XBox 360 Demo Released


Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Although I own The Orange Box on my PC, I decided to give the demo for Episode 2 on 360 a try (it was just released today). The controls are decent and it obviously runs very smoothly. It plays from the beginning until you break the barrier using the mine-cart, leading you to the area where Alyx meets the hunter the first time, and then it fades.

The controls were decent, although not as precise as a mouse and keyboard, the aiming was not touchy at all and controlled just as good as Halo or any other console-designed FPS.

I'm glad to see that console owners are getting just about the same experience as PC owners, besides TF2 of course, which only allows 16 players in a laggy, hectic and hard to control space (from what i've heard).

I believe Portal and TF2 demos are scheduled for release later on.
So, people get to kill five zombies, two antlions and a poison headcrab :D
Sad that they ruin a great game by putting it on a console just to make some cash. I guess it goes to finance future great games for the PC, so it's a neccessary evil.
Sad that they ruin a great game by putting it on a console just to make some cash. I guess it goes to finance future great games for the PC, so it's a neccessary evil.

Shut up. This is the dumbest debate in the history of mankind.
Sad that they ruin a great game by putting it on a console just to make some cash. I guess it goes to finance future great games for the PC, so it's a neccessary evil.

Was your exp. in Episode 2 hindered somewhat because it was released for console? Was there parts in the game which you disliked, and then thought ''curse you, Xbox 360! I can't stand this GAME PRIMARILY DESIGNED FOR PC because of you owners! Grrr!''?

No, I shouldn't of thought so, unless you've just got some petty grudge against console gamers and insist upon clutching at straws such as the above statement just to try and express your anger when, in actual fact, the OB for 360 has been a great success and a benchmark for moving Valve forward into the console gaming world.

On topic: I can understand that the demo would be great for showcasing the visuals, effects and general feel of the game but for gameplay and length that's really bad. As already said, you come across like 8 zombies and a few Antlions and even those enemies aren't paying much attention to you.Except for that poison headcrab just randomly placed in the middle of knowhere in typical Valve fashion. Regardless, cool.
Not much difference from an Xbox360 to a PC now a days. Why the heck wouldn't you allow a game that plays on a Microsoft OS to be played on a Microsoft console? You cant beat the mouse for control on First person shooters but playing it on a console really is a nifty solution for some people who have dated computers, Some of which probably don't run Episode 2 all that well.

I mean heck.. I have my freekin 360 hooked up to the same monitor that I play PC games with and I play 360 in HD :).. It really is a nifty solution and I respect Microsoft for doing this.. Everyone has a spare monitor laying around, Not everyone has a freekin HDTV

The game probably would have looked a heck of allot better on my 360 but I decided to play it on my PC. This is actually just an aiming preference because im slightly better at aiming with a mouse then a 360 controller. I guess Its because i dont spend most of my time killing random idiots in halo like most people do. lol..

I think i'll try that demo when I get home and get back to you guys :)
Consoleitis only is a problem in complex games like Oblivion, and even then it's more of a problem with interface niggles than anything else.
Sad that they ruin a great game by putting it on a console just to make some cash. I guess it goes to finance future great games for the PC, so it's a neccessary evil.
Funny how that "neccesary evil" is also the only reason I'm playing the game today, seeing as my PC is no longer up to the task. As a Valve fan, I'm extremely glad they released the 'Box on (almost) all platforms - not just for me, but for everyone who doesn't have the opportunity to play these games on a computer. They simply deserve to be played, and that's all there is to it. Besides which, the fact that a company wants to make money from their own hard work is hardly surprising, let alone evil.

Anyway, yeah, the console controls are great, although I'd still prefer the ol' mouse and keyboard any day. As I said, I only really got it on 360 because I had to (achievements are a nice aside, though), but I don't regret my purchase at all, and I still had a blast with all the games on there - including the ones I'd already played.

Hopefully the demo will get the Box into the hands of more happy gamers.
Consoleitis only is a problem in complex games like Oblivion, and even then it's more of a problem with interface niggles than anything else.

Hardly.. My GF absolutely loved oblivion for my 360.. My poor puter would definitely not be able to handle that. I was trying to find a game she could play for my new 360 and oblivion was the obvious choice for her :). I didn't play the PC version but 360's version was actually really really smooth. And the control was not a problem at all, For the most part it wasn't a FPS so aiming was nearly as important.
I was quite glad (in a way) to see that Valve had finally managed to port one of their games successfully (ie. without spoiling the entire gameplay) to console. Definitely a stepping stone.
Oblivion on 360 was far more popular at the LAN center I worked at than Oblivion on PC. 2 cents.

I have no problem with cross-platform titles so long as they're developed primarily for the PC and no game-shattering compromises are made.
Hardly.. My GF absolutely loved oblivion for my 360.. My poor puter would definitely not be able to handle that. I was trying to find a game she could play for my new 360 and oblivion was the obvious choice for her :). I didn't play the PC version but 360's version was actually really really smooth. And the control was not a problem at all, For the most part it wasn't a FPS so aiming was nearly as important.

Of course it was easy to use on the 360! :P I was referring to the interface artifacts left behind from making it easier to use for the 360.

Stuff like menu fonts being too large, things like that.
Nope, I love consoles. I've had one in one form or another since I can remember gaming. But I'm aware of the changes they usually have to make to port games. Naturally the aiming is quite different, and sometimes because of it they dumb down the A.I a bit. The graphics are usually tuned down a little, and typically there's more content on the PC version. Don't get me wrong, it can go the other way too. I've heard the Gears of War port to the PC unsing a mouse and keyboard doesn't really give you a distinct advantage over the XBOX. But you can't expect the game to remain completely the same throughout every platform.

Plus we all know those Halo idiots spill over to TF2.
I actually prefer 3rd person games like Gears Of War to be played with a 360 controller.. Yet First person shooters I prefer the mouse and keyboard.

And I guess oblivion was ported well because the menu's and font sizes were absolutely perfect.. This also could be because I play my 360 at the same resolution as my PC.. 1280 x 1024, so the font and menu doesn't need to change at all..
I also love consoles, but I'm sorry FPSes are not made for consoles. And I also tryed out the demo and I thought it was dreadful compared to PC version. The aiming speed is far to slow to suit the gravity gun, the controls are confusing and make no sense or resemblance, the sound emmiters which NPCs use was off, Alyx's voice was far too low and the contact to white forest was far too loud, and bad place to leave a demo, they should have left it just as the hunter stabs alyx and the screen goes black, then revealing the 'Available Now' thing...cliff hanger you know
Plus we all know those Halo idiots spill over to TF2.

The same could be said about CS idiots on the PC version, and I don't know which one pisses me off more, so that is a void area to comment on.

Also, I've now played both OB versions and I saw no difference between the two whatsoever. Both excellent.
While Controllers will never be as precise as a keyboard and mouse they do have one distinct advantage that should not be overlooked: squeezing the trigger on a controller is far more satisfying than left-clicking on the mouse. It's also nice to sit back in a chair and play on a nice HD tv with surround sounds but the PC is obviously generally superior.
While Controllers will never be as precise as a keyboard and mouse they do have one distinct advantage that should not be overlooked: squeezing the trigger on a controller is far more satisfying than left-clicking on the mouse. It's also nice to sit back in a chair and play on a nice HD tv with surround sounds but the PC is obviously generally superior.
And the rumbleing is quite satisfying as well..
Oh btw.. Does Halflife have rumble when you play it on the 360?

It's strange though.. The movement keys ARE more precise then the old keyboard keys.. Even the triggers are pressure sensitive. I'm just waiting for some kind of happy medium like a keyboard with a thumb stick thing on it ;D
The controllers are MUCH better for stealth games I might add.. Thankfully halflife will never be stealth.. Playing splinter cell on the PC was freekin painfull..

Oh and for some reason I cant download the demo yet, Some kind of error. I'll try again tommorow
I thought the Orange Box had the best controls for a console FPS I have ever played. My pc is crap, so I got it for 360, and I was pleasantly surprised.
And the rumbleing is quite satisfying as well..
Oh btw.. Does Halflife have rumble when you play it on the 360?

Of course. I also find it very easy to headshot with the smg, handguns, and shotgun as well. This definitely has the best FPS controls on a console to date.
Probs, put the control scheme is still terrible in relation to the PC controls
While Controllers will never be as precise as a keyboard and mouse they do have one distinct advantage that should not be overlooked: squeezing the trigger on a controller is far more satisfying than left-clicking on the mouse. It's also nice to sit back in a chair and play on a nice HD tv with surround sounds but the PC is obviously generally superior.

Only advantage, I think. But a controller can easily be stuck onto a PC. And HD TVs are quite easily used as monitors. So point fails.
Only advantage, I think. But a controller can easily be stuck onto a PC. And HD TVs are quite easily used as monitors. So point fails.

Well that wasn't exactly my point. Not sure how many people who have the option chose a controller over a mouse and key for an FPS. I was comparing the two general experiences.
Fair enough. Joystick's always a possibility. I think a holodeck would definitely the best choice :D
Oblivion on 360 was far more popular at the LAN center I worked at than Oblivion on PC. 2 cents.

I have no problem with cross-platform titles so long as they're developed primarily for the PC and no game-shattering compromises are made.

My concern would be is that if they make more money from the console port will the next iteration in the series be a PC port? One realizes that there is more latitude with the PC from an artistic perspective but Valve is a business first, so if they make more $ from console sales they'll probably target the console market more so next.