Xbox outsells PS2, PS2 price reduction possible.

it will only last till Sony drops the Ps2's price to 149 or speculated 129 and released the PsTwo which is supposedly shown at this years E3 along with there PSP.
I want my PS3 now, anyone know when its expected to come out?
Supporting the Xbox is like supporting fascism.

the PS2 even has the better games.
Pressure said:
I want my PS3 now, anyone know when its expected to come out?

I think it comes out in mid 2005. Honestly, I am burned out on the console games. I can't get into them at all, and going from PC games to console games feels like transfering from a Nintendo 64 to a Gameboy color. Computers are where it is at in my opinion. You don't have to wait 5 years for a new console to come out, you can just upgrade your parts. Computers get more and more advanced every few months, while consoles stay the same until a new one comes out.

Even when PS3 comes out, The computer that I have right now will still be able to make games look better. As consoles get twice as good as their predecessors, PC hardware gets 5 times better than the last hardware.

So while PS3 owners will be playing a console version of Far Cry and saying "Wow, these graphics are freakin' amazing!," we'll be playing Unreal 3 and saying the same thing.
only thing i like about never have to upgrade your hardware. i love computers to death its just the fact that your hardware is obsolete in a matter of 3-4 months. consoles need keyboards + mouses ;)
Xbox has way better games than PS2, and supporting $ony is like supporting facism.
Moto-x_Pat said:
I think it comes out in mid 2005. Honestly, I am burned out on the console games. I can't get into them at all, and going from PC games to console games feels like transfering from a Nintendo 64 to a Gameboy color. Computers are where it is at in my opinion. You don't have to wait 5 years for a new console to come out, you can just upgrade your parts. Computers get more and more advanced every few months, while consoles stay the same until a new one comes out.

Even when PS3 comes out, The computer that I have right now will still be able to make games look better. As consoles get twice as good as their predecessors, PC hardware gets 5 times better than the last hardware.

So while PS3 owners will be playing a console version of Far Cry and saying "Wow, these graphics are freakin' amazing!," we'll be playing Unreal 3 and saying the same thing.

I don't use consoles to play games I can play on the PC. There are games that come out on a consel that never make it to PC, and if they do its years later. Some of those games are really fun.
ahg i hate ps and ps2 so much the gfx are so ugly and its imposible to controle any of the millions of games the churne out evey day. i go for pc any day my self better gfx as shown with the new doom 3 screen shots, better multiplayer and easer to control and generaly better games.

but if i did get one it would be xbox dead or alive 2 is great :)
Pressure said:
I don't use consoles to play games I can play on the PC. There are games that come out on a consel that never make it to PC, and if they do its years later. Some of those games are really fun.
halo perhaps?
Foxtrot said:
Xbox has way better games than PS2, and supporting $ony is like supporting facism.

You do realize the Xbox is produced by Microsoft right?

The Xbox has ONE decent original game, Halo, the rest are PS2/PC ports or stuff like Starwars and semi-sports games (DOA Beach Volleyball anybody?).

If you want games with any depth, get a PS2.
I don't really like XBox because it has caused grief for me when I purchased two games that were simultaneously released on XBox and PC for the PC. One has gameplay issues because of it and the other has performance problems. Sure, it's a developer problem, but there has to be a scapegoat. :)
You do realize that PS2 is produced by mega-uber-corp $ony, right? The PS2 has one fun game, and that is Socom, the rest pretty much suck.
Foxtrot said:
You do realize that PS2 is produced by mega-uber-corp $ony, right? The PS2 has one fun game, and that is Socom, the rest pretty much suck.

Onimusha 1,2,3 Front Mission 4, Tenchu 3 etc are all good titles
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
amen, honestly I love my gamecube it was a better buy then my xbox and ps2!! :E

I hear that brother - my GC is played regularly while the PS2 is gathering dust (if it wasn't for WE7 the PS2 would have become a door stop long ago)

My Xbox gets alot more play time than the PS2 too - but hey, it's all down to personal preference, and all three consoles have some cracking games. If it wasn't for PS we wouldn't have ICO ...... and that would be a great shame.