xbox360 \\ Worms coming to XBLA next Wednesday..


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
The game will include a single-player campaign as well as multiplayer support for up to four players locally or over Xbox Live.

will cost 800 Microsoft points ($10). The game will be available at 1 a.m. PST on March 7.

must have it :D
My neighbour, myself and 3 guys from another block here at Uni play this game every 2 or 3 nights over the Uni network in halls.

You just cant beat worms for a 20 minute session of non-stop giggles and laugh-out-loud moments. Its just so funny watching someone miscalculate the angle and projectory of their last Banana Bomb or Holy Hand Grenade, and watch it take out the last of his little worms. Mhahaha biatch!!
Argh! I'll be in San Francisco!

Oh well I'll download it next week Sat or Sunday or something.

I can't wait for the add-ons :) Hopefully they will be free for extra weapons or maps or something.
Now this is something I'd get MS Points for.
YES! Finally something i can use the 4000ms points i have on.
Awesome, been waiting for this :)

Time to stock up on points again! See y'all on there, lag free at that :D