xbox360 ebay scams continues

Bleh. Ebay scammers are dicks, and they all need to be castrated from the internet.
I wonder why Ebay doesn't do anything about this. I'm sure the guy can sue ebay for allowing these scammers to be selling a cardboard sign or a piece of paper for 600 dollars.
If they state that it's just a cardboard box then they cannot do anything. You bought a cardboard box, and if it clearly states that it's just a cardboard box and it comes with nothing else then well ur just stupid for not reading.
Yeah I saw a guy trying to sell a premium for $900 on there a few days ago.
thats hilarious if i were going to buiy anything off the interent id try to read everything lol better yet i would never buy anything of the internet its just not a safe place
armanguy said:
thats hilarious if i were going to buiy anything off the interent id try to read everything lol better yet i would never buy anything of the internet its just not a safe place

Sucks to be you man, I buy quite a bit of stuff off the net and save tons.
I dont blame the scammers, I blame the idiots (who are all to common these days) that would buy it. If your buying stuff on ebay, you had better know about the scams, otherwise you are not ready to buy off of ebay. To buy off of ebay, you must know to read every damn word of the description, or else end up like these dummies.

And thats on top of the fact that people are paying 600-800 bucks for the thing anyways. Get a damn ebgames giftcard for 300 dollars and give your kid that for when it is available... dont go spending double/triple the amount just to get it a couple weeks sooner. God i hate idiots.