Xbox Live Players


Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Is it just me, or is the average Xbox live player far more obnoxious than anything that's ever existed in PC gaming? I just recently purchased an Xbox 360 and nabbed a copy of Gears of War, only to discover that it's multiplayer component is chock full of unnecessarily belligerent youngsters. Even in all of my experience playing Counterstrike, I have never seen anything quite like this.

And it's not just lighthearted trash talking either. The very first game I joined, it took a mere 3 seconds before my teammate starts yelling "THIS GAMES FOR GAY ******S ONLY, SO IF YOU'RE ONE YOU CAN STAY. IF NOT, GET THE **** OUT OF THE GAME". So I asked him why he seems to be urging people to leave a public game (private matches are an option, correct?) as if he wants privacy. Then he proceeds to call me all sorts of things, and once the round ends, he starts telling the game host to kick me out because i'm making noise into the mic and calling him explicit things. Sure enough, the host kicked me soon after.

But that's not all, every game I join is just filled with people not unlike him. Seriously, am I missing something? Where are the decent players?
Did either of you even read the OP?
Well, yes, this is a problem of Xbox Live. Typically, there IS a mute button, I believe. Alternatively, play with some friends.
Every game, no matter the system, has it's assholes. I meet new and awesome people all the time in Halo and COD4, but for every 10 friendly Americans I meet one bellend.

Just happens.
Burnout Paradise looks good for sure, I'll have to pick it up. But I do enjoy Gears of War, and wish I could find some nice players. :(

Perhaps the solution is to seek out folks from the UK playing Gears? Mindless talk seems to be an American problem.
It's everywhere. It's not like you can filter out what country.. I think. I havn't played GoW in a while.
For the most part they are prats. Gears of War is a prime example.

Though, the majority of the time I spent playing Lost Planet and Shadowrun online most everyone was nice enough to help me out when I had problems and didn't use profanity every sentence. Met a few Swedes and Poles in one match, they were awesome. :)
Lost Planet and Shadowrun are good games to play, since not all kids even know they exist. I've seen pricks in Shadowrun, though. Lost Planet was always fun...
Well, perhaps it's an unfair assumption to make, but in my PC gaming experience UK players have always been friendly and played a fair game. Surely there's dirty Brits out there, but I have yet to come across one.

And yeah, definitely depends on the game. Day of Defeat players, for instance, by and large focus more on teamplay and working together. Not too many assholes to be found there. Just checked into Lost Planet on Gamespot, looks pretty nice!
lost planet sucks online, every room I go to has 12 year old kids that scream "LET ME DRIVE!" 24/7, even if there driving...
Yeah, that's unavoidable at times. Most of the servers I played on had people at least 18-20 something years old. Many lols and good times were had. This one little bastard kept screaming at ME because he wasn't blowing himself up with the ****ing disc grenades.
I heard if you open your 360 and fill it with whipped cream, you'll never hear anyone whine at you over Live on that particular 360 again.

Potential damage to console is a possibility.
I was just as shocked as you when I first got xbox360. But now whenever someone is being a douche, I just mute them right off the bat.
I was just as shocked as you when I first got xbox360. But now whenever someone is being a douche, I just mute them right off the bat.

Good idea, I decided to do the same. When they're muted, can they hear you talk still? When I called out the kid in the OP on being childish, he started to give up, but then resorted to lying to the game host about me. Pretty sure they filed negative rep reports too. :\
You're far more tolerant than I am. I've heard it all, and far too much, for it to ever amuse me anymore. 10+ years of multiplayer gaming will do that I guess.
Nope, players have always been annoying in online games, it's just that now you can actually hear them. Also, with Xbox Live it's harder to set up private servers, so there's less of a 'community' as with PC servers that might have regulars who know eachother and get along.

But seriously, I remember people in (for example) Call of Duty 2 on PC pissing me off way more than people in Call of Duty 4 for Xbox. And with the former that was just text. Maybe it's just because I've grown a thicker skin, or because hearing their voice gives you something more tangible to hate (and then ignore), but I don't think there's really anything about Xbox Live that attracts assholes.

Except for Halo.