XEN and beyond



um two things, what the hell is Xen? and from what i have heard, the entire Black Mesa mess was because Gordan didn't come to work on time and something wasn't done, Is this what happened?
Xen is like an alternate reality that Gordon apparantly opened a rift to in HL-1 meaning all the Aliens could come through.
Not HL2 related (its confirmed Xen wont be in HL2) so moved to general gaming with your other questions about HL1

My suggestion would be to buy the game and find out properly :p
Supposedly it's a parallel world that can be accessed through interdimensional portals. Contains several intelligent species and a multitude of lower animals, none of which seem to like humans very much.
Well u cant really blame it on gordon...hes just doing his job....blame it on the scientists they told him to put the speicimen in that weird thing with lightening or whatever coming from it.. Its not his fault!! And since he really dosnt talk....he will take his crowbar and smack people who say its his fault. (Hes already hit me once or twice)
The root of the problem lies in a lot of places. First is the sample the scientists were given that was different from the rest. The second was the push for the experiment to be successful from above (the Administrator). And the last is that in Decay we find out it was sabotaged. So all in all this thing was meant to happen by someone.
Gordon's showing up late had no impact at all execpt that had he gotten to work earlier the world would be screwed up 15 minutes ealier than the in the current story line
I've always wondered who the hell the Administrator is. :-/
i think the G- man may have something to do with it. He is hanging around a lot at the beggining and talking to ppl, so maybe he knew it was going to happen. Even though he is running the resistance (and you) in the second i still think he may have done it intentionally, as the scientists at the beggining say they promised "someone high up" they would carry out the experiment (or something).
u never know, there may even be a twist at the end. who says hes even human? that would explain his lack of emotion and enthusiasm.... and the fact he talks all wierd in the hl2 demo.
SubKamran said:
I've always wondered who the hell the Administrator is. :-/

As I apparently know for now, the Administrator will be in Half-Life 2... (You can see his name at PlanetHalflife at Allies".

When I first bought Half-Life I thought that the Administrator was the G-man, but then my primitive brain said that the G-Man stood for "Government Man". :)
I believe it was the G-Man who gave that sample to BMRF knowing what it would cause. Even if Gordon was early he still would have had to push that into the tester thing.

Little-known fact: the material that makes up the three green triangles protecting Nihilanth is the same as the crystal sample which you pushed into the beams to start this whole mess in the first place. Valve Software originally intended to make this connection more obvious but never did.
I reckon that the Administrator sent the G-man in, and then when the G-man found out what the Administrator's intentions were, he escaped, and set up the Resistance ( HL2 ) But thats just my opinion. I dont think the G-man is a bad guy per se. He is just a little mis-understood.
anyone find it strange that in the years that gordon has been in a coma/stasis/whatever the G-man has not seemed to age? And from how i understand it, the g-man has been busy during Gordon's extended nap time so that means the G-man was not under any sort of stasis.

My suspicions are that the G-man is not human
The gman looks a little older to me , but who knows... For how long had Gordon been in a coma between HL1 and HL2?
Flyingdebris said:
anyone find it strange that in the years that gordon has been in a coma/stasis/whatever the G-man has not seemed to age? And from how i understand it, the g-man has been busy during Gordon's extended nap time so that means the G-man was not under any sort of stasis.

My suspicions are that the G-man is not human

In HL1, the graphics just weren't good enough to see if he aged, but with the high definition pack you get a much better view and he is clearly younger there.
but true, the alien planet is omitted from the game......******************

{Edited by Fenric}

We've now counted FOUR separate spoiler posts of yours, so far. You really don't want to be on this forum do you?

Anyway consider this a belated OFFICIAL warning.
Five, actually, Fenric. Five spoilers, anyway.

Man, I'd read them before I realised what they were.

Bloody hell.
So whats the chance of xen being a central story to half-life 3?

The E3 demo shows how well the engine is at showing our own planet, so I guess we can have moon physics (properly) for xen...

(quick note.) Is Doom 3 on mars?
Brass_monkey said:
So whats the chance of xen being a central story to half-life 3?

The E3 demo shows how well the engine is at showing our own planet, so I guess we can have moon physics (properly) for xen...

(quick note.) Is Doom 3 on mars?
Doom3 I think isn't that set on Phobos or something? I dunno, i can't remember the original storyline, its the same/similar though
Flyingdebris said:
anyone find it strange that in the years that gordon has been in a coma/stasis/whatever the G-man has not seemed to age? And from how i understand it, the g-man has been busy during Gordon's extended nap time so that means the G-man was not under any sort of stasis.

My suspicions are that the G-man is not human

Who says that Gordon is in "stasis", we don't know why he hasn't been in a conscious state...
He could have been captured by the Xen for awhile... They prolly sneaked in through the portal and nabbed him for a few years..
Glad I checked back to this thread after you edited it Fenric, thanks for altering the spoiler post...
If you looked on the model viewer and found the sound files, you can fined out what Xen is

Barney: "This is happening because of you scientists."
Scientist: "No its not."
Barney: "It is, you made these mutants."
Scientist: "Nature made them, we were merely studying them."

Judging by this, im guessing that
1) Xen was accidentally created by the early teleportation experiments
2) Xen is an alternative world to are own
3) Marc Laidlaws depiction of hell (hypothetical)
4) Xen is a staging area for the invasion of earth by the bigger organisation known as the combine (It was possible that Race X is actually the combine. Xen and race X are supposed to be different races)
5) Xen is the borderworld between Earth and the Combine
6) The Combine is actually an alien species from are universe, but they find out about Xen (the alternative universe)
7) The Combine is an organisation working for the NWO (New World Order) and they are engineering the Xen creatures to work for them.
8) Combination of these ideas
sounds good to me vader. personally, i think the g-man is just creepy. human, but creepy.

is there any place more secrative than area 51? if there is, g-man probably works there. g-man doesnt really seem like an area 51 kinda guy.
GSW said:
Who says that Gordon is in "stasis", we don't know why he hasn't been in a conscious state...

Well, Valve said you start HL2 in a totally confused state. The latest thing you'll remember is your conversation with the G-Man in HL1.
god i cant wait to find out what the hell is going on. im looking forward to the story more than anything. i loved how it was told through your experiences in the first game, and i know valve will have improved on this technique in the second.
Hl3 is planned.

HL2 will probably open more doors than close.
I would lol if the reason why you don't go to xen in HL2 is because you spend the whole of HL3 on xen
in my opinionG-man,the combine and maybe that administrator are superipors beigns who want something like....control the univers and all the existence,and maybe the "accident" hav caused by G-man(because in the begining say TEST)and whe are the "soldiers" of G-man to fihgt against that superior beigns to get all the control,and maybe Half life will be a saga not about "human war against the aliens to save the world",about all a war beetwen that superiors beigns(maybe not humans,maybe nothing living,maybe a inexplicable existence)and whe are just like "chees pieces"(for example gordon will be the king,the principal target)
the more logical explication is:we are in the matrix
Sprafa said:
Hl3 is planned.

HL2 will probably open more doors than close.

True, I think for the most part you'll be finding out what happened between HL2 and BMRF in your blackout. You'll meet the admin, you'll probably find out what the G-Man's part is in this all and who the combine are and some other stuff I think. I think HL was only the start of a complex storyline.
I think there will be lots of raised eyebrows on the faces of gamers as the story unfolds.
Right. I reckon that Xen is the crossroads between all dimensions, as well as being Mark Laidlaw's hell. When the G-Man captured it at the end of HL1, it allowed him access to a myriad of other dimensions. Each of these dimensions is simply a parallell Earth (Xen is as well) and he invades them all. But one dimension fights back against the G-Man, and from there come the Combine, awakened by the G-Man's meddling. At then end of HL2, I think you'll journey back to the one place where there is still stable access to Xen....the place where it all started, Ground Zero...Black Mesa. And then HL3...well, who knows what Xen looks like after the G-Man has finished it?
And as for sabotauge, isn't it obvious that the G-Man wanted control of Xen and fixed the accident, knowing (I don't know how) that more than one hero - meaning he could pick and choose between them - would arise from the chaos. Thus runs The Freeman Archetype, as I like to call it.
Finally, Freeman reaches the core of what once stood the centre of city17. Now a twisted, and surreal network of hallways, it contains extruding power cables, and illuminated pipelines that feeds the citadels energy. All hallways lead to a central room, but this room is different.

A white, and sterile environment, it contained a small, grey marble orb, which stands on a pedestal in the direct centre. In all respects different from the dark and rusted hallways that engulfed most of the monolithic citadel, it was obvious what this room was used for.

Then something unusual happens. The marble orb starts to emit a vibrant hum, and starts to spin clockwise a few metres in the warm and ionized air. Electrical discharges strike the orb from four, distinguishable power modules. Freeman takes several steps back and raises his gravity manipulator to chest height. After 15 years of fighting, you would think that he would be use to any encounter that he would be faced with, but still his hands were shaking like he had caught hypothermia, and sweat made its way through the hairs, which make up our hero’s beard. However, he managed to take a deep breathe, and clenched his gun firmly, because a gut feeling told him that this would be a turning point in the Combine war.

The ever so majestic Alyx had just caught up with Freeman until she realised something. Alyx started to run, screaming and shouting along one of the corridors as she had caught glimpse of a thermo-nuclear device strapped to the back of Freeman’s exoskeleton. Before she would be able to make it to the teleporter, freeman used his manipulator to fling her back. She fell to the ground, but continued to slide along until her body crashed against a wall, causing a fracture to her hip and creating a long gash along one of her cheeks. The time she was unconscious on the floor gave him enough time to close all entrances to the room that he was in. Then, it happened.