xbox 360 using the rocket launcher



Have been having difficulty dropping gunships with the rocket launcher. It took me 4 or 5 goes to drop the one that comes whilst climbing about under the bridge in Highway 17. Now I'm stuck on the one that comes after 4 Combine drop ships by the lighthouse in Sandtraps.

Can someone please describe the technique for getting a lock on gunships on the 360?

I have read the following for the PC version:

Remember to spiral then paint your red laser on the gunship to home your rockets to their destination.

Not quite sure what that means, or whether it applies on the 360.

Well I had difficulty using the PS3 when using the rocket launcher.

What that quote means is to spiral your rocket first (so the gunship cannot shoot it down) then aim it. I'm not quite sure if you can lock on (I certainly have not seen a way) to them, but it would've been handy since it's quite difficult to move fast enough to hit the gunship.

I hope I've helped.
Yes, thanks for that.

About the spiraling to avoid the rocket being shot down, I don't quite follow. What does this involve? Is it just making a spiral motion with your aim, or is there more to it than that?

Thanks again.
Thats right. Just spiral your aim whilst the gunship is shooting. If you don't, the gunship will easily shoot your rocket down. Once succeeded, go ahead and hit the gunship with the rocket.
OK, just one last question. How do I know when the spiraling is succeeded? Will there be a noise or something on screen?

Thanks :D
Or shoot and keep the red dot aimed at the gunship when its not focused on shooting you. I beat that light house gunship in a matter of seconds, wasn't hard. Just keep the Rocket Launcher aimed at the back of the gunship and don't worry about spiraling the rocket (makes it harder to hit the gunship)

EDIT - The gunship randomly spins around firing in a desperate attempt to knock out your rocket.
When the gunship has stopped shooting and you've got your rocket still in the air, you'll know you've succeeded. Go ahead and lay the rocket into the gunship.
I beat that light house gunship in a matter of seconds, wasn't hard.

I keep hearing people say that HL2 is easy, but I'm a complete pleb when it comes to aiming with a game controller and find the gunships quite tough. I definitely need more practice.

Anyway, thanks for all the advice :)
The thing to remember is that the Rocket will follow where you are aiming. So fire it and keep moving you aim and the rocket will keep following it.
I keep hearing people say that HL2 is easy, but I'm a complete pleb when it comes to aiming with a game controller and find the gunships quite tough. I definitely need more practice.

Anyway, thanks for all the advice :)

They probably say that because they played it on the PC.
Try firing it when the gunship is "reloading" and get it behind it. When they start firing, they should start firing at your, rather than your missile.
There are 3 methods that work here:
  1. The corkscrew method: Don't aim directly at the gunship. Instead circle your aim around the gunship so that the rocket is constantly moving in a helix and never straight at the gunship. When the rocket has just reached the gunship point it straight at the gunship and it should it hit.
  2. The next method is first shooting the rocket past the gunship instead of at it. Aim to the side of the gunship instead of at it and once the rocket has gone just behind the ship aim at the gunship and hopefully the rocket should swing around and hit the gunship up the ass.
  3. Instead of doing anything fancy just pick your shot carefully and only shoot when the gunship is facing the other way. It can't shoot down any rockets if its gun is pointing the other way.
I've finally beat the gunship after about 10 failed attempts. I was using a save at the top of the lighthouse, with 95% health and no medikits left, and no damage to the gunship. Fire from the gunship would quickly take my health down to 0. That in itself was not a problem, as I fired up the game last night and beat the gunship first time with 5% health left, then reloaded and beat it again with 3% left.

The salient point I was missing is that you have to keep aiming *after* you fire a rocket, so my rockets would just fly around until they got shot down by the gunship (bucket!!!). Sometimes the gunship would go 2 or 3 times round the lighthouse firing at a single rocket. I did think it was odd that you can only fire one rocket at a time. Anyway, once I caught on, I was able to do the spiraling or corkscrew trick, swing it round to hit the backside, and just shoot in front of the gunship and bring the rocket in on target.

Thanks for the advice :thumbs:
I thought the gunships on the xbox 360 was a peice of piss did it on my first attempt.
It's odd so many people can't grasp the techique of the rocket launcher. The rocket goes where the red dot is, so you could fire the rocket in the opposite direction to the gunship, as long as you turn around and put the dot on the gunship the rocket will trace it back. People expect the rocket to travel in a parallel direction once fired.

rshields, unfortunately that isn't your last gunship encounter, once you reach nova prospekt you'll run into a problem twice the size :) There are green rocket crates to replenish your supply at that point, so use the cover and the method you've learnt. My favourite method is to shoot a rocket away from the gunships let it travel away for 2/3 seconds then start steering it back round towards the rear end of the gunship where their cannon cannot cover. You can kind of see it in this video.
For Xbox 360 - Does it mean there is no need to use the left trigger at all? Just fire it and then make sure the red dot follows the target? Cos' I read some "walkthrough/guide" saying the rocket launcher has primary and alternate fires like the other weapons.
The Rocket Launcher doesn't have alternate fire. Just fire the rocker and steer with the red dot you don't need to hold any triggers.
In HL1 the secondary fire for the rocket launcher turned off the laser, but you can't do that in HL2.
Shoot the rocket in a random direction, when the rocket goes behind the ship just aim at the ship and hit it in the back.
There have been loads of achievement threads lately, I guess it's because of Christmas
Try to aim the red dot at the back of the ship where the fan is. Otherwise, the gunship shoots the rockets away. Don't worry too much about ammo since you get some more a little later. After killing a few gunships, it gets pretty easy to take them down.