XBOX 360 Japanese Launch....those poor Japanese gamers.

Feb 24, 2005
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Here's the latest list of games that will be available for the 360 launch in Japan next month:

Dead or Alive 4
FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup
Ridge Racer 6
Every Party
Tetris: The Grandmaster Ace
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Perfect Dark Zero

Well, at least they have one fighting game, but according to this story, there won't be any role-playing title(s). When launching a console in Japan, one would ideally like to have at least one RPG to sell a system. Japanese gamers have never been all about the shooter or sports games like elsewhere in the world. If MS wanted to get more Japanese gamers interested in the 360 to avoid a repeat of the lackluster launch of the first iteration of their console, then this is a miserable attempt. They simply don't understand their market.

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. ~John Powell, author

Who here can say that Microsoft has learned from their previous debacle? Not I at least.
I don't see this thing doing all that hot in japan regardless of what microsoft could do. The Japanese are nationalistic to the extreme. Many will buy it, but I don't expect a blow-out.

Ridge Racer used to be very popular in japan at least so thats good.

I think it will do better than the xbox did of course, especially since PS3 won't come out for a while, and last but not least, it seems there is a lot more Japanese developers creating games for x360 than there were for the xbox.

Well the RPG is due out Jan 12 in japan i think so its not long really. and the fact that they pushed it back to continue to improve it is always worth waiting for
Aren't Microsoft already predicting good sales in Japan? I mean, we'll be struggling to get one for Xmas this year (Pre-ordered, premium package. I am unsure as to purchasing one over the counter.)

I was convinced that the situation was similar in Japan. Perhaps the Japanese can't stand the wait for the PS3 or Revolution. Another factor may be that the list is still pending and more games are still to be added.
VirusType2 said:
I don't see this thing doing all that hot in japan regardless of what microsoft could do. The Japanese are nationalistic to the extreme.
What's really funny is that they are totally obsessed with our culture (US), but still don't buy the xbox. It won't do that well over there, I don't care how many Japanese developers they say are working on it. More will still be producing for Sony/Nintendo.

This is no surprise though. The surprise to me was the absolutely dismal selection of launch titles. Still, take out EAs games and the number of US launch titles drops drastically and you can't just add those to the Japanese launch because no one will care.

Cormeh said:
Aren't Microsoft already predicting good sales in Japan?
Well, considering that 1)its not out for another month and 2)Sony and Nintendo have yet to show us anything really solid about their headway into the next generation(like a release date!), I think its a bit early to be claiming this.

I also don't see the list changing that much in the next few weeks, though they might have something up their sleeves besides more money. :)
yea especially since sony and nintendo will be releasing consoles first in japan, they don't have to wait as long if they decide to hold out.

At least the 360 looks asthetically nice compared to the super dorky xbox ugliness

And i noticed Project Gotham Racing3 was mysteriously missing from the launch list. I bet MS is planning to ration out the games. 3 racing titles at launch is too many options i guess. smart move probably
I'd say the pervy aspect of DoA may appeal to many Japanese gamers (OMG RACISM!)
ríomhaire said:
I'd say the pervy aspect of DoA may appeal to many Japanese gamers (OMG RACISM!)

hell yeah, the upskirt perv factor in the launch title for the win! :naughty:

ríomhaire said:
I'd say the pervy aspect of DoA may appeal to many Japanese gamers (OMG RACISM!)
they've got enough games featuring actual sex to sink Taiwan, so I dunno if that'll be enough
i'd hit fifa, need for speed and perfect dark zero; so, i would be fine those were the launch titles here, but by the time it's out here there will be like 30 games.