XBOX 360 and MP3s


Jun 14, 2004
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get this, know all our beloved MP3s we have on our PC? we can't port them over to the 360!! (unless we rip them from the original CDs) It can play the MP3s from data CDs but it cannot transfer them to the HDD.

"Get used to ripping tracks from audio CDs because that's the only way we could get music onto the 360's HDD. The console could recognize and play MP3 songs from USB devices like memory sticks and portable media players, but we couldn't transfer songs over to the HDD. Similarly, the system could play songs from a data CD that contained MP3s, but we couldn't transfer the music directly to the system's HDD. The 360 can stream music from USB devices and data CDs, but it won't let you copy any songs from those sources."

I know, within 4 weeks (or sooner) this will be remedied by some gifted programmers hopefully... any thoughts? anyone hooked their 360 up to their PC?
That doesn't matter to me at all... All my songs are on my iPod anyways... Why would I want to waste space on my X360 by putting those songs on it?
It's got to be standard copyright procedure and its gay.

It doesn't matter to me though becuase I have a program called "Record Now" on my PC and i just create an Audio CD instead of an MP3 CD. I've had to do this becuase my car stereo is a little old and doesn't play MP3 CD's.

so after i create an audio CD with all my favorite songs, i can then rip the Cd onto the HArd drive

and iced_eagle, the reason is becuase I assume the games will switch tracks automatically at certain points, like upon entering a new level (on certain games), and have an in-game interface for manipulating the audio settings. But either way, i have an MP3 player too, and may mess with that, and do it the way you are talking about also. :)