Xbox Live and sexual harassment



well, something disturbing happened the other day on Xbox Live that got me pondering what MS would consider sexual harassment and discrimination.

anonymous(I wont say names said:
O my god! anonymous(wont mention names of harassed), thats such a sexy name, I hope your a guy so I can shove it in your anal. You turn me on soooo much. Oh man, where do you live so we can have wild pig sex? I just want to straddle you and ride you all night. Don't hide your feeling, I know you want me too. A, where are you, I just want to do you so badddd.I want to shove my c**k up your a**

at this point I muted him

I was not the one harassed, but it was incredibly awkward, would you consider that sexual harassment and/or discrimination?

EDIT-this took place on CoD4 (if it matters)
No, I'd consider that as a person being annoying.
I can definately see where someone would find that as sexual harrasment, but I think I am chill enough to understand when someone is just joking or not. Thus I probably wouldn't care, although I would find that person to be really annoying.

It's crazy how much you have to watch what you say these days. Some people just don't know a joke when they hear one, or just enjoy ratting on people. We certainly speak freely here though, haha.
I knew it was a joke, but the person harassed may not have, and I felt kind of bad since he had to put up with it, also, it was clear that the harasser/jokster was mocking the lisp stereotyped with gays
Ugh. This is what I don't like about online multiplayer games and one reason why I mostly either game with know friends within a LAN, or singleplayer by my lonesome, the servers are almost always filled with idiots who rarely even care about the current game at hand. /facepalm *again* Once there are more strict social regulations in place to keep the idiots in check, then maybe I'll get more into it someday. until then...:p
I thought Xbox Live was strict, I heard they had some kid arrested on some shooter for saying there should be a hostage rescue map in a school.
so why this went unchecked, I will never know.
I hate the junk that people spam on their mic as well but if its getting to you that much just mute or find a server with good players. i assure you they do exist ;)
It wasn't a bad room, we hadn't hit the sh*t maps (vacant, bloc, downpour) like most rooms that I tried, he came in after 10 min and just did that bs, the entire time before, we had close matches with some of the best players I've seen thus far, and of course there had to be 1 spot for that moron to screw everything up.

EDIT-and I did mute him, but, does the stuff on your mic play through you speakers sometimes?
happens to me all the time.
These guys really piss me off, especially when they're serious. However, I always ending up completely destroying them in the game, after which they leave quickly and quietly, or hang around for a few seconds to say something incredibly unoriginal like: "Oh yeah? well...well you're a fag..." before leaving.
I have cod4 on pc and no I don't really get any issues with the mic playing though my speakers.
speaking of cod4, whats your lvl? i'm 38
I am 33, but I only really play Friday,Saturday,Sunday

Vegeta, I muted you.
Hey Vegeta, where do you live so we can have wild pig sex?
all i can say is at least its not on pc much. let it stay on xbox live where it belongs.
Welcome to the internet. Don't like it? Don't get it.

BowSniper ... That's a sexy name :naughty:
Pobz-I just want to straddle you and ride you all night

some of the stuff this guy said was just disturbing, so lets repeat it!
One question - how do you mute people on CoD4? Answer, and you shall have all the riches you desire. And, like, I'll be your best friend.
One question - how do you mute people on CoD4? Answer, and you shall have all the riches you desire. And, like, I'll be your best friend.

If need be you just open up their gamertag in the xbox menu and I'm pretty sure you can mute them.
These guys really piss me off, especially when they're serious. However, I always ending up completely destroying them in the game, after which they leave quickly and quietly, or hang around for a few seconds to say something incredibly unoriginal like: "Oh yeah? well...well you're a fag..." before leaving.

Good times, man.

Then you get people like SquidBusterson...
Haha i've seen some funny vids of kids playing xbox live and going off because they keep losing an they start screaming in their mic.
Haha i've seen some funny vids of kids playing xbox live and going off because they keep losing an they start screaming in their mic.
There should really be a lower age limit on Xbox Live. For americans, of course. Brit kids are actually pretty cool on XBL, at least in my experience anyway. It's just the American idiots that like to scream and spam shit all day long.
On PC games if someone is being annoying via the mic I just mute them and type "muted" so they know I can't hear them any more. Generally a couple of other people will say something like, "same here".
That's pretty much why I don't use live much. When I do I never use my headset because I don't like listening to retards.
I've actually had very little problem with this on Live, it's gonna go on sometimes of course, it's the nature of the beast. I do find that most of the time when i have my headset on people do actually use them for team chatter n planning, especially in TF2.
That's pretty much why I don't use live much. When I do I never use my headset because I don't like listening to retards.
Recently I've just been plugging my head set in and leaving it in the drawer of my desk on mute, just so the chat wouldn't come through my speakers. :p
Most of the servers that i go on, people are usually to lazy to talk online and if they do talk its mostly a few words of "Ahhh not again". but you do get the occasional guy who does spam the mic but it's not that common at least to me
i just give it right back to them. If anyone starts acting like a dick to you, fire back relentlessly until they cant take it anymore...
Welcome to the internet. XBL is no different than a CS:S game online... actually, XBL is probably worse, but regardless, morons exist in high quantity in any anonymous digital means of communication. Just ignore it, or start yelling back at them if you're bored and feel like having fun.
meh learn to insult people better is my advice ..seriously if you have a problem immediately mute him, anything else would be playing his little attention whore game

or failing that just say you'll beat him to a pulp cuz you have his address from the many many times you've slept with his mom/dad/grandma/family pet
You guys should play on aussie TF2 servers, never any jerks like this on. Particularly gamearena.
You guys should play on aussie TF2 servers, never any jerks like this on. Particularly gamearena.
There might not be any jerk people, but there will be jerks because of the lag.

*bad pun*
There might not be any jerk people, but there will be jerks because of the lag.

*bad pun*

Aussy servers are always good but when someone from another country joins it does lag the server up then abuse does tend to kick in. However I just leave the server looking for a new one when that happens.
What I love about steam is you can look for what country server you want. makes things so much easier compared to other multiplayer games. :thumbs:
who is this Squidbusteron?

Bad^Hat, does the chat still go through your TV speakers even with a mic plugged in?
Nope, chat goes through the headphones, but the game sound stays on the speakers. Since there doesn't appear to be any in-game option to mute everyone effectively, it's about the easiest way I've found.
Since there doesn't appear to be any in-game option to mute everyone effectively, it's about the easiest way I've found.

If need be you just open up their gamertag in the xbox menu and I'm pretty sure you can mute them.

And squidbusterson is a guy I play with every once in a while. Throughout the entire game he jokingly and creatively trash talks

PS: Are people online now? I might head on for some Halo 3
I'm talking about mass-muting. Christed if I'm gonna do that for every single person on XBL who annoys me. And I switch servers alot.

Edit - Anyway, most of the time it's cause I don't want to hear anyone talking, not just the annoying ones. Like when I have music on but still want to be able to hear the game aswell. A simple option to turn off voice chat altogether would have been great, but oh well.