Xmas is coming


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
What's on your wish list?

Mine would have to be
Falcon 4.0 allied Force
The movies
Civ 4

Also rans and maybes
Quake 4
Stargate sg1 if they ever finish it and assuming it's any good
matrix path of neo - potential to be amazing but well...........
XB360, HDTV, Oblivion and mabbeh Gears of War.

Falcon 4.0 AF is great, so I definitely hope you get it.:)
Will purchase:

Oblivion, Aftermath

maybes include

call of duty2
BF2: Special Forces

not so sure but worth a look:

Dungeons and dragons online
The Matrix: Path of Neo

pipe dream, may never see the light of day:

My wish list could be huge as the universe, aswell as all of ours could be. But ill be realistic

I would want an Xbox 360 this xmas, but since no games i want are released yet ill wait some more time ( Alan Wake, Silent Hill 5 and Resident Evil 5 )

So what im going to get, since my parents dont want to buy games to me i have to buy them myself

1. Half Life 2: Aftermath
2. Battlefield 2: Special Forces
3. Stalker ( if released of course )
4. Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith DVD
Garfield, you can be pretty sure STALKER won't release this year, you see, the devs/publisher said themselves, before the release, they'll start a huge 6 months advertising program, after those 6 months, STALKER'll release, and it hasn't started YET, so you have atleast another 6 months to go.

Sorry mate.:)
A 360 with PD0 and various other console games. This is going to be a very good christmas for gaming :)
if I didnt have to buy my son/wife christmas presents I could get a 360 ...stupid greedy family :frown: :rolling:
if I didnt have to buy my son/wife christmas presents I could get a 360 ...stupid greedy family
lol trouble in paradise
i forgot quake wars thats due xmas isn't it?
CptStern said:
if I didnt have to buy my son/wife christmas presents I could get a 360 ...stupid greedy family :frown: :rolling:

Buy them a 360 - sorted :)
Aftermath really, not looking forward to anything else. Will look into the The Movies a bit more, looks interesting. Also, DNF's brother, STALKER, haven't heard anything on that for a while..
FEAR. Other than that, nothing much. No games excite me between now and Christmas :-\
My wish list:

Quake 4
Half Life 2: Aftermath
Battlefield 2: Special forces

Not that long, but I guess it will expand as christmas is getting closer...
Oblivion, Call Of Duty 2, Aftermath, BF2: Special Forces, a case of Bawls and a Razor Copperhead mouse.
Gargantou said:
XB360, HDTV, Oblivion and mabbeh Gears of War.

Falcon 4.0 AF is great, so I definitely hope you get it.:)
Gears of War's a 2006 release.

Anyway, anything I wanted to get, but couldn't, for the 360 on release will probably make up my Christmas presents.
-a new electric guitar so I can play mad screaming led zeplin leads at supersonic speeds at 3 a.m. and wake up my neighbors.
Gargantou said:
Garfield, you can be pretty sure STALKER won't release this year, you see, the devs/publisher said themselves, before the release, they'll start a huge 6 months advertising program, after those 6 months, STALKER'll release, and it hasn't started YET, so you have atleast another 6 months to go.

Sorry mate.:)

Arg damn :(
i don't know what i want for christmas.

some cds and some money maybe.
Kmack said:
sweet, im just gonna kidnap santa in front of your house
I'll kidnapp all your friends and family on your birthday then!:(
Gargantou said:
I'll kidnapp all your friends and family on your birthday then!:(

Yay! just like last year!

lousy colombians...
Aftermath is really all I want..

BF2 Special Forces..dunno if I'll buy that before it hits the $20 bin.
Bowflex select tech dumbbell set. It is an entire dumbbell set in one dumbbell, ranging from 2-55 lbs. Theyre friggin sweet. Oh yeah and aftermath
Last One In said:
Bowflex select tech dumbbell set. It is an entire dumbbell set in one dumbbell, ranging from 2-55 lbs. Theyre friggin sweet. Oh yeah and aftermath
those look pretty solid, how much are they?
Aftermath would be nice, so would DoD and Oblivion.
Not to mention a computer to play Oblivion...

Lots of money, no screaming children, and the love of several ladies are the other things I want. (None of which will I get, with the possible exception of the last one.)
sHaDdoW said:
Cloths, games don't excite me anymore :(

"Cloths"???? What, like dish-cloths.....or cloths for dusting? Or did you mean clothes?

Oh yeah. OT - on my hit list this Xmas are Aftermath, X3 - Reunion, and a lovely XBox360 with PGR and Ghost Recon
I finally got a PSP, so I obviously need some games. Really want to check out the new Grand Theft. My friend also told me about this cool program that lets you transfer your DVDs to the PSP. Check it out: www.psptransfer.com. So I definitely want that. Can't wait to start watching movies wherever I go.
WoW Gamecard
DSL or Cable
FEAR or Quake4
1gig of ram
Hmmm, I don't really wish for anything for Xmas as I really don't need anything... I'm buying myself an xbox360. I supose I could wish for an HDTV but I will most likely buy that myself at a later date. Hmmm, I already know I will be only getting about £30-50 in cash so not much point wishing.
I'll just ask for money and a couple pairs of jeans..nothing more.