
I geuss they want the abuility to deny haveing the beta, only problem with that is they have HL2 in the url, now how many DX9 game's have the initials HL2. Of course haveing HL2 in the url can not be taken as proof in a law suit, there's simply too many possibuilitys for it being used to identify that webpage other than because they are benchmarking the beta.
No respected site would ever use illegal software for any purposes. I hope this site gets screwed for using the "alpha".
lol, they used the stolen beta and didn't have the balls to say it.
people like me really don't care enough about anything posted here to start a flame-war. Notice how I didn't phrase my post in such a way to get you infuriated (which for some reason you seem to be right now).

if you don't care enough to start a flame war, why did you start one?

please don't use that tired crap...telling me to "grow up." i was just trying to point out that xbitlabs had a strange benchmark, and you told me that i didn't read the article, when i clearly did.

While I could have said "OMFG||!111| n00bZ0r!111!1 j00 dIdN7 /2eeD teh atricle!11!! HeaLOLOLL pwNz0reD!!!1111!", I didn't,
You might want to try reading the articles you post next time.

there is basically no difference between these two statements. they serve the same purpose...one looks like it was typed by some immature kid, the other looks like it was said by some cynical asshole...both are unwelcome and unnecessary.

Originally posted by bmb
lol, they used the stolen beta and didn't have the balls to say it.

yea, that's what i wanted to point out...not get into a flaming contest with some guy who wants to reply to my post just to tell me i'm wrong when i'm not.

everyone else seems to notice how they tried to hide or just not say which game they were benchmarking...
erm if having hl2 in the url isn't enough for a lawsuit, what about having the name of the maps (psy-town, seafloor) above the benchmark charts :D

Alexey and Anton are morons. They're basing whether the game is ready or not, off of buggy, stolen content. Saying it's no where near completed. Whoever wrote that isn't very smart. It's stupid people like this that cause so much freakin' chaos in the gaming community. I'm sorry, I think I'll pass on the benchmarks. They'll probably say it maintained a stable constant of 414 fps in the the dead sea level, just like this one moron did on IRC last night. I used to look for info from here, but now that's changed. I don't know about you, but this has convinced me to never trust Xbitlabs...

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie

Alexey and Anton are morons. They're basing whether the game is ready or not, off of buggy, stolen content. Saying it's no where near completed. Whoever wrote that isn't very smart. It's stupid people like this that cause so much freakin' chaos in the gaming community. I'm sorry, I think I'll pass on the benchmarks. They'll probably say it maintained a stable constant of 414 fps in the the dead sea level, just like this one moron did on IRC last night. I used to look for info from here, but now that's changed. I don't know about you, but this has convinced me to never trust Xbitlabs...


agreed, i used to trust xbitlabs quite a bit...and usually their information seems quite reliable. they really missed it on this one though...hopefully it's just limited to this particular article or authors and not the rest of the site staff :\
yeah, this is a bad judgement by them.

and maskirovka is right, it was written in such a way that its obvious they benchmarked hl2, but you couldn't prove it from their statements.
Did you look at the benchmarks? It obviously states the level name. It would be like write de_dust, highest quality.
How do we know they didn't use a legit pre-gold beta from Valve? Does the stolen alpha have the benchmarking tool bundled? Is that what the fifth and sixth tech demos are? Are those the benchmarking utilities Valve was talking about releasing?

I was hoping for a stand alone benchmarking tool and I was surprised when it wasn't spread around everywhere when the alpha was stolen.

How do we know Xbitlab's benching isn't sanctioned by Valve?

[edit]meant to say wasn't spread around...
Originally posted by ImJacksAmygdala
How do we know they didn't use a legit pre-gold beta from Valve? Does the stolen alpha have the benchmarking tool bundled? Is that what the fifth and sixth tech demos are? Are those the benchmarking utilities Valve was talking about releasing?

I was hoping for a stand alone benchmarking tool and I was surprised when it was spread around everywhere when the alpha was stolen.

How do we know Xbitlab's benching isn't sanctioned by Valve?

Now, without having read the artticle myself, you don't think this is a bit outlandish. IMO, if it was somehow sanctioned by Valve, I would think they would keep saying that over and over, like they have an exclusive story (which they would have), instead of attempting (according to some posts) to beat around the bush with what they are actually benchmarking.
Originally posted by TheWart
Now, without having read the artticle myself, you don't think this is a bit outlandish. IMO, if it was somehow sanctioned by Valve, I would think they would keep saying that over and over, like they have an exclusive story (which they would have), instead of attempting (according to some posts) to beat around the bush with what they are actually benchmarking.

the article's pretty short...take 3 minutes to skim over it at least :p

those techdemo levels they ran are the levels from the released videos.
y'know the levels where they show off the physics, etc. but it's not really hl2, just showing off the engine features
So did that stolen alpha contain the benchmark utility? I thought Valve stated that they were going to release a benchmarking utility around the time they release the gold beta..
I was in the middle of posting this reply when it was closed.

Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
What would you expect from them? They're the ones who are basing Hl2's dev. status, on the the pre-release. The Pre-Release, OMG!
How can you be so ignorant of other Hl2 news, including E3, as to speculate Hl2 on the alpha. I could be wrong though, they might not be ignorant, they just be plain stupid. This is just as bad as the people on TEchTV playing that Alpha Tech Release of Doom III, on Air! My God, what has happened to people's common courtesy? I wouldn't listen to anything Xbit Labs has to say, especially in regard to Hl2.


LoL, TechTV gets away with alot of copyright crap. They emulate gameboy games on cellphones, emulate playstation games on the PC, and show you how to rip from a hacked Tivo. I think they even ran Linux on a hacked Xbox. And they highly recommend Kazza Lyte openly... Hahaha! The EULA of Kazaa Lyte states that the software is illeagal.

Its funny because the minute they bring up music swapping they look down on it... LOL! It's like thats what the producers told them to say, but the producers don't have a clue about other digital media.

Xbit labs isn't a TV show, and some guy said they are from Russia, so I doubt Valve can really do anything. They usually have great information so I will still use the site for news.

Xbit labs didn't release any screenshots or any media from the stolen alpha so all they really hosted was an editorial of a bench mark that was implied to be HL2 alpha. Editorials aren't illeagal, although this may hurt Valve relations in the future. I doubt it will even do that because Xbits labs agreed with the benches released by Valve almost exactly. The benches just confirmed what Valve already told us.
argh, a games/gaming hardware review site that doesn't know what fps stands for should be shut down.
Starting from the legendary Castle Wolfenstein, the most popular and demanded games have been First Point Shooter titles.
it's First Person Shooter damned !!
What a stupid-ass site. Just e-mailed helpvalve with a link to it. I hope they get shut down.
Originally posted by Marijn
argh, a games/gaming hardware review site that doesn't know what fps stands for should be shut down.

it's First Person Shooter damned !!

Also notice they call the game "the Half-Life 2."

What a lousy site.
Take a look at their other articles. Not only are they usually one of the first sites with the info, but its been accurate most of the time too.

The benches editorial does seem in poor taste, and is written rather shitty though.
I like xbit labs. I don't think the prerelease is a fair representation of HL2' s current state unlike them, but there techies and proberly don't follow HL2 in detail. Also I think it's kind of hypocriticle that people are bashing them for benchmarking the pre release (which isn't a beta because almost the entire game is missing, only the code seams to be in the beta stages), who themselves have either the source code or the pre-release on their computer.

Oh and don't tell me you don't have one of them on your computer, because if you don't then I'm not refering to you am I (unless you tried to get one of them and failed).
I am interested if Valve sends a nastygram, but it won't stop me from using the site for news.
Using the Xbitlabs style of journalism I will write a review of Doom 3.

There are only 3 levels, a pitiful 5 or 6 monsters. There is no story, no bosses, the weapons suck so bad they had to use some from Quake 3, the AI sucks and zombies will get stuck if there are cardboard boxes in the way, you will get at most 7 FPS and there are frequent crashes.
ugh...the article sounds like its written by someone who just took a their first class in english.
This just doesn't sound like a normal Xbitlabs review... Maybe a hacker hacked Xbit and posted a HL2 Alpha Revieww! LOL the Hacker hacked his own review of his hack!