Xen is Earth



It hit me.

Xen is earth.

All teh time Mesa thought they were messing round with teleportation.

It's not teleportation.

It's time travel.

Xen is the earth after some catastrphic event has been caused.

The dead human bodies were those of human kids last stand.

Or maybe I'm drunk.
No no no. No time travel. Just... no.
Time travel is in Half Life.

On one of the early concept sketches released of hl2 it had 'time machine' written on it.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Time travel is in Half Life.

On one of the early concept sketches released of hl2 it had 'time machine' written on it.

So what you really mean is that time travel is in an early concept sketch of Half-Life 2.

Glad I could clear that up for you. :rolleyes:
Actually... wasn't the concept sketch "Teleportation Chamber"?

[EDIT]: Yup. You're drunk :E.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
No a Time Machine was.

And don't roll your ****ing eyes at me you little shit stain.

You should have been a blow job.

Drunk and belligerent. How neat.
I think he's probably right (it's not a criticism). Ah well...I agree with you that Xen is Earth...but not in the future, in another dimension methinks.
Drunk as a Skunk. Full as a Boot. Splanked. Pickled. Soused.

If it's Earth in the future where are the bloody cockroaches? Sure you could say they evolved or mutated, but why didn't that happen to the dead humans? I suppose Race-X evolved from Aussies or something?
Life on Xen has obviously evovled in a completely different way.
Actually, when someone else said that Xen could be Earth in the future, a while back, I half-jokingly suggested that the Xenians might be evolved cockroaches :E.

Hmmm... Race-X: Badass... Aussies: Badass.

Definite possibility, there.
Who the hell gets drunk at 4:30 in the afternoon? Watch your language, too.
Actually I was thinking along the lines of Australia = isolated = different mutations from the rest.
Anyway, they aren't as badass as a Shephard (Shephard = sheep = Australia = another connection!)
"1.21 gigawatts! Gordon! You need to get the buggy going 88 miles per hour!"

Time travel. Hilarious.
Eejit said:
Actually I was thinking along the lines of Australia = isolated = different mutations from the rest.
Anyway, they aren't as badass as a Shephard (Shephard = sheep = Australia = another connection!)

Shepards more a haggis than a sheep.


Xeneins are all mutant haggis.

as apposed to the normal haggis that looks like a bag pipe with eyes... but is actualy a sheeps internal organs boiled i its own stomach, good eating.

now that! is drunk.

The lesser spotted Wild Haggis is a queer and timerous beast that inhabits the most remote regions of the Scottish highlands. It uses it's bagpipe-like call to lure it's prey, which is usually sheep but also the occasinal human. Once they get close enough, it will pounce, wrapping it's tartan-coloured and extremely flexible body around the prey's head to suffocate it. Once the animal is dead the Haggis will squirt digestive acids from it's pipes and suck up the remains through it's nozzle - rather like a fly. It will feed until it swells to nearly twice its normal size before sleeping for several days. The Wild Haggis can move extremely quickly over short distances and is particularly notable for it's distinctive mating cry.

I have experience in this matter, see. The best way to kill a Haggis is to play bagpipes to attract it before skewering it on a sharp stick. Then hang it out to dry.
I thought it was fairly clear that those bodies were the BMRF survey teams, seeing as they were wearing HEV suits and were mentioned by the scientists in the Lambda complex. *Insert vaguely surprised smilie, damn we need more of those.*
Dr. Mossman is clearly talking about teleportation and not time travel while Gordon rides the elevator with her in the E3 2004 video.

Oh, and then there's the part of the Lambda complex where you step into the ball of light in one room and emerge from the ball of light in the adjacent room. Time travel or teleportation?

(Hint: it's teleportation)
i was thiking of that too...

Xen is earth may years after city-17, "the last fortress of human civilization" . Somehow the aliens have taken earth and as the years pass it became more and more like Xen, the oceans and everything. Maybe the giant baby in Xen is like matrix, they are trying to breed humans... OR, it could be the other way around, Earth is Xen after many many years. and the giant baby is "our father" and when we destroy him on HL1 the world as we know ends. o_O The story is told backwards, just like the movie Memento. o_O
SMT said:
Dr. Mossman is clearly talking about teleportation and not time travel while Gordon rides the elevator with her in the E3 2004 video.

Oh, and then there's the part of the Lambda complex where you step into the ball of light in one room and emerge from the ball of light in the adjacent room. Time travel or teleportation?

(Hint: it's teleportation)

You seem to lack basic reading skills.

Mr.Magnetichead said:
You seem to lack basic reading skills.


All teh time Mesa thought they were messing round with teleportation.

It's not teleportation.

It's time travel.

Xen is the earth after some catastrphic event has been caused.

The dead human bodies were those of human kids last stand.

Okay, smartass. Exactly what am I failing to comprehend about your faulty assessment of the plot of the game? :rolleyes:
You are drunk.
those dead people in Xen are the first expidition of the teleportation experiment.
read "the lambda incident" i posted in General Discussion
SMT said:
Okay, smartass. Exactly what am I failing to comprehend about your faulty assessment of the plot of the game? :rolleyes:

Where i said the scientists THOUGHT they were experimenting with teleportation.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Where i said the scientists THOUGHT they were experimenting with teleportation.


And then you went on to say that they were, in actuality, experimenting with time travel. Which they weren't. And they're not. It's teleportation. Sorry.

If you need a time travel fix, play Daikatana.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
Where i said the scientists THOUGHT they were experimenting with teleportation.

Even though they clearly were by the evidence SMT gave...

'There's the part of the Lambda complex where you step into the ball of light in one room and emerge from the ball of light in the adjacent room.'

Ok then.

If time travel ISN'T Involved why has has Freemans appearance not altered all the time he has been away even though everyone else has aged.
Well, it could be the same reason Austin Powers still looked as chipper in the 21st century as he looked in the swinging sixties.
I think, being captured in a dimension shift(What I think, happend) isn't actually time traveling ;)
Yeah, I don't think Gordon's progress through time was accelerated (Which would be forwards time-travel), I think his personal time was halted (Stasis).