Xbox 360 This Year - confirmed


Oct 1, 2004
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Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates officially confirmed that the next-generation Xbox will be shipping this year. The next-generation Xbox, which will almost certainly be called the Xbox 360, will be formally unveiled next Thursday night on MTV.

Speaking yesterday to a national convention of business editors and writers, the Microsoft chairman seemed to confirm widespread industry speculation about the timing of the release, referring to plans to ship the console "this year."

The remark, apparently inadvertent, came as Gates talked about consumer adoption of high-definition displays, which Microsoft is incorporating into its strategy as it takes on market leader Sony Corp. and its dominant PlayStation franchise.

"What will the year of high-definition be?" Gates asked, rhetorically. He then answered the question by saying that it would be tempting to think of it as "this year, because we're going to ship this next Xbox."
Not that big of a suprise. Though it's ironic that the most powerful game console is the first to have an upgrade.
CommunistPenguin said:
Not that big of a suprise. Though it's ironic that the most powerful game console is the first to have an upgrade.
and will probably be its downfall in the long-run, since both sony and nintendo will have a chance to up their competitiveness after fully seeing the competition
It probs going to be something like xmas time
Icarusintel said:
and will probably be its downfall in the long-run, since both sony and nintendo will have a chance to up their competitiveness after fully seeing the competition

Not really, I'd bet that both the Revolution and PS3 are set in stone when it comes to specs. Still, at the end of the day what matters more than hardware capabilities is the quality of the software you run on it. Compare the first Halo to the second one and you'll easily see how things improve. When you consider this it's easy to see that by the time the competitors have launched, Xenon developers will have started to get to grips with what they have.
[JADED]wow, can't wait.[/JADED] What's the pricetag on this bitch? Anyone know?
operative x said:
Why "Xbox 360"? thats a retarded name, Xbox 2 is fine.
Xbox Next was best. And if I end up getting this machine, it'll pretty much be for Halo 3, and any decent online RPG's that come out.
Can't wait for the Xbox 360, but i think it's kind of stupid to unvail it on MTV. I mean cmon... E3 is the place.
As mentioned before, how much am I gonna have to pay to bang this bitch?
Im guessing around $350 for the system and around $60 for the games.
Who has access to E3? not many.

Who has access to MTV? nearly everyone.

I can't wait to watch the unveiling from the comfort of my sofa.

Xbox360 will definately be at E3, atleast this way everyone will be able to see it instead of the select few that can get to E3 to see it.