xbox 360 drops price, internet strangely silent


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Particularly this forum.

Also, I found out that if you buy an Xbox 360 at an ebgames store, you can get a 30 dollar used game for free. Any takers on this deal of the century?
Because the PS Triple, yo, pwns 360 and Gaylo.
who are you and why are you cluttering my forum?

Personally I'll speak up when the 'next-gen' consoles come down to the price they should be.
I've already detailed the price and required features needed for me to buy an X360 in other threads. When it gets there, I'll jump for joy. Besides, this price drop was hardly large enough to justify a purchase.

Like I've said before - $299 for an Elite with included wifi

When it gets there, I'll be the first at the store.
I'll buy one when they support keyboard and mouse with every game.
If I can assure myself of a 65nm model then I will take advantage of this deal. I think I have found out what to look for now so I will have to go to a game shop and ask to look at some 360 boxes to see if what I have read on the internet is at all accurate. Would be nice to have one before Bioshock drops though...:)
I'll wait for a non ill-fated revision with a more than 6 to 12 months console life-span granted...
There has been talk about a price drop in August for months. I guess all those rumors were true.
xbox 360 drops price, internet strangely silent. Particularly this forum.
It was only $50 or less price drop. Nothing huge ($100). And we've known about it through rumors and confirmed through pictures of store ads that came out weeks ago. I remember someone saying a store was running $100 off rebates sometime last year and that was a better deal than this.
this made me smile immensly

Lies! Look at your avatard!
it made me smile but then i realised i hate life, food, taxes, drink, people, cars and funny quips from forum members no matter how funny gaylo seemed at the time....then my face returned to THAT
I'll buy one when they support keyboard and mouse with every game.

Not going to happen. AFAIK, it's against the TCR's. Or rather, no game that has the feature has gotten cert'ed. Even in the XBLA space.

It's such a small issue though, that I don't understand why you're asking. It's a console, and gamepad is expected. I wouldn't buy a console and then plan on using KB/mouse. That's stupid. Take that money you would have invested in that console, and start an investment towards a better computer.

Also, for further rumors, MS is supposedly planning to soft launch the new series of 360's either later this month or next month. They will all have the 65nm process and feature HDMI as a standard on ALL models (core and premium and not just Elite). There will be stickers on the box alerting you of this, so only savvy consumers will know about it. The other casual consumers who aren't aware or need HDMI will then take care of the rest of the stock and make way for the new stuff. Classic retail technique.
May get a 360 next year when they are cheap (200 quid) for a Premium with full HDMI support and inbuilt WIFI...also would want an HDTV by then....meh stickin with my PC :D
I'm getting an elite as soon as the new stock hits my stores.
Not going to happen. AFAIK, it's against the TCR's. Or rather, no game that has the feature has gotten cert'ed. Even in the XBLA space.

It's such a small issue though, that I don't understand why you're asking. It's a console, and gamepad is expected. I wouldn't buy a console and then plan on using KB/mouse. That's stupid. Take that money you would have invested in that console, and start an investment towards a better computer.

It's not a small issue for me. I can't do shit with a gamepad which explains why I don't own a console other than my Wii (and an old PS2). I know consoles won't switch over to a mouse and keyboard, so my post was more in jest than seriousness.
it's cause the people who were fussed about the 360 already have one, and the people who aren't wont be overwhelemed by this reduction.
Its more preparation for this fall, when people are going to be looking at what they want to get to play the stuff coming out. The more they can open the gap with the PS3, the better for them.
I may get one when the premium equivalent is down to ~$300, they've 100% fixed the mechanical faults that make it die after less than a year, and if there's enough exclusives available (meaning not on PC or PS3). All of those requirements will probably never be fulfilled simultaneously, or it will be too late in the life cycle to be worthwhile.
If only it didn't say 'dell' on the front. Just scrub that little blemish off. Looks awesome though. :p
Or if it didn't cost $2000 instead of the $400 pricetag of the X360, lol.
That too.
Esp. when you can build your own killer rig that will wipe that one for ~$500 less at least!!

Oh, and I am very curious to see if is official that the HDMI Premium 360s have the new 65nm CPU/GPU hardware. If anyone find out, please post here!!!
Xbox 360 Premium confirmed shipping with HDMI

It looks like after all the rumor-mongering and speculation, the bomb is in fact dropping on Xbox 360 Premium hopefuls: the game systems are shipping with HDMI. At least one lucky customer who purchased a Premium system at a Target in Atlanta is currently enjoying the spoils of Microsoft's not-so-secret addition, so hot out of tips and direct to your eyes, we present the first of many you'll be seeing with the much-discussed, built-in HDMI port (and obviously the cooler 65nm chips onboard). You can stop saving and start buying -- as long as your Xbox was built on or around July 4th, a date which will now be remembered for two reasons.

Not official though.