XFX 6600gt 128mb vs 256mb

The Brick

Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hey I'm saving for a new graphics card and I'm looking for good performance for a good price. My eye is currently on the XFX 6600GT. My question is, is it worth the extra money (€60 or something) to go for a 256mb card?


I want to play Quake4 and Css (I know css won't be a problem, it runs 100fps + on my current pc). Quake4 demo runs like crap now (I think it might be my cpu though, as it doesn't really matter what detail I play it on, I even tweaked it incredibly ugly)

Current specs:
AMD Sempron 64 2800+
ASRock K8N upgrade NF3 (s754)
1gb DDR400
Rad 9600XT 256mb
If it has the same GPU mhz/ RAM ghz then always go with the higher mb. However, my rule of thumb is if there are two cards of the same brand I'm looing at, and one is, for example, 128 and the other 256, look at the GPU rating, very often companies will make a card with less RAM and a very fast GPU to attract more knowegible buyers, and a card with more RAM and to compensate for costs, a very slow GPU to attract a less knowing clientel. Both options are good, but they have strengths and weaknesses. I suggest the faster GPU, but not by a margin of more than around 200mhz.

More RAM and a slower GPU will mean that your card can hold more textures, ect so you'll see faster load times, but with a slower GPU you'll have a greater chance of lag when the going gets tough.

With a faster GPU and less RAM, you'll get longer load times but you'll never see lag.

Just my two cents, keep saving and wait for the ATI 512mb cards with a really good GPU to come out :cheers:
After some research both the cards are exactly the same exept for the memory. They both run at 500/1000 (gpu/memory).

I'm just wondering if it's worth to save for month longer to get the extra memory.

EDIT: Oh and losermeetsworld, we already have a super mega ultra lightning pc here (link in sig). I just want it for my personal pc.
Go for the 256. It doesn't cost much more. But why go for the 6600GT at all when there are cards like the Sapphire X800 GTO2 on sale?
Sorry, forgot to post a link - the GTO2 costs a mere 140 sterling but can be overclocked to x850PE speeds

But looking back, you've an AGP mobo :( so the 6600GT 256 is the card you want to get.
Ok I know the 256mb versions is better, but is it worth it? I don't feel like spending €60 when it's unnecessary since I don't have alot money (yes I know I should get a job, but I'm too lazy to find one).
Heh, none of it's necessary :E

It depends what kind of performance you want. If you have the money to spend, go for the 256meg card. Anything less will give you a shitload of texture cacheing in most modern games.
As long as I can play cool multiplayer games acceptably. I'll play all cool eyecandy games on our fast pc ofcourse.
If I was buying the card for myself, I would go with the 128MB version. If it was a 6800 card then I'd get 256MB.
Its just as usless as a 6200 with 512mb of RAM. Now THAT is a joke!