Xbox is crack for kids


May 5, 2004
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Once, such kids (gamers) would be the playground outcasts, but no longer. Mine are. Because, unlike the TV-hating parents, I refuse to buy them portable gaming consoles, Xboxes, GameCubes, PS2s. These are Satan's Sudoku, crack cocaine of the brain. Even the crappiest cartoon or lamest soap teaches a child about character, plot, drama, humour, life. Playing videogames, children are mentally imprisoned, wired into their evil creators' brains. And they play them - beepety-beep - on journeys, over family meals, any minute in which they find themselves unamused.

alarmist nonsense from a alarmist fool/self appointed morality police
Rant, rant, rant. Rave, rave, rave.

Is anyone else sick of all this ridiculousness? This inflamatory speech is making me thirsty.
I usually think Geoff Keighley is a douche, but that just changed my mind right there
Get this lads, games don't teach life lessons like drama and stuff and all that, I'll go play Half Life 2 then, or Portal, I am sure solving the physics puzzles will be dead simple and brain numbing. Oh and yeah, no story so naturally I wont have to follow loool.

Meh, an opinion piece in The Times. Just as you imagine, opinion pieces are just that, a random opinion of someone written down for publication. No more valid or worth paying attention to then someones opinion on the street.
Oh I've heard about this ***** I am sick of how much games are criticised these days over **** all.
The sad sad sad thing about this is that Joe Public who is not a gamer will see this sort of thing and likely believe it.

FOX "News" is close. FOX "Lies and Made-Up Conservative Buffoonery" is spot-on. :thumbs:

^^^ qft

and it directly answers this post:

Meh, an opinion piece in The Times. Just as you imagine, opinion pieces are just that, a random opinion of someone written down for publication. No more valid or worth paying attention to then someones opinion on the street.

someone is bound to listen
I can't believe FOX does stuff like that actually and it is clear that the presenter is biased in her opinion and lets that through to the discussion. So how can the average viewer really decide on this topic if they didn't know about this before hand?

Also a report from a Uni saying that people don't know reality from fiction when playing games? Don't be ****ing stupid now I'm going to go outside level up my spectre abilities and fall in love with an asari alien >_>
I find all mention of anything religious in this thread offensive.

I was brought up as a child in a Christian household

I was not allowed TV as a child.

I was brought up wrongly.

I am now mentally unstable.

I shall kill God.


Edit: Note resurfacing of the childhood trauma that was my parents causes unintelligible and unstructured sentences.
I've definately learned things from playing Civ4. Hell, I've learned more plot, character and conflict from games than spanish soaps.
Because I can't understand what the shit they're saying.
This guy made me lol when he used portable and Xbox in the same sentence.
meh I carry my xbox in my pocket


btw I also have a portable gaming pc:


I'm all set for those long bus rides
"I'm not sure why it didn't get an A.O rating, it's the hightest rating it can have. So first of all who ever rates them needs to have their head examined and this made me feel old watching this. What happened to Atari, Pinball and Pacman?"


*nerd rage*
BTW, gg letting your kids run up and down the stairs, dumb bitch.

Until they get hurt.

And then saying better that then letting them play video games.

dumb bitch.
heh you want inflammatory? I'll give you inflammatory


Yep that's FOX News for you. "We don't need to research our stories." Idiots. What the hell is wrong with American media anyway? According to them Nudity is worse than full blown gore, I'll never understand how that one works. Games don't seem to get such a bad rap down here in Aus only the porn does.
If I ever have kids, they will be playing their video games at their friend's house, just like I had to do growing up.
Some people shouldn't have kids, some kids shouldn't play video games.
portable gaming consoles, Xboxes, GameCubes, PS2s.
none of those consoles are portable.

So your kids are losers since they haven't played CoD4 yet?
take them to the gym, have them work out every day for a month, take them to the playground.
Now you have the strongest kids on the playground.

Seriously, I will go on a rampage if I hear one more person say Videogames are evil.
none of those consoles are portable.

It wasn't "Portable gaming consoles, such as blah blah"

It was "portable gaming consoles, and xbox, and Playstation blah blah"

You know what else is crack for kids? Crack. Maybe they should worry about that instead.
Recently Fox did an article about how Cloverfield is insensitive to 9/11 victims...I fired off an email to them laughing at them and telling them to shove it somewhere dark and smelly...oh and lots of profanity, of course...
My dad had a post-it on the half-life disc that said, "Danger: Crack cocaine in digital form."
Kids are crack for Xboxes.

Crack is X for MJ.

Xenu is Anon for Scientology.