Xmas Upgrade

Russian Mafia

Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
I am planning on getting a 8800 GTX this christmas, I have a total buget of about $1000. My specs are: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3700+, ~2.2GHz,
2048MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX, NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio, 200 GB hard drive, Nzxt 500w power supply. I heard that the G80 is very power damanding, so should I get a better power supply, or a dual-core processor (939 socket)?
get the card and a new sound card or a monitor(if you want one)
I think you should hold off. Your processor is going to bottleneck the G80, and your RAM isn't DDR2, so that's another (albeit minor) performance issue.

No games are really going to make use of DX10 for a good few months at least, so all that money is basically going to be wasted on a first-gen card running on an old-ish system that won't be taken advantage of for a while.
I think you should hold off. Your processor is going to bottleneck the G80, and your RAM isn't DDR2, so that's another (albeit minor) performance issue.

No games are really going to make use of DX10 for a good few months at least, so all that money is basically going to be wasted on a first-gen card running on an old-ish system that won't be taken advantage of for a while.

My suggestion, if you have enough to blow on a 8800gtx right now, save some more and get a better pc in the future with a better card.
The thing is, my computer is reletivly new, I got it in Febuary. But, I might as well just save up (or sell me current one) and get a comp for about $3000?
I bought my computer for $2500, is it possable to sell it somewhere for $2000?
Assuming you have a 939 socket, you could upgrade to a dual core cpu, they're going cheap right now, probably the best upgrade if you cant find any place to sell it for that price.
Well, considering he already has a S939 motherboard, the FX-60 might not be a bad purchase. I think, though, that in terms of gaming performance, the FX series doesn't have a whole lot of power over the X2 series, so getting an X2 4600+* or something might be a better idea.

*Make sure you have a proper speed ratio for CPU:RAM, otherwise the timings of the two will be off (causing crashes and data corruption), and you'll have to clock either your CPU or your RAM down to synch them.
I talked to my dad, and he said that he'd rather buy a new computer by this summer, if I can sell my current one. Plus, he siad he'll pay $4000, so I'm just going to wait.
Probably for the best. You'll still be able to play new games up until then (even if it is on lower settings), but your new computer will be completely awesome.
Yea, I would just wait also until theres more DX10 cards out and prices are a tad bit lower....
lawl 4,000 is such an overkill,but he wants to pay that much let him.